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April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

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    April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

    Nora :l
    Like WW said... the thoughts fade... they really do. It's only now and then and usually when something else is 'off'.

    K9... I just saw your signature :H It's witty, although probably not funny at all. I had been looking after a neighbour's horses and cats over the Easter weekend.. they ended up coming back on Wednesday instead of Monday. I saw him yesterday, with a black eye and a wound on his forehead. Apparently, he got drunk, mouthed off to police officers and landed himself in jail. He's in his 60s and all I know is that I DO NOT WANT TO BE THERE AT THAT AGE!

    WW.. thank you! Working on an old house in the mountains sounds divine. Have a great weekend!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

      Hi Guys,

      Glad your feeling better K9. Been having some drinking thoughts too, think it's because pressure is winding down at the office, busy season almost over, and this time of year was always a big drinking time for me in the past. My day 100 is on April 17th this year, how weird for a tax accountant trying to quit drinking. Traveling next week too which is another big trigger. Might start taking the AB just to be safe and get past the next week or so. The most important thing for me is I rarely think of alcohol anymore in any kind of positive light, always remembering the dark, nasty, side that I am going to fight with everything never to revisit.
      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


        April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

        Hi my sweet, sober friends.

        Good here and still AF. I'm really exhausted from all the work we've been doing, and the air in the house has been dust-riddled crap, with dust consisting of plaster dust, fiberglass (from when we installed insulation) and now drywall dust. We're doing most of it ourselves, and the rewiring took forever. We were up until midnight on Tuesday finishing the insulation. Dressed up in full gear with masks, we looked like CDC (Center for Disease Control) expendables. But we're getting very close to being there. I'm really happy for us (hubby and me) and very proud of us, and I learned a great deal from it all!

        So, today there's a fan blowing up a storm in what will eventually be our tiny kitchen (and it's friggin' cold out anyway), there's no kitchen now, no kitchen sink, nothing but me bundled up since we have to leave some windows and doors open right now (and the keyboard is so cold that my fingers are freezing as I type), but it's all good.

        MB, dance your heart out, sweetheart! I really hope you grace us with some pics!

        UW, I always look for your posts. :l

        Alls, back on the horse. No one gets out of alcoholism on the first attempt. or the second, or the third, or the tenth. Just never stop stopping the drinking. You rock! :l

        K9, glad you are feeling better. I hate the emergency runs to the bathroom. That's just a nasty way to live. You are quite the soldier for taking AB through that. I'd have probably given it a break.

        WW, I hope you have fun the the old house in the mountains. I hope you don't have to live there while you're working on it. :H

        Hi to everyone else too. I'm reading but can't respond to everything right now. Just keep truckin'. Don't give up. Smell the roses when you can. Forgive the thorns when they prick, and never stop stopping drinking. We'll all get there, I think. :l

        Have a good weekend, everyone.

        You are here:


          April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

          Oh, I love it when it's busy here......makes me feel like we're a united front..........there is strength in numbers!

          K9, I did notice you weren't posting as much but you do that on the weekends, so I just thought you got busy with your daughter. You are a pillar of strength here. Please don't ever go away. And, if you are going to be gone always let us know why so we don't worry. I feel like I'm your mommy young lady!

          WW, it sounds like you've really replaced al with some cool too Ginger. I think that would be enormously gratifying to redo a house (but you have to have tons of patience........). Hope you'll post some more pics. I still remember the flooring. Beautiful stuff.

          Sun, that was a great list. And Nora, really it does get better but we do have to remind ourselves from time to time. There's a calm that will come over you eventually and instead of feeling compulsive you'll just feel kind of analytical about drinking.....not driven to do it.

          Alls, I hear you on coming up to a tempting time. You know the drill.........being prepared is the best thing you can do. I was talking to a woman today who is going to two weddings where she'll be surrounded by her old drinking crowd. She's taking two non-drinkers with her as insurance! Now that's smart. I've heard that's what the Hollywood types do too. I think it's brilliant.

          Mama Bear, will you have anyone with you at the concert who won't be drinking? I won't so I'm considering the AB........definitely going to have it with me just in case.

          Take care everyone..........big hugs.........:lilheart:


            April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

            Hey UN,

            Just curious about your concert, who is it?
            2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


              April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

              Hi UW,
              I should have at least posted to let you all know I was out sick! I'm sorry Mom! LOL
              I do tend to fade away over the weekends, but I want to change I may be on this weekend. I especially enjoy chat on weekend nights, there are some seriously funny conversations going on there sometimes! I promise not to go AWOL anymore!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                Alls, my concert is Steve Earle in late April. I don't even know his music very well. We're going because my husband went to high school with him. He's kind of obscure - wrote several songs for movies, like Dead Man Walking with Susan Sarandon. The last concert I went to was Tom Petty. I swore I wouldn't go to another one after that just because of the crowd. But, this one is in a small venue where I've seen people like Bonnie Raitt, K.D. Lange, Melissa Ethredge, Kenny Loggins, Jackson Brown, Lyle Lovett.....It's a great theater and much different than seeing someone in one of those big outdoor amphitheater settings. It will be my first concert sober ever!

                K9, good girl.


                  April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                  Hey everyone. I'm here and sober - and I can truly say thanks only to the AB. It's been a rotten week - and a rotten Friday the 13th at work, but I finally got out of the office and came out to our condo at the beach and it suddenly turned nice again. Whew! I am going to go out and get some ice cream at the corner store when I finish this post. I know I'll pass loads of vacationers sipping their wine...but I won't join them because I can't. Again, thank you AB!
                  I also took a lovely long walk on the beach earlier. I love this place. Maybe I'll figure out how to live here LOL. I could sell beaded necklaces or something...
                  Anyway, MB - I would love to see Van Halen - sober or drunk. I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time. I wonder if his son is playing in the band now?
                  I also love that this thread is so busy - It's very uplifting to read all your posts. WW - I agre with Sunshine - fixing up a house in the mountains sounds divine. And Sunshine - I permalinked your post with the list of reasons not to pick up that glass o' wine. You are so dead on point!

                  Hope everyone has a great AF evening! I'm off to get my ice cream cone.


                    April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                    Hi all.....hope Mama is having a great time dancing right now. Last concert I went to was No Doubt. It was wonderful - had a fantastic time. But, I was not sober.
                    Feeling down today. Thinking about drinking a lot. I think it's just because I'm not feeling well. Still having stomach issues. Go to the Dr next Wed so will be glad to see what he has to say.
                    Sorry for the downer post. I'll be right as rain tomorrow.
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                      Good morning Aprilees,

                      Nora hope you feel better soon and Mylife, sorry about the shitty week and especially the horrible Friday - ice cream always seems to help doesn't it. Was feeling a bit out of sorts this week too but a comment Sunshine made (you are always so wise Sunshine) about this being the new normal really stuck with me. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
                      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                        April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                        Good morning all.

                        Just checking in and feeling so much better today. I still have all the problems I had yesterday, but I'm always optomistic in the mornings. LOL!

                        Alls - I walked to the ice cream place last night and the line was out the door! In fact I saw many more people hitting the ice cream store than drinking wine. And I was one of them. And you're right it did help.

                        I really liked Sunshine's comment about the new normal as well. I think most of my problem is the fact that my life is really changing and it's not just a "phase" I'm going through. This has got to be for keeps!

                        Have a great Saturday all.


                          April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                          I'm sorry so many of you have been having a bad week. Positive vibes to you all and hopes that next week is wonderful.

                          I'm feeling fantastic. AF, loving it, and no cravings whatsoever. I haven't really been in a posting mood overall, so I'm hanging back a bit but read here everyday.


                            April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                            Van Halen is Monday night Nora.
                            and I will taking ab since hubs will prolly be drinking...but maybe not!!!
                            K9- I hope youare feeling better babe
                            off to clean house
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                              I want to be an aprileese too! (and that just sounds dirty, but then again I have a dirty mind
                              I have had a difficult few weeks of backsliding and I am back to permanently kick ass.
                              I will not stop kicking ass until the ass is dead. I will then kick the dead ass.

                              I'm grateful for this site, for a new day, and I am grateful that I never have to feel this way again.
                              Day 1 again 11/5/19
                              Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                              Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                              Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                              11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                              12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                              One day at a time.


                                April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                                Hey Nursie - so glad to see you here. Cmon and kick Al's ass along with us. You won't regret it.

                                A couple of our Aprilees eased off but they're back on board. Yay

                                ML, I'm a morning person too now and always feel wonderful, hopeful and certain I'm doing the right thing in the mornings. Night time is less of a challenge by a long shot than it used to be.

                                Can't type much today - my wrist is in a bad way - even had to buy a brace......will go to the doc if it doesn't get better.

                                Love to you all........:lilheart:

