My youngest son, 8th grade (who is loaded up with looks and charisma) said to me today, "Mom, I think I made anther girl like me".
I said and the problem with that is....
He said....well it made Sara cry. (thats his sweetie)
So I'm goin AWWWW!
He said I didnt mean to do it. And I actually think he ment it!
He said I was just being Me. So what do I do?
He was so sincere. He was so concerned about his little girlfriend yet didnt want to hurt the other girl either. I didnt know how to advise this one at all. I certainly dont want to tell him to be a jerk and not be so nice. (could always take lessons from his dad) I feel sorry for Sara too. I said to call her and he said she wont answer cuz she is home cryin according to her friend.
I realize all this kinda stuff works out with the kids. What I am wondering about is how nice he is. I'm really glad about this. But I can see how it is kinda a problem for him. I dont wanna tell him to be more of a jerk.
(He could always take lessons from his father)
Instead he is Mr social. Last month he had almost 8000 texts on his phone. NOT KIDDIN HERE! (Yes, I have unlimited on his plan.) He has tons of friends both boys and yes....many girls.
Now I know you wonder how he gets anything done. I wonder the same thing myself. (8000 texts...OMG)
I will add he has straight A's and plays sports.
So how do I get him to balance this better?