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Emotional Sobriety

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    Emotional Sobriety

    Another thing BK says is that there are 3 types of business. Your business, another person's business, and God's business. God's business is weather, natural disasters, things totally out of mankind's control. I think the other 2 are self-explanatory.

    We are responsible for our business and our business only. We make ourselves upset and angry when we start trying to control other people's business or God's business. When we start "shoulding" others. "He should get a job. She should spend less money. This driver in front of me should move over and let me pass. Etc. We act like our "shoulds" are truths. But as BK says, the only truth is reality. When you are arguing with reality or trying to change reality you bring yourself much unhappiness.


      Emotional Sobriety

      This is a thumb's up thread for me. I'm going to pick up BK'S book. Years ago I followed her work. With only two wks of sobriety this past Sat. I don't feel quite ready to participate, but I'm reading daily. I appreciate & value many of the posts here at MWO! Thank You!


        Emotional Sobriety

        Oney - thank you for your eloquent and thoughtful post. It really hit home. I, too, need to do a little Inner Child work. Actually A LOT of inner child work. 47 years worth I believe. Your words always strike a chord with me. Thanks again
        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


          Emotional Sobriety

          I want to bump this thread back up to the top! Emotional Sobriety truly is the key to long term sobriety and Emotional Sobriety takes daily nurturing. For me I try to keep in mind that Sobriety is not a destination, but a state of living that can never be taken for granted.
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007

