Yes I think hes been learning stuff from Mr G...a mini Mr G if you will....:H
No announcement yet.
Underoos, Doodyheads and their Dogs, April
Underoos, Doodyheads and their Dogs, April
Hello Underoonies!! Thought I would pop into the drawer for a quick :hi:tawnyfrog;1294319 wrote:
Well I'm glad to see that there's been some overnight activity on the new dedicated Antipodean forum.
My job here is done.Ah, I am still having a wee laugh about that.
techie;1294324 wrote: Hi Froggy. I think Saph will need a logon and password for your exclusive site. I just hacked in !Good one Techie.:H
tawnyfrog;1294374 wrote: Missy - that's a beautiful post. Thank you. And don't we all have to deal with the contradictions in our lives ... a sobering reminder.
myhappyplace;1294513 wrote: Skype is evil...
Just busted locust playing guitar to girl groupies via skype.Ah Saucy, may that be the biggest of your worries. I'm afraid you've probably got a few more things to bust them for down the road. Speaking from experience, our sons being 35 (today) and 32. I still get "surprises" once in a while. From younger son especially. He likes to suddenly reveal some of the scrapes and such that he got himself into when he was younger. Things we never knew about til he decided to share the "adventure" with us. Things I really didn't need to know about.
Ragsy - love the pics of your Teddies. I especially like how very clean your white carpet its. It sure wouldn't look like that in my house.
Undies, hope you've all been enjoying your day...For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Underoos, Doodyheads and their Dogs, April
There's this old joke about a bloke having 'Wo' tattoo'd on his member. Wasn't until things got interesting we learnt that he was paying homage to his home town of Woolloomooloo.
I'll now move this post to the alternate forum.
Underoos, Doodyheads and their Dogs, April
Miss Behaving;1294500 wrote: Rags - have you forgotten your multi-posting lesson :H:H
tawnyfrog;1294470 wrote: Raggsy alerted me to this brilliant Israeli shoe maker. I reckon I could develop a shoe fetish after all. The banana slip-ons are mine, ok?
The 13 Coolest Pairs Of Kobi Levi Shoes
Anyone know how to post from an email attachment on to the Undies thread?
Underoos, Doodyheads and their Dogs, April
myhappyplace;1294513 wrote: Skype is evil...
Just busted locust playing guitar to girl groupies via skype.
Underoos, Doodyheads and their Dogs, April
tawnyfrog;1294544 wrote: There's this old joke about a bloke having 'Wo' tattoo'd on his member. Wasn't until things got interesting we learnt that he was paying homage to his home town of Woolloomooloo.
I'll now move this post to the alternate forum.:shocked::H:H
Rags;1294545 wrote: Almost.
I sort of like the swan ones. But I'd break my ankle after two steps. Except the swan ones aren't shown here. oops.
Anyone know how to post from an email attachment on to the Undies thread?
Can you not copy and paste? If it's a picture, you may have to "save image as" to your computer and then use this -- to post it here. Unless you can right click on it, click on "copy image location" then use the
to post it.
Rags;1294547 wrote: I'm sure Techie and I won't be serenading each other with bagpipes and tin whistle......For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Underoos, Doodyheads and their Dogs, April
Miss Behaving;1294537 wrote: That's a promise to be kept KTAB!
Rags, after eating your stunning scrambled eggs, I went and bought a decent saucepan today. We had scrambled eggs for dinner - Mr B is in seventh heaven as not only do the eggs not stick to the bottom, but the pan can be washed in the dishwasher. And a source of domestic conflict eliminated
Have you exposed him to Mr G?! :H
Bung a bit of cream in with the milk. Mr Missy will then be yours forever!!
myhappyplace;1294540 wrote: 1. I would like the egg recipe
2. Missy I really dont know. Major exposure to his facebook has turned up this funny unique person that everyone seems to know about....I mean I knew it but I'm his women - teenagers - love him and men - teenagers - want to be funny.
Yes I think hes been learning stuff from Mr G...a mini Mr G if you will....:H
I make with fresh eggs, butter, dash of milk, splash of cream, s&P to taste. Don't whip them to death. I then melt good dob of butter in the (non stick) saucepan, add eggs and stir occassionally with my mothers wooden spoon... which Missy can attest has seen years of stirring service. Lots of people stir continuously which is OK but makes the mix look lumpy. By stirring a bit less, the mixture is a bit more like a broken omelette and a bit smoother. Remove from heat while some of the mix is still liquid and gently fold with spoon.... it will finish cooking with residual heat. Result should be soft, smooth, golden scrambled eggs... with WHITE toasted bread, with the butter melting through it.. And parsley. I forgot the parsley Missy. Sorry. And that dear Undies is another reason I'm 15 kg overweight.
Maybe Mr G can give him a few pointers... after all he is on first name terms with Fergie, Herself, and sooo many others.
Happs, give me his facebook link!
Underoos, Doodyheads and their Dogs, April
Rags;1294545 wrote: .
Anyone know how to post from an email attachment on to the Undies thread?
I'm orf for the night, lovely Undies.
Underoos, Doodyheads and their Dogs, April
stirly-girly;1294548 wrote: :shocked::H:H
I could never walk in heels that high either, Ragsy.
Can you not copy and paste? If it's a picture, you may have to "save image as" to your computer and then use this -- to post it here. Unless you can right click on it, click on "copy image location" then use the
to post it.
Underoos, Doodyheads and their Dogs, April
Ahhh, here we go..... who in their right mind would buy a pair of washing baskets???? And is the first pair a blow up jobby? Hmmmm.....
And would someone put me straight on the golden pair... haven't a clue what they're supposed to be.
Underoos, Doodyheads and their Dogs, April
Stirls, Tawn, what I did was highlighted them all, then clicked on each one and went save as then clicked onto a file I had open in Picassa. Then uploaded to photobucket. Easy once you've worked it out. Now why doesn't my life click into place like that? Hmmm... because I haven't worked it out, that's why silly billy. Oh no! I'm talking to myself on a public forum.......
Underoos, Doodyheads and their Dogs, April
tawnyfrog;1294551 wrote: As I said, Raggsy ... I don't know how to attach about 20 images submitted via email. I took a chance and found your shoe man and posted the link I found. I know it's not complete but I hoped it would be sufficient. Thank you for sharing.
I'm orf for the night, lovely Undies.
Didn't mean to. Sorry.