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April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

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    April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

    K9, you should give cooking a's my "hobby" now and I'm finding it rewarding....I have to take breaks so I don't burn out, but I've been making some pretty incredible stuff.

    My Life, how are you feeling now that you got past your ordeal? Do you feel committed again and certain you're on the right path? I hope so. :lilheart:

    Mama, how fantastic that you might have found a group. There's a lot of stuff about AA that I don't see as a fit for me, but strangely, it's working. Not sure how to explain that paradox........

    Sun, you sound so great these days......I know we can't get complacent but I think we've turned the corner missy!!

    Nite Nite everyone........


      April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

      I will be heading off to bed sober soon and will enjoy my day of 2 classes with a clear hangover free head.
      I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

      Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

      Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


        April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

        Hi everyone......late check in today. Been on the phone arguing with and then on the phone trying to help my Dad help my Aunt with her computer. :H (They are both in their 80's and not exactly computer literate )

        Doing ok here. My Dr appt with the gastro is first thing in the morning. I'll be glad to get that taken care of. Pretty sure that he'll be scheduling an upper & lower GI for me.

        Well - going to go read so I'll catch you all tomorrow.

        (Another good reason not to drink - I love to read and can't read if I'm drunk )
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

          Fly Away, there are a couple of 60 days congrats threads on General for you. Way to go! Thanks for stopping by.

          Nora, let us know how it goes......what do you think is wrong with your stomach?

          Hey Alison - isn't it nice to be free of the pounding hangover? I can't imagine studying hungover..........I'm sure I did it once upon a time, but ugh......

          Sorry not to type more, but still resting wrist.

          Stay strong everyone.......AF is better!!


            April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

            Hi Everyone, been real busy working. So far so good for an AF 2012, haven't had the desire to drink much at all, yet always aware. This isn't my first rodeo by any means, starting to think when your ready to quit, your ready to do whatever is necessary to make AL a part of your past and truly face the challenges of life. Good to here all most everyone is doing well, I do pop on and read everyday.

            Thanks My Friends WW
            100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

            6 months July 1st


              April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

              Hi Everyone!

              Mama - You crack me up, VH to AA in one week is quite an accomplishment! You do seem like you are a hoot in "real life" need to mask that wonderful personality with poison! I think the pink lace would have complimented the muffin top nicely, imo.

              UW - Hope you're wrist gets better soon, that sucks to be injured! I used to cook EVERY night and I loved it, but somehow I just got lazy....I'm trying to do better, I promise!

              Sunni - I can relate to what you said about "one more shovel, my back is messed up anyway"... I am SOOO like that. Last time I moved, I did 90% of it myself (furniture included) WHILE I had pneumonia AND worked 40 hours a week. It's insane, but I'm not one to wait around. I like to think I'm a go-getter, others call it stubborn. Call it what you want, I get sh*t done! LOL

              Nora - Kudos on your patience with the older folks and their technical difficulties! Just yesterday the Mayor called me into his office for help on a very easy document he was working on. He had somehow managed to mess up something simple, so I showed him how to fix it and then I said "Now stay out of this area, you have no business being in there"...LOL He laughed and said he's glad I'm right outside his office to help him through "emergencies".

              WW - You sound good and strong. I agree, when we're ready to REALLY quit drinking, we just KNOW it.

              MyLife, FlyAway, Alison and others, have a great day! I am off at 12 today, I should go do some housework but I don't know if I'll be that motivated.

              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                Eddie Van Halen Reveals That Drinking Came From Dad | Stop The Presses! (NEW) - Yahoo! Music

                Mama - Here's an article about your beloved VH.
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                  Thanks K9...he battled the demons for a long time and finally won. You should read Steven Tyler's new book...."Does the Noise in my Head Bother You?"
                  damn - it' amazing he's even still alive....................
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                    Hello Guys!

                    UW - I'm feeling okay, and I'm AF but still not feeling great mentally. I think I need to get some endorphins in my system or something - of course I might have to exercise to do that! LOL. I'm just taking it one day at a time. You sound like you're doing great, and I hope your wrist is better soon! The cooking sounds great too. What's for dinner?!

                    Mama - I was going to say before K9 pointed out the articl - Van Halen to AA is not such a stretch! He probably did the same thing. I know he's battled AL and drugs for years. And I have read parts of Steven Tyler's book as well. I am more a fan of his now than years ago!

                    K9 and Sunni - I'm kind of a do it yourself girl too - I can definitely relate to the "one more shovel my back's messed up anyway" stream of thought. LOL!

                    WW - I think you hit it on the head. I am believing more and more from the posts I read and people I talk to that when you're ready you're ready. And it looks like you and many others on this thread are there!

                    Alison, Nora, Fly and everyone else who comes along hope you have a fantastic AF day.


                      April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                      MyLife I think you and I are in the same funk. I have been feeling down the last week or two, slowing oozing into a depression. Exercise makes me feel better, but when you're depressed it's hard to do anything. Ugh.

                      And I totally agree with WineWrangler. There were attempts I made in the past where something embarrassing had happened after I drank and I vowed "never again!" And I'd stop for a month or so; my shame being the driving force behind my quit. This time there was no shameful event. I don't know why the time was right for me, but it was.


                        April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                        Hey all. UW - hope that your wrist feels better soon. I know that hurts.

                        I know about that funk & depression. Seems overwhelming at times. I had started to sink into it a couple weeks ago. Luckily, I was able to pull myself back up. It's not always that easy, I know.

                        I also think that you are absolutely right that when you are ready to quit, you do fight harder. I honestly can't say that this is my last quit. But, I also can't say that it's not going to be my last quit. I do know that I am having longer & longer AF periods. So, I feel like I'm moving in the right direction. I do look forward to being able to say 6 months though. I need to catch up with Unwasted.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                          I was ready for this quit and I have found this quit to be easier then the other quits. Sure this quit has had its rough moments, but in comparison to my other quits, this one is so easy. I was just ready to be done with drinking and that makes it easier to quit in my opinion.
                          I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                          Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                          Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                            April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                            Hi Guys, I think the more af days you have, whether they are strung together or a few here and there makes it easier as long as you are committed to giving up totally. I beat nicotine the same way. I weened myself off them the SAME way I got hooked.....slowly reducing my intake of nicotine until I was strong enough to say "thats it" no more!!!! It took a long time and was painful but eventually I beat it!


                              April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                              Hi Boozer and everyone else,

                              I had some pretty intense cravings over the weekend and have been thinking about what caused them. For me they rarely come out of the blue, there always seems to be a reason for them. Last week I started drinking really strong coffee, skipping meals and substituting them with dark chocolate, my blood sugar must have been all over the place. Back to normal now and also back to feeling strong.

                              Taking a mini vacation till Sunday without the computer. Hope everyone has continued strength. Take care friends.
                              2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                                April AF Attitudes and Aspirations - Let's Be Good To Ourselves

                                Boozer, I totally agree with your theory - that we must want to give up totally. I really feel like I've turned a corner and am to the point (finally) where I don't feel deprived by not drinking. My life is so much better without alcohol. In fact, now I can't believe I did that to myself for so long.

                                Alls, please work through your rough spot. Alcohol won't fix anything you're going through right now.

                                My wrist gets better and then goes back to hurting again - very still not posting too much today.

                                Love and strength to you all, :lilheart:


