Thanks ATL. I hope we hear from Sunnyroo today. What is it about usernames that starts with Sun that lends itself to so much abuse?

Sunny, I trimmed the dead flowers off my daisy and lavender bushes in your honour as I know what a gardening potterer you are. I also know this will lead to lots of new flowers and that I'm stupid not to do this more often.
Bird, you win the prize for the weirdest avatar I've ever seen. What IS that thing? LOL, I'm not sure if I want to hug it or run away from it.
I'm starting up a blog to encourage people to go back a step and to source home-made food instead of eating plastic supermarket food. A lot of its vegetarian but I'm by no means veggie or fanatical. The prefab sprout logo is for my sprouts business. I found that ever since I start the Topa I'm slightly hyper and ever since I stopped drinking I have so much more time so I'm spending it by connecting with people here and by improving my nutrition as well as informing others about the value of good nutrition. Whaddayathink?

The blog one is more child like as its more personal and just for rambling on. The sprout one is more serious as this will be printed on cotton tags which will be connected to hessian strings that will be tied to the hemp drawstring bags I'm making for people to make their sprouts in.
Oh, and if you think my timing's a bit weird, its 8:40 here now, so we're bound to have a bit of a time difference.