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Army Thread, Sunday 25th March

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    Army Thread, Sunday 25th March

    Hiya Army, hope everyone is well, thought i'd start a new thread, I've never done it before. I'm very busy studying , hoping to get goodmarks for my exams. I'm going to try and get radio one tickets for hackney today, so wish me luck x
    Zenners, how's ya teeth?
    Tippers how's ya mam?
    And a big hello to everyone else xxx
    I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
    Audrey Hepburn

    Army Thread, Sunday 25th March

    Hiya Pinky..ya beat me...
    I was holding off for a bit, coz I've been starting very early...

    but same as, you prob can't sleep, and gonna notice in the moning..

    Bonnie & Ollie came tonight, both had dinner and was a nice feeling...

    no more hostility from Boo's side and just love from Ollie.. :h

    wishing you all a super sober sunday....coz I know mine is...I love having this feeling back..

    golly radio that still going.:H

    I wish you well with your studying and hope you pass..:l


      Army Thread, Sunday 25th March

      Hi guys.

      What lovely posts to start the day.

      LPC, I wish you all the best with your exams. Counselling is a tough course but so worthwhile. The stuff I learned had a huge impact on my own life for the better.

      Jan, its good to hear things are going better for you. Keep the faith that its all going to be for the best.

      I am going to get up in a bit.....maybe.....and do some housework and go dogging early and hopefully be able to spend some time in the sunshine that we are promised today
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread, Sunday 25th March

        Hiya Starts...:l

        I took my pair out..first time they just din't wanna go down the stairs..lazy buggers..

        Took them along the beach and they picked up a bit..but play run after a ball..

        uh uh mummy just take us home back to bed...

        lazy girls...!

        got Benji crashed on the sofa..and Taz on the bed..both waiting for which one mummy's gonna go to..

        I love them soo babies..:h

        wish you a happy sunday also Starts ..:l


          Army Thread, Sunday 25th March

          Good morning Pinky Jan and Starty and all to come. Cats fed and gone out for morning prowl lol. I'm just on my first coffee. Nearly forgot about the clock goin forward. my laptop tv and alarm changes itself. So just my pone watch and heat/boiler control to put forward. Be nice to have the bright evenings back. Pinky good luck with your exams i hope you get the results you need. Jan its good that things are going well for you stay positve you sound much happier. Ejoy your walk with the dogs Starty. I'm going to a christening party later this afternoon. The forcast is good for today and the next few days. Mild and sunny. We need some sunshine tho the week has been good weatherwise.awprint::cupajoe::catroll:


            Army Thread, Sunday 25th March

            Morning Zen sory to hear your hip is giving you grief. I hope you sleep well. Took a bad fit of coughing this morning and troat is still feeling a bit sore. If it doesn't inprove after i finish my coarse of meds i'll go back to the doc or see a pharmacy/chemist to see if they can sugust anything. I thought i was going to throw up this morning i felt so naucous after it. Ny nose is clearer tho. The clock went forward here and i thiught it was 5 am when i woke up. Its now 7:14 so i'll try stay up. Hope you all have a good positive sunday.


              Army Thread, Sunday 25th March

              Morning folks what a beautiful morning, forecasting 19 degrees today I see.Off for a swim soon then out to spend some time in the garden later, grass needs cutting and I have bought a few plants.
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Army Thread, Sunday 25th March

                MornIn ' campers. Off to climb Howth Hill today. And lunch with my Mam. Did serious damage in Dub yesterday. But someone has to keep the economy afloat - no better woman:H


                  Army Thread, Sunday 25th March


                  Where did that hour go?
                  "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                  AF 10th May 2010
                  NF 12th May 2010


                    Army Thread, Sunday 25th March


                    me and the boy are up watching the GP. Tigger is still in bed. Thank god for GP and clocks, I have never known her still be in bed this late...

                    Off to stagger round the sport relief mile this morning, it's a lovely day for it
                    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                      Army Thread, Sunday 25th March

                      Morning Pinky, Jan, Starts, Foxy, Zen, Tabbers, Satz, Oney, Pingu and everyone else to come
                      Gorgeous spring day here


                        Army Thread, Sunday 25th March

                        Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday:l
                        I'm heading out. Too gorgeous to stay inside.


                          Army Thread, Sunday 25th March

                          Good morning Pinkerooooooo, Janners, Starterooo, Fireyfoxylady, Zenners, Satzuma (see I remembered today ) Oners, Pinguuuu, Expatty and all those yet to drop in or out

                          Good luck with your studying, Pinky. Remember to take some time out for a it of fun. We don't want your brain to drop out.

                          Janners, you sound like a completely different woman. Keep it going that woman. The sleep thing is a bugger innit.

                          Didn't get to sleep meself 'til way after 5am and was going to start the thread early and I was beaten to it again. Me mind was in overdrive.Would anyone mind if I started it at 12.01 am. Haven't done it for ages. Please.......... pretty please

                          Good luck with the Sport's Mile. Sport Relief is a wonderful charity. I'm afraid there were a few times on Friday night I had to turn the TV over as I was crying.

                          Bewdiful Spring day here too. We were planning to go up to Berwick but the kibosh has just been put on that. So I'm afraid you're stuck with me.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread, Sunday 25th March

                            good morning againg gang.....
                            shite, only just re-woke up...
                            did't know if it was monday and I'd missed my work....!!
                            thankgoodness for pc's and clocks with days...! was in a right pickle.....:H

                            gonna go buy a nice lump of beef and cook a roast dinner hopefully they are all coming round once she finishes work...

                            thankggodness as well this clock change lark in on a sat eve...can you imagine if was on a sunday

                            happy sunday to all..:l


                              Army Thread, Sunday 25th March

                              I can't reply...

                              JackieClaire;1285723 wrote:
                              Janners, you sound like a completely different woman. Keep it going that woman. The sleep thing is a bugger innit.

                              But better than being comotoze from wine...! starting to feel so much better, plus as much as it hurts, I think this little break has done us both good...

                              Didn't get to sleep meself 'til way after 5am and was going to start the thread early and I was beaten to it again. Me mind was in overdrive.Would anyone mind if I started it at 12.01 am. Haven't done it for ages. Please.......... pretty please
                              Go for it mummy JC.......

