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April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

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    April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

    Alls, I don't ever want to have to start again either. That's what's keeping me honest. And it seems like everyone talks about how much harder it is to get back on track. I think it's Sausage who quit for 8 months and also Nice Life (6 years!) - really, everyone who started up again remarks about it. I've read that it even has a label - called the "Kindling Effect." If you think of kindling wood and stoking a fire, I guess you're adding more small wood and the kindling gets hotter, i.e. our brains get deeper "grooves" for lack of a better more memory for the alcohol. That's my rudimentary take on it.

    Nora, I know eventually you'll have to stop the AB but I think it's a great way to get going. I think of it like using nicotine patches or gum to stop smoking........those aids help you get past the initial habit of having to have something in your hand and then you move on without them.

    Re the meetings.......if you guys knew me personally you'd understand how UN AA I am geared. It took every ounce of courage I had to do it. And to actually utter the words "I'm an alcoholic" took everything I had because I'm not sure I even believe in the definition. But, I decided, F*$k it......if this is what it takes I'm giving it a try. Also, the higher power is an issue for me. But, I'm thinking of it as the power of the group - the collective good that comes from being with that group of people. Maybe I can even go beyond that some day but for now it's a helpful way for me to think about the higher power.......If you happen to be religious, that part will be easier for you. Interestingly, though, it seems like so many of us here are not..........and there's an argument that alcoholism is a spiritual disease at least in part. Anyhoo........what do we have to lose? The bottom line for me is that I know I'm with people who understand how hard it is not to drink and they're there to support me if I just ask for the help.

    Not much else happening in my world.........lazy day, beautiful weather here.

    Have a nice evening everyone..........:lilheart:

    p.s. thanks everyone for your compliments on my made me blush! You should see me without makeup and dirty hair.......LOL but true!!!


      April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

      same here un!!!!
      Nice unhungover, but busy Monday at work for this bear!!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

        Morning - I'm here at work too. :upset: Just kidding - it's not that bad.

        Had a wonderful evening dying Easter eggs with family and then playing some silly games. Wouldn't have been able to do that if I had been drinking all day. :goodjob:
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

          Hello all. I haven't had much time to check in over the last couple of days due to travel and the holiday, but I'm still AF and finally home.

          I had Easter dinner at my house yesterday and my sister and her family came over. My husband drinks and has a beer kegerator at home. He's been trying to get me to try his latest beer, telling me that I'll love it. I keep telling him "no thanks." He asked me a couple days ago if I was done with beer and I told him that I was done with booze altogether. He had no comment and just walked out of the room.

          Yesterday I asked him if we had white wine in the house. My sister likes white wine. Husband said that he'd run out and get a bottle for her. He returned with wine and a great big bottle of vodka--for me. Now we've had wine and beer and whiskey in the house all along and it hasn't bothered me, but vodka was always my drink. Why do I get the feeling that on some level he's trying to undermine me? He knows that I don't want to drink. I've been afraid to have it in the house because of my attraction to it and I had poured all of our old vodka out when I decided to quit. If I start feeling the draw to this bottle, it will join our last bottle in the sink. What the hell is he trying to do to me? He doesn't drink vodka, just me.


            April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

            Hello Friends!

            I'm just catching up on everything, I never post on weekends because my daughter is a laptop HOG. LOL I suppose I could pry it out of her hands long enough to catch up, but after sitting at a computer all week, I rarely feel the desire to be in front of one on the weekends.

            I'm glad to see everyone is hanging in there. I don't celebrate Easter so my weekend was nothing out of the ordinary. I have on some sparkly nail polish, and I just noticed my nails look like easter eggs. LOL My daughter told me that when I turn 40 I have to give up ALL sparkles. Darn! LOL I didn't do too well on the yard sale, I didn't have that much to sell this time. My sister made about $300 though. I think I made $50 total, enough to put some gas in the car and go out to lunch twice...that's ok, I'll take it! ha

            Regarding AA meetings, I used to go YEARS ago, around the time of my DUI's. At first they were mandatory then I kept going. But eventually I gave up and went back to drinking. I didn't really "click" with anyone there, so I never felt accountable. Then I ended up moving to a new town, and I actually went to one here, but I felt like I was in some cold dungeon and it just didn't do it for me. Thankfully I have found success with Antabuse and MWO...and above all, honesty...I am no longer in denial, I think that's been key for me. I went years thinking I'd be able to drink now and I know without a doubt that I just can't.

            Nora - I say stay on Antabuse as long as you need, it's not a "crutch"'s a TOOL...use it!

            Mama - I hope you find a meeting you like, even though I never did, I can see how it could be a great help in staying sober.

            Well...Monday morning...ugh. Better get to work, but I'll check in later. Have a great day my peeps!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

              Hey Mama and Nora........glad to see you guys this morning. :l

              Fly Away, here's my take on your situation. Our partners really hate to lose their drinking buddy. And because they don't understand our addiction and pain associated with it, they tell themselves we don't have a problem. They just don't get it. My husband "enabled" me for a long time, but when he saw how truly miserable alcohol was making me he not only backed off, he joined me in being sober. But, it wasn't until I "went ballistic" on him until he really "got" it. I had to be super forceful and adamant about needing to quit. Before that I was sending him very mixed signals. I'm afraid you'll have to basically hit your husband over the head with it before he can understand. It's critical that you do it, though. Otherwise he will continue to undermine and hinder your progress. Wishing you the best! :lilheart:

              K9 - x post. Glad you made a few bucks on your yard are so right on about the honesty and denial. I think that's what finally did it for me too - I just couldn't get past that for a long time. Once I did it made all the difference.

              Have a great day everyone.


                April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                Checking in and had a wonderful AF weekend. I was able to go to Church and didn't have to miss anything due to being hungover. It is so nice to be AF and I will fight to never drink again, however I will be taking it one day at a time.
                I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                  April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                  Hope everyone is doing great tonight. Fly Away, I feel for you and really don't understand why your husband would completely ignore what you're working on accomplishing. I think people respond to visuals and when the hurt and agony is on the inside the problem is not apparent to some. Hopefully everyone can get on the same page soon since this battle is hard enough as it is. Almost 5 months UN - amazing!!!
                  2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                    April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                    UW - I can't believe you are coming up on 5 months! Actually I can because you're doing so's just that the time seems to be flying by!

                    I am not feeling so well today...I've had stomach issues for at least 2+ weeks, my doctor says it's my medications that I'm weaning off of, and then starting a new one...but now I have a bladder infection/UTI on top of it. I just feel UGH...for lack of a better description. I'm heading to the store after work for cranberry juice, blueberries and yogurt. I'm so tired of feeling like this...I sleep 9 hours and wake up tired...something is wrong! I have 3 more days of my old medication so I'll see how I feel then.

                    Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone...have a great sober evening!

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                      K9...I swear I feel bad on AB...headaches and sluggish.....
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                        Mama - I think it's my AD medication Celexa, my Dr. is weaning me off it and onto Prozac...but I have 2 more 1/2 doses to take...if it's not gone in a week I am going back. My body is putting out more than it's taking in, and I feel so weak!!!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                          K9, I hope you feel better soon.. I know what its like to feel so weak.. it's horrid

                          Take Care


                            April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                            Patrice, welcome back to the thread - it's been a while. How are you doing? Hey Alls, how did the race go? DA, you're really coming up on some time, aren't you. Any plans on how you'll celebrate a year AF? That's a biggie!!

                            K9, have you ever read Byrdie's post about having been on ADs? She swears by NOT taking them.......I can't articulate exactly what she went through, but she was having problems, stopped all meds, and all of her problems went away (this was all after she quit drinking). Actually, I think she posted something very recently about it - either today or yesterday in the nest. You might want to check it out..........or, it could have been another thread. Anyway, any chance of stopping it all and then reintroducing things so you can isolate what's causing what? Just a thought........I took them for a while but felt they quit helping me at some point and weaned myself off.

                            Mama, I wondered if the AB might have side effects. Sounds like you're not real sure but think it's a possibility? Keep us posted.

                            I know, guys, I can't believe I'm coming up on five months either. The time has passed pretty quickly, really. I've had my issues, believe me..........but I'm still hanging in there.........sometimes I feel blah, but it passes. I need to get more exercise. I think that helps more than any other single thing.....

                            Take care everyone......K9 let us know how you progress with the meds. MB, you too regarding the AB.


                              April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                              Sorry about your headache Mama. I would try cutting the dosage in half and see if it helps. Maybe you just can't tolerate the AB.

                              UN - I have to agree that you have done FANTASTIC!! 5 months. Wow!

                              K9 - I've been having some stomach issues too. Going to see a gastroenterology Doctor next week. I imagine that they will start running tests. I sure hope that you start feeling better. I know how miserable it is.

                              Drifty, Patrice, Alls, Fly - hope that you all are doing well.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                                Looks like things got busy last night! K9 and Mama Bear, I hope you both feel better soon. DriftyAlison, one year is huge!!! Since you started your journey your posts seem to have the confidence of someone who never looked back. UN, my race is a 13 miler the week before the derby in Louisville. I'm still doing some long runs and after I get done with tax season I'm going to take a few days off and go to Cuyahoga National Park and do some really long runs along the Erie Canal. I can't wait! Hope all who stop by today have a great day.
                                2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.

