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    I was just wondering how many of you have kept up friendships that were associated with drinking?
    I myself have swept the slate clean due to the fact that whenever we all got together it would always involve alcohol or maybe even other substances. I have kept one true friend whom i house shared with last year and to be honest i led her astray( she is 4 yrs younger than me)....however ironically enough she is now engaged and helping keep me on the straight and narrow!!! I do feel sad when i think of my old friends but at the same time i know that if we got together it would be a drink and whatever else fuelled i have to say i do miss my old partying buds but i think what i have done is the right thing.....any opinions?? anyone been able to carry on being friends and socialising with friends who are serious drinkers and not be affected by it????


    Lou-Lou x x
    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


    I don't see those friends nearly half as much, but I have taken steps to fill my life with things other than drinking... that said, the really good friends have always helped me when I am staying sober and won't drink around me.

    My new friends (from the motorbike club I joined to reward myself for not drinking) that don't know me as a drinker, just accept it and drink like fish, but I am under no pressure to join in with them and I often excuse myself from occassions/functions where there will be lots of grog. Besides, I really don't enjoy watching other people getting drunk!

    I do miss the sense of closeness I had with those old drinking friends, you share an awful lot of intimate crap with them when you are drunk. However, being sober I have realised I was using them as a substitute for REAL intimacy and am now actively seeking a partner that I can feel close to emotionally. In simple terms, I was lonely and needed them and the grog to deal with it.

    Now I know what it is that was driving my drinking I am learning to deal with those feelings.

    Sorry, rambled on a bit. :-)
    It always seems impossible until it's done....



      I think it is still possible to remain friends with those who are drinkers. If they are really your friends they won't pressure you. I believe many who have quit drinking stay away from situations that may lead them astray from AF for the first while. I would suggest you wait until you are feeling strong enough to resist temptation. You don't have to drink to have fun!!!! My whole family drinks and I now don't. I can be around these 'party animals' and remain temptation free. As for going to bars and stuff - I really don't know!! Although I am hell-bent against drinking again, I really haven't challenged myself in that type of situation yet. It is easy for me to say I wouldn't, because I am at home most of the time. It is safe and alcohol free here. If I were caught up in the moment of fun, fun, fun, who is to say??? So, I don't dare to go there yet.



        I actually have a superbowl party to attend on Sunday with very heavy drinker friends ! This will sure be a test if I do attend. I am not sure yet, because I don't know if I am ready yet. So, my advice to you is take it slow and if your unsure just wait until you are strong enough to handle your drinking buddies. I do think starting anew is the best medicine, though!

