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April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

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    April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

    Right back atcha Mama!

    Can it please be 5pm already? Lord.
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

      K9Lover;1305741 wrote: My Beloved Mama,

      No judgements here. I have to be honest, if I wasn't taking Antabuse, I may have slipped and slid all the over the place by now too. Makes me wonder if I'm really doing this, or is AB doing it FOR me? Sometimes a beer just sounds SOOO good. I probably shouldn't be saying that, but you guys are my peeps and I'm just being honest. The truth is I'd never stop at one or two, and that's why I'm here...because I know this, without a doubt. I'd have 12+ and end up a sorry mess. Anyway, I hope you feel OK today. Here's to MAYkin' it in May! We can do it!

      K9 - I have to wonder about the whole AB situation sometimes too. But, I'm working on it.
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

        I'm still here guys, just having some health problems and have been pretty sick. I have to have some tests and surgery so I really don't even feel like drinking.
        I had a slip awhile ago, but I'm on the right track now and need to get my health in order.

        Hope everyone is doing well. Missed y'all.
        Day 1 again 11/5/19
        Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
        Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
        Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
        11/27/19: messed up but back on track
        12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

        One day at a time.


          April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

          Hope you get better Nursie
          started my Campral tonight...will keep you posted
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

            Good the hear from you Nursie, take care of yourself.
            Down here in Louisville tonight, the only hotel I could get is a dump sandwiched between a carryout and a liquor store but surprisingly not tempted. Hope the weather cooperates for the race tomorrow morning.
            Make it a great weekend everyone who stops by!
            2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


              April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

              Alls - have a great time! Sorry about the yucky hotel though.

              Nursie - Sorry to hear that you're having problems. When is your surgery? I hope you start feeling better right away.

              I'm home for the night. Yahoo! Been a long week. Going to work for a few hours tomorrow. Then I have to drive Scott out about an hour to pick up a guitar effect that is being repaired. So, tomorrow I'm going to be busy, busy.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                Yeah on the Campral Mama! I have been thinking of that too. And/or possibly. Hanging my Celexa to mirtazapine based on the article posted about ssris causing cravings. Definitely keep me posted. I need more ammo in my arsenal!

                I don't have a surgery date. Depends on what the CT shows whether it will be a laparoscopic procedure or more.
                Day 1 again 11/5/19
                Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                One day at a time.


                  April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                  ssris causes cravings??? Off to Google.
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                    Yo wazzap homies
                    Its D-dog in the mofo houz!:H

                    Nora, Venlor gave me alcohol cravings aand I've noticed that my dad drinks more on it although Celexa does not. Google the one you take, if you take one that is. Sorry, I'm not up to date yet with this thread. I also fell off the wagon but am starting AB again Monday as soon as I get the script, its not nice on the dark side. :eeew:

                    WW: Do you still make wine? That must be damn tough, not to be able to taste something you made. But like Determinator said in the ab thread - it is unfortunately grape flavoured poison to us.

                    I may steal your description. I definitely woke up with Danny Devito this morning. Worst part is, he won't leave (hangover )

                    Have a fab day everyone, I'm off to make a smoothie and to talk some sense into myself.:l

                    I mean KEEP IT REAL HOMEZ.


                      April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                      Good Morning Everyone,

                      YO.......(they say that a lot on Breaking Bad :H)

                      I was super busy yesterday and didn't get to post......have to go back and read up here but I'm going to have a pretty packed weekend.

                      Nursie, I'm so glad you're still around. I was wondering about you yesterday. So many people come and go. Sometimes I go to the member list and scroll through it and wonder what's going on with so many who used to post here. Sorry you're having some health issues - sending you healing vibes.:l

                      Homies who are still struggling and drinking (or thinking about it a lot).......I still have times where I wonder about it all (and whether or not I'll make it "forever"). I guess I just focus on the logical end of my caving and the hangover, lack of sleep, anxiety, feeling miserable and it keeps me from drinking. I'm also still going to a couple of meetings a week. Even when the meetings feel strange, I just force myself to go back. I'm learning that this really takes work. And, I don't want to make my next quit harder by stopping and restarting (the kindling effect). So, I work through it. Yesterday was hard for me for some reason..........days like that come out of nowhere for no reason. Can't explain it, but I just somehow keep on keeping on. I'm ALWAYS glad in the morning that I didn't drink the night before.

                      Alls - good luck on your race. Such an admirable endeavor - taking care of your body and accomplishing something you can be proud to say you've done!!

                      ML, have a wonderful vacation - be safe and sober!!

                      Gotta run but I'll check back later.

                      UN :lilheart:


                        April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                        Dizzy....had Danny left yet??:H
                        I woke up and three and piddle futzed around....played on computer, washed dishes, and then came back to bed
                        Nursie...I will keep you posted on Campral. I don't feel like drinking right now, so it's easy...the real test will be when I am feeling great and start thinking wtf?
                        Un - you really inspire me. I missed my meeting last Tuesday as I was travelling, but i will be at this week's meeting
                        I love the term kindling effect....SO true
                        off to Panera's for a cinnamon crunch bagel
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                          Yeah MB, turns out Topamax not only helps with the drinking, it also helps getting rid with Danny the next morning I don't feel so anxious or depressed but I also don't really feel up to much either. Blech.

                          I know what you mean, feeling really good is sometimes worse than feeling really bad when it comes to touch and go times for relapsing.

                          Unwasted, I can truly say that Topa did take away my obsessive drinking throughts like today I havent had a drink and it doesnt bug me BUT no drug in the world can take away the fact that I have not yet learnt how to deal with my emotions appropriately.

                          So I break up with my boyfriend for turning to the bottle in times of stress instead of turning to me and what do I do - I TURN to the bottle. Can I have a one finger clap? No, I mean I'm not even being hard on myself, in hindsight its just bloody ridiculous.

                          So I can't say for certain for the rest of the weekend but after that is a definite nother solid month+ for me.

                          For you long time abbers. What DO you do when a wave of emotion hits you?
                          I told my bf to choose between drinking less (I didnt say he had to quit, I realise that if he has a problem that is impossible to just demand) or splitting up and he retorted by calling me fat and some other lovely remarks. If I was sober I wouldve been hurt but I think I wouldve felt more sorry for him than anything else. Instead I got sh!tfaced and it solved squiddly all except that now I can basically write today off.

                          I love the term kindling effect
                          . For those who dont know, I had to google it, so here you go:

                          "The term 'kindling' was chosen because this process was compared to the log in a fire—while the log itself is very hard to set fire to by itself in the first place, surrounding it by smaller, easy-to-light pieces of wood—kindling—the log itself would soon catch fire."



                            April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                            Happy Saturday!

                            Dizzy - good to see you here. I take Lexapro so I'll Google it. I have been doing better so I'm wondering if the Effexor that I was on before could have been causing cravings.

                            Mama - I've been having quite a few sleepless nights this past week. Yuck! Hope you can nap today.

                            UW - you are doing so great. Riding out the urges like that is wonderful. I have been trying to play the whole picture in my mind now. From picking up the first drink to the next day. it has helped.

                            Well - got to get ready for wok. I've been sitting here playing. :H

                            Have a wonderful, sober Saturday.
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                              Hey Guys,

                              I've had some pretty strong cravings here and there and the one thing more helpful to me than any is thinking it through to tomorrow. Waking up feeling like shit, knowing I let myself down. The worst is reigniting the drinking brain because I know myself and how I react, I've been through it too many times. I'll wake up and say F it, I F'ed up last night might as well drink today, then after 10 days of the heavy drinking BS I'm back to zero trying to get back on track again. I just don't want to go through that anymore so I've finally learned the first drink is the least difficult one not to have.
                              2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                                April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                                Yes Nora - Venlor is the generic of Effexor! That is poison for alcoholics but somehow they have yet to include a warning on the package insert. My dad is a retired church minister and used to only drink a glass of semi sweet white on a sunday. Now he will easily polish a bottle of red a night and it is only after starting Effexor. Somehow everyone thinks I'm paranoid but I'm not!

                                I havent read this but this looks like interesting reading: Effexor Induced Alcohol Cravings - Topix

                                , I'm not really obsessing about alcohol today. In fact I'm OK and I thank Topamax for this. But this little jump of the wagon did make it more clear that I actually do want to be AF. Other parts of my personality (or should I say fake personality) resurfaced that I really didnt miss. The deceit, the getting myself out of very nice social commitments because I'd rather be miserable in my room with a bottle of wine (OK that was only last night but still), the anxiety, the paranoid thoughts. The Danny de Vito...

                                Its a terrible disease, something I don't wish on my worst enemy.

