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April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

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    April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

    It's another beautiful day here and I'm feeling wonderful. I've got to figure out my Easter menu and go shopping! Nothing like waiting until the last minute.

    I'm not a TV watcher UW, so I can't help you out with AI.

    Enjoy your weekend ML. A massage sounds fantastic.


      April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

      Hey Everyone,

      Wow, K9 I think I'd be sweating buckets if I ever had a conversation with an adult at that age but some things need to be discussed these days.

      I think I'm going to try a meeting after the middle of April. I still have this impression of a bunch of down and outters who are there to get court papers signed and I know that impression is not accurate so I need to overcome it and go. 90 days this week but some of the HALT factors are kicking in. Pressure at work, long hours, and infuriating clients!!! Like you said UW, it's good to be with a group that "get's it".

      Have a great weekend everyone!
      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


        April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

        Happy Easter Everyone, thanks to all of you I have been able to enjoy a sober2012, UW (smoking hot pic), K9 (your looking great), Mario (great perils of wisdom),ML,MB, FA, and everyone else. Congratulations on your accomplishments. I don't post much ,but I read here everyday. I think when your ready your ready, and you can and will do whatever is necessary to walk away from the booze. Life is much more enjoyable and manageable and I really don't care about anyones negative or hurtful comments about being a non-drinker, I just don't say anything or tell them to FO. This is 2012 not 1985 and being a non-partyer is completely acceptable, and in fact deep down admired by most. It's a slippery slope and I will to tread carefully for the rest of the year.

        Take Care WW
        100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

        6 months July 1st


          April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

          ML, I've been trying different meetings and will be going to yet a different one today to meet up with my sponsor. She suggested this location and then we'll have lunch afterward. Actually, they've all been a little different even when they were in the same location. I haven't spoken at any of them and probably need to do that so I can get more out of it. In due time.........

          Alls, I go to a women's meeting that would really shock you. They're all your next door neighbor ..........they don't fit the stereotype of down and out at all. Actually, most of them have decades of sobriety. In AA, they believe you are in recovery forever, so you'll see people and wonder why they still go to meetings. It's really a tightly knit group and the ones with long-term sobriety are very committed so they continue to go and stay others. The meeting yesterday was mixed. I was very moved by an older man who talked about his anxiety. It's so strange but I find myself tapped into someting very deep when I'm there. I can't quite explain it. I definitely think you should give it a try. We have the same reservations, but when something is said that kind of makes me cringe, I just let it pass and am always glad at the end that I went to the meeting.

          Alls, I've been meaning to ask you know where your avatar pic was taken? Those look like Bluebonnets???

          So, not too much else going on here.......I've been cooking like crazy - made handmande Gnocchi of my favorites. I've also been making homemade bread and that strawberry-basil lemonade I've been raving about. Oh, and pecan shortbread cookies. I still have a pretty major sweet thing going that I'm trying to keep in check.

          FA - no TV? OK, you've oficially made me feel like a chump. It really is mindless dribble, but it "takes me away" lol. ML - you're so right......I don't remember the people from the previous season either. Although, I did buy about six of Haley Reinhart's songs. Elise is safe, but she's always in the bottom three. I think she's too cool to win it - seems like they always like someone more "pop" and she's more bluesy, soulful. Oh well, maybe she'll get a record deal anyway??

          Take care everyone.....Sun and Sunny D, K9, R4L, NiceLife, Mama, Nora, TDN, Ima, Alison, SL, Patrice, Ginger........and have a super AF day.

          WW, thanks! We cross-posted. So glad to hear you're still doing well!!

          I'm really starting to feel like a nondrinker (yay!!!). But, WW, I agree---we have to be willing to do whatever it takes to stay sober. You don't have to look far on this site to see people who caved, even after years of being AF.


            April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

            Hi Aprilees,

            I don't watch American Idol, but I do watch "The Voice"...does anyone like that show? I haven't even watched TV in 2 days, but I hope to catch up on all my recorded shows this weekend. I like Intervention and also prison shows for some reason. LOL

            My nephews (I have 6!) all seem to feel pretty comfortable with me. My oldest one (the one that lives with me) even told me he's happy he has an adult in his life he feels so comfortable with...that made me feel good. But look what I get for it, too much information coming out of his mouth! LOL Seriously, I'm glad he'll talk to me, he's pretty quiet but he does open up to me. I'll never forget the day I saw him being born, and now here we are talking about sex and alcohol. Jeez I feel ancient. HA

            I guess my sister and I are having a yard sale tomorrow...they're a lot of work but we usually do pretty good money-wise...and since I have some vet bills, I guess I need every dollar I can get. My dog is doing good though, I am happy to report! We'll wrap up the yard sale by noon, plenty of time to still get a nap in. LOL

            I went to bed later than normal and feel so out of it today...still trying to wake up! Glad it's Friday and I hope you all have a great, sober weekend!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

              Hi April Aspirers (I can't think of a good name).

              I've been out of town, out of sorts, sleep deprived and crazy busy. But still AF, 56 days today! The only REAL freedom for me means being free of alcohol altogether, and that's one of the reasons that I really appreciate this thread. I just read a post where someone was trying to convince others that for alcoholics in recovery, drinking is just dandy, so long as you are adequately medicated. That sort of thing makes my brain want to explode. :shocked:

              I can't hope to catch up with everyone today. I've already exceeded my self-imposed limit for online time today. I have a lot to do and very little time to do it in, so I've had to set some hard boundaries.

              I hope everyone has a good Good Friday and a Happy Easter (if I don't get back before then). We are going to a BBQ Saturday night, and I'm trying to figure out what to bring for the kids' Easter baskets that does not include candy. There will be AL there, but I already don't want any. I'd rather hang out with the kids.

              Most truths are simple and this is one: Life is better without booze. It just is. Keep fighting the good fight, friends. :l:l:l

              You are here:


                April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                Good morning Aprilees,

                Beautiful morning here, going to work till mid-afternoon then go for a long run. Have a race in Louisville the week before the Derby, can't wait!!! UN, I wish I knew where the pic came from, I chose it because my favorite color is blue and it reminds me of some property I own way out in the middle of nowhere. Since everyone has been posting these awesome pictures of themselves I need to put one up of me, kind of feel like I'm sitting at the kid's table with the anonymous avatar. Have a great weekend everyone!!!
                2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                  April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                  Hi Aprilees,

                  K9, I watch The Voice but don't know all the contestants by name. I like all those singing and dancing shows (probably because I'm so lacking in those types of talent LOL) I also like Intervention. I've even gotten into Celebrity Apprentice which I never thought I would like. The last one was crazy - very entertaining view of human nature at his finest.:H And, I have to say my favorite show, even though it's totally raunchy, is Californication.

                  Hope you made big bucks on your sale and very glad to hear the pup is doing well.

                  Ginger, wow, I don't get the statement from the other thread about it being okay for alkies to drink. By definition I thought that was not true....... I'm with you about real freedom being totally AF. I do not miss that constant mental and physical battle some call moderation LOL. Way to go on your upcoming two-month anniversary. That's wonderful......just keep going............I had a pretty major breakthrough after 90 days as far as mental clarity - less of a battle going on in my head. Sounds like you're pretty resolved already, though, with is great!

                  Alls, hope you did well in the race! How far did you go?

                  WW, FA, and anyone else stopping by today, hope all is well and that you have a great AF holiday weekend. Stay strong!


                    April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                    Happy Easter, Aprilees.

                    Sorry for my mini-rant. I have strong opinions sometimes.

                    Busy day today (like every other day). That's good. I like it busy.

                    I hope everyone enjoys an AF Easter.

                    You are here:


                      April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                      Hi Peeps
                      K9...I have two sons....20 and 17...and we are very honest about sex and I bought the 20-year old condoms when he had a steady girlfriend......we have talked about preganancy, child support, baby mama drama, treating girls with name it. And I think ( I hope) he has a pretty good head on his shoulders.
                      Thanks for all the support on my thread I posted. A lot of great advice.....and I feel great about being AF today.....
                      HAPPY EASTER!!!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                        Un....I want to find an AA meeting I's hard with my work schedule...the one near my office at lunch is full of 80 year olds!!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                          Mama, keep looking for meetings if you can. There's even a noon meeting near me. I know what you mean, though. If the group isn't one you can relate to, it doesn't feel so great. I just keep trying. I figure the worst that can happen is that I quit going. But, even if you just find one or two people you connect with, I think it's worth it. Give it time. There was the coolest girl in my Saturday meeting. Would you believe she had nine years of sobriety, had a sponsee, and stopped drinking when she was 24?!! She was darling - I just wish I had been that together. She swears by the program - said she had tried absolutely everything and AA was all that worked for her. If you had seen and listened to her, you would have been impressed. Anyway, I hope you'll give it a good, long try. I think we have to be patient with all of this. One meeting I went to last week was just very old men. The one before that very old men and women, but with several younger. I'm proud of you for considering it. Believe me, it's so out of my comfort zone, but I want to try everything I can. Really happy that you didn't drink last night!!:l


                            April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                            thanks too. A dear friend at work was a BAD drunk....the Navy ordered 90 meetings in 90 days...and he swears by AA. His Sponsor, Bob, saved his life.
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                              Hello. Looks like everyone is doing well. Happy Easter to those that celebrate. Doing ok here - still taking AB though. I want to get to the point where I don't need that crutch but for now that is what is keeping me going. I guess I need to just think of it as a medication that will help me get well.
                              I have gone to a few AA meetings myself. UW said that it was out of her 'comfort zone'. That was exactly the way it was for me. I'm so shy anyway and to walk into a room full of people was overwhelming to me. My Therapist kept encouraging me so I did try it. I was able to find a Monday night Women's Meeting that I enjoyed. I actually might go back to that just to keep me grounded. I think it was Carrie Fisher that said - you don't have to like it, you just have to go. :H
                              Well - have a wonderful day everyone.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                                Thank you Nora for the reminder we don't always need to like something that is good for us. I'm planning on going to my first meeting after my busy season is over next week. I'm not looking forward to walking in bare assed in front of a bunch of strangers but I know deep down it's where I need to be right now. It's not going to be anywhere near as difficult going to a meeting as it will be to slip and wake up feeling like total shit mentally, physically, and spiritually. I'm just past 90 days right now and this has historically been when I've buckled big time, I'm going to use everything available including AA to stay on track. This is quit number four and I never want to go through this again. Have a great evening to all who stop by tonight!
                                2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.

