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Post what your therapist tells you

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    Post what your therapist tells you

    I like my wood splitter.


      Post what your therapist tells you

      My therapist is someone called Melon ......she was recommended to me by myself after years of seeing other therapists who all had their own ideas about me which didn't necessarily take into account all my thoughts, feelings, reactions, and day to day situations..........
      She knows me better than anyone, and she is the only therapist I have been COMPLETELY and utterly honest with..therefore, she makes the BEST decisions for me, and because she never leaves me alone....I always do what she tells me, she'd know immediately if i was slacking in my approach to my life recovery, and would be sure to heap bricks!!!!...............


        Post what your therapist tells you

        Okay, Tawnyfrog, let's hear all about your wood splitter. Is he handsome, is he kind, is he rich, is he of sound mind? (Is that a song?)


          Post what your therapist tells you

          Geez, Bluebell ... he's actually not that exciting ...

          He's got a yellow fibreglass body and a 6kg head. Sometimes I call him Bruce.

          Yeah ... I know ... need to get a life ...........


            Post what your therapist tells you

            Hey, fibreglass is good. Yellow, is, well, okay. A 6kg head is even better. And, Bruce..... what a strong, honest name.

            You're doing okay.


              Post what your therapist tells you

              Hey Tawny,

              Bruce? Thats a REAL unusual name for an Ozzie woodsplitter isn't it?

              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                Post what your therapist tells you

                I recently began seeing a therapist. From the start, I told her I was an alcoholic and am attending AA meetings. With her help and with the support of AA, I feel safe and secure. Along with seeing my therapist and with going to AA, I am taking Campral. I feel much better about myself, and am no longer feeling the guilt of relapsing or tending to a hangover all day. I feel blessed that I have found a quality support system. It's getting easier and easier each day not to drink. I know if I pick one up, I'll spiral out of control, and have to start this journey of abstinance all over again. My therapist is sincere with her advice, yet she can be a little strict. It's a good combination. This past summer I was working with a different therapist. I didn't like her. She was very critical. I felt awful each time I left her office. With my new therapist, I feel hopeful and supported.
                September 23, 2011


                  Post what your therapist tells you

                  Very interesting thread, Andy.

                  I've seen a number of therapists over the years and I've always wondered if I've gotten my money's worth, because all they do is ask questions, and I come up with all the answers! But I guess that's the point. As others here have said, we have the answers within ourselves -- it's just that we sometimes need guidance to find them.

                  I'm currently working with a hypnotherapist, who is also a recovered (recovering, take your pick) alcoholic of 31 years, so he speaks to me from personal experience as well as experience from his professional practice. He tells me things about what I can expect, and I appreciate this, especially since it comes from somone who has gone through it himself. He nods with an understanding smile when I describe some of my feelings related to alcohol and recovery....

                  I also suffered panic attacks and generalized anxiety for several years, and I have to say I think they were made MUCH MUCH worse by my drinking. I finally got the panic attacks under control with an SSRI medication but the anxiety was still there, but it has diminished dramatically since I've quit drinking. In fact, I'm thinking that after I've been off the alcohol for a long enough period of time, I might be able to start withdrawing the medication (slowly, of course).

                  And from what I've read here I've made up my mind: I'm going to adopt a cat!

                  "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


                    Post what your therapist tells you

                    I love this thread! No.........I mean I love all your answers!

                    I have a wood splitter also, Tawny!!! "He" is red and has a longggggg power cord!

                    I don't have any kitties ,but Belle listens very well......except when she smells something dead and rotten......and then nothing keeps her attention!

                    I have tried the couch route but found it lacking.......probably just me!

                    I do think alot of docs ARE drug pushers....maybe it is not their fault as the medical world is a complicated place!
                    Sorry , Fox!

                    We do grow many different "Melons" here in the summertime........I'll have to try talking to some of them this year! Thanks Mellonhead!

           guys and my "quiet time" everymorning with my Heavenly Father are more than enough!:l

                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10


                      Post what your therapist tells you

                      Thanks for all your responses. I do think there is a direct link between drinking too much and anxiety. My anxiety stopped when I stopped drinking too much.

                      Wouldn't ya know? A day after I started this thread I fell off the wagon. I had strung together 18 AF days and then I had two drinks last night. Didn't get drunk. Don't feel like drinking again. I guess I'll just chalk it up to a mistake. Anyway, now I'm scared to tell my therapist, but I know it's the best thing to do and that he'll be supportive.


                        Post what your therapist tells you

                        I truly believe my anxiety was made a hundred time worse by alcohol when it is out of my system for a week I don't feel that way. My trip to the emergency room last week after a 6 day binge was for an anxiety attack, I was in the same position about four years ago so I know why I had the attack. I talked with a counselor yesterday, she asked a lot of questions, and praised me for seeking help but she did suggest AA I don't believe that is the path for me, at this time. I don't think a councilor can know us as well as we know our selves, I have yet to find someone I click with but I may keep looking.

                        On a lighter note my cats are so very therapeutic, except when my cat Naughty hides the remote to my TV. STINKER

                        AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                        Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                          Post what your therapist tells you

                          I'm seeing a couselor/psychologists. I saw one when I was about 15 and didn't want to go to one so that was useless. I only saw her for my parents sake. I should've taken it seriously then but I thought it was a joke.

                          So, these days I am seeing one when I can afford her. One more visit and my Insurance will pick most of it up. An issue in the states I won't even go into.........I just need to afford that one more visit. She is cool. She did make me sign a deal about my 30 day AF which has been difficult for me to keep. She doesn't judge me. She seems to think it has to do with my learned coping skills. Which I didn't learn very healthy ones. So, I am on a journey to learn how to deal with life in the closest manner I can that normal people deal with stuff. Or in a way that I can deal with stuff. I hope those coping skills don't involve drugs or alcohol of any sort. Just a journey I have to go on.................


                            Post what your therapist tells you


                            I have been to a therapist, but not for drinking at the time. She showed me an arm test--it is where you basically stand, stick out your arm and if you are telling a lie someone else can push your arm down easily, if you are telling the truth they can not push your arm down. Amazingly enough this seems to work even if you "think" you are telling the truth, but are really lying to yourself--because your insides know the truth even if you don't. I watched Wayne Dyer do an amazing presentation of this. As well, it was used on my son to detect remote allergies to things that are not normally tested. I haven't done it in a while, but I have even used it to make decisions when I was confused--because ultimately my insides know what the right thing to do is.

                            I am not a big believer in the "Rock Bottom" or even a "Bottom". I think that the only true bottom is dead--like never waking up dead. I do know one gal who actually died, was revived, had to relearn to walk and talk--and went back to drinking. As long as I am not dead, I am sure there will be this little voice that tries to talk me into drinking at different points of my life. I do know now that the right decision always feels comfortable and good. The wrong one sends little vibes through my body...which I used to override. I try not to override them as much as possible in all regards of my life now.



                              Post what your therapist tells you

                              my psychiatrist told me to go away and research and decide for myself if i have bipolar....Hmmmmm, isnt that her job!!!!
                              "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                                Post what your therapist tells you

                                Yes Lou...........

                                And your job!

                                It is hard to diagnose.

                                Some say it doesn't exist.

                                One of my docs said do.
                                One said.. no you don't!

                                What a pain!
                                Take care of yourself.

                                "Be still and know that I am God"

                                Psalm 46:10

