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Excessive daytime tiredness/sleepiness

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    Excessive daytime tiredness/sleepiness

    Ok, I am 35 days AF and some of the major things I was contributing to AL are continuing. I am so sleepy/tired during the day I am falling asleep at work. It's a horrible feeling and I'm sick of it. I thought AL was causing this, but I am not drinking and it isn't any better.

    Even worse, I get energy in the evenings. Then I stay up too late, and the cycle continues. Ugghhhhh! Have any of you experienced this, and what did you do to change it? I will Never start an exercise program at this rate.


    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath

    Excessive daytime tiredness/sleepiness

    Hey LG,
    yes, energy (or the lack thereof) has been a big issue with me as well. Not sure what to tell you... I try to keep my evenings low key, take Melatonin and pray for the sleep fairy to be in a generous mood.

    Of course, I can complain all I want.. I'm not exercising so it may well me my own damn fault
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Excessive daytime tiredness/sleepiness

      Thank you mollyka and sunshine. I guess I just have to get into a regular sleep pattern. I think it might be a bit of sleep apnea, as I've been told over the years of my excessive snoring. :O

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        Excessive daytime tiredness/sleepiness

        I have the same sucks!!! I have gotten Lunesta from my doc and it doesn't even phase me....
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Excessive daytime tiredness/sleepiness

          It takes so long for our bodies to adjust to being sober, like it did when we were drunk. That was not normal sleep then, more like sedating ourselves. Our systems forget what real sleep is, and it takes a while to get it back. Congratulations on your sober time. Also, your thinking is another way AL tricks us into thinking we have to have it to function. Try really hard to exercise, even just walk every day, and make your body tired. Eventually, though everyone occasionally has sleepless nights, it will even out. Read up on things that will relax you and help you get to sleep instead of staying up late with that burst of energy. And DON'T return to the AL as an answer, OK?
          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


            Excessive daytime tiredness/sleepiness

            Absolutely! I have experienced the same thing. Start your exercise program, it will change everything!

            I guarantee!! Just don't exercise

            Round 1 - AF/NF Sept 29, 2011-June 23, 2012

            Round 2 - AF/NF October 6, 2012-December 2012

            Round 3 - AF/NF January 5, 2014 - ????

            Third times a charm!


              Excessive daytime tiredness/sleepiness

              LG -
              It's going to take a few months for your body to even things out. Remember, our bodies were used to passing out, not falling asleep. They were used to "coming to", not waking up. We're throwing a lot at ourselves right now and our bodies are confused. Give yourself time to establish a pattern. I use melatonin along with relaxation CD's. I'm in such a pattern now that I can't stay up past 8:30 (how OLD do I sound?) I would like to stay up a BIT later...but I'll take the sleep for now. Good luck and I hope you get some good quality snoring in tonight!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Excessive daytime tiredness/sleepiness

                Google: delayed sleep phase disorder. Or just click this link:

                Delayed sleep phase disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Its easily treatable. I just made sure to drink lots of coffee during the times of day that I should be awake, wether I felt sleepy or not. And as such established a sleep pattern of not sleeping during daytime. But taking advice from me may not be very intelligent, as I am pretty "drunk" right now.


                  Excessive daytime tiredness/sleepiness

                  sunshine_gg;1287498 wrote: Hey LG,
                  yes, energy (or the lack thereof) has been a big issue with me as well. Not sure what to tell you... I try to keep my evenings low key, take Melatonin and pray for the sleep fairy to be in a generous mood.

                  Of course, I can complain all I want.. I'm not exercising so it may well me my own damn fault
                  Yeah, this!

                  I seem to have more energy at night, than in the am.....I really hate it, but thats the way it is. Too bad we cant have all that energy in the am instead....LOL

                  I take the Melatonin as well(20 mill of slow realease) and drink some chamomille tea as well. Sometimes I get sleep, sometimes I dont.
                  Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                    Excessive daytime tiredness/sleepiness

                    mama bear;1287524 wrote: I have the same sucks!!! I have gotten Lunesta from my doc and it doesn't even phase me....
                    WHOA! That stuff is hardcore! That doesnt even phase you? Rasputins stomach? :H
                    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                    DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                      Excessive daytime tiredness/sleepiness

                      Hi Library,
                      Just wanted you to know I had the same problem. I took
                      Half an antihistamine tab the first few nights and slept really well. Now I don't
                      Need it and I sleep great. Good luck


                        Excessive daytime tiredness/sleepiness

                        Thanks everyone! I'm not having trouble falling asleep like I did in the beginning of quitting AL. I'm just not going to bed early enough to be able to wake up refreshed in the mornings at the time I need to be, in order to get to work on time. Hence the daytime sleepiness...

                        I feel a bit better today, as I made it a point to get to bed earlier last night.

                        "I like people too much or not at all."
                        Sylvia Plath


                          Excessive daytime tiredness/sleepiness

                          Library girl, you sound just like me. I get tired in the evening, then after an hour get a new lease of life and sit up for hours - last night 4am. I always take a while to get back to normal after I have been drinking. My normal is 2am. This morning I made a promise to myself to be in bed for 1am even if I don't sleep right away.
                          Exercise is definitely key for me. I have to really go for it with a couple of hours a day being the only way to tire my body out. I have always sat up late even before I started drinking, but I do know things get better the more AF days I have - your body will tell you in the end.....
                          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!

