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Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?

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    Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?

    Why? So far, I haven't told a lot of people, but I did tell a few. I just said I had to quit drinking, because I didn't know how to stop once I started. Some people probably think/thought, well me too, so what? LOL One woman at work said, Really, YOU? She said I can't imagine you falling down drunk. I said wait, wait, I didn't say anything about falling down drunk (I left that out, hee hee).:H:H

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath

    Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?

    Yes, I am.
    I usually decline 'right now'. I don't think I've ever said to anyone that I don't drink period. The thought of being labelled really bothers me. Even if it's right on the money
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?

      Not ashamed at all to tell absolutely anyone. Ive told checkout people at Wal-Mart why I am buying every bottle of seltzer water.........LOL

      I never hid the fact that I drank too much, and I have wanted to be AF for a lllllllllllonnng time, so, I LOVE telling people what Ive done
      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



        Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?

        It depends how I feel. If I am feeling like I want to share, I'll say that, "It was just causing too many problems and I figured it was easier to quit." Or I might say, "I have a lot going on at the moment and I feel like I need to be as healthy as I can be."

        Sometimes I say that I am losing weight and so I'm cutting out the empty calories.

        But really, I find that most people don't even notice whether I'm drinking or not. They really don't care, mostly, unless they've got a problem (or an ex-problem) themselves!

        Free since 26th February 2012


          Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?

          I don't think that there is any shame at all in admitting to anyone that I do not drink. At the same time, I don't believe that I owe anyone a long explaination of why I choose not to drink. No confessions needed! But then again, I honestly don't base my life on what "I think, others think of me". Though I do try to maintain a good reputation, what others think of me is really none of my business! LOL! Remember we do not control the opinions of others and to try to do so can make a person crazy!

          Quite honestly, the only thing that I am responsible for is to live my best life. In doing that, I will always be treating others with respect, compassion and love!

          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?

            I don't have any problem telling most people - if it is awkward in a social situation, I will just say I am driving or I have an early day the next day, which is generally true. Or I will just say, "No, I don't seem to have an 'off' switch any more!". It actually empowers me and makes me respondible for my actions. The more prople know why I don't drink, the more accountable I am and will try harder not to drink. I want to be successful and I will and HAVE to do anything to succeed at being sober.
            February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

            When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


              Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?


              Hell no! Absolutely not.

              I am proud of the fact that I have changed and no longer drink. If that gives me the label of alcoholic, so be it, I'll take that any day over being a drunk.


              Round 1 - AF/NF Sept 29, 2011-June 23, 2012

              Round 2 - AF/NF October 6, 2012-December 2012

              Round 3 - AF/NF January 5, 2014 - ????

              Third times a charm!


                Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?

                I find it embarassing to talk about my drinking or not drinking so I don't. I just say no thank you. If I am pushed I say no thank you again. That has always worked, but if it didn't I would seriously question why that person was in my life.
                Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                November 2, 2012


                  Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?

                  I am not really ashamed but its not always appropriate to go into the whole story, and i tend to share on a "need to know" basis.

                  Most often i say i am driving, on a diet, or if its a big party or something i make a joke about how the hangovers are so much worse because i am getting old, and people tend to laugh and agree.


                    Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?

                    I certainly was not ready to tell people that I had quite drinking for quite some time. I think it wasn't until around 2 years of living sober, that I began to really get comfortable in my new skin. I now talk to people about it, and have no problems. I actually told my boss in a conversation the other day.

                    In the early months, I just didn't want anyone talking about me period. It took me a great deal of time, to gain some peace from myself in regards to the past, and thus feel good about myself, and build myself back up. I suppose everyone has their own path and own timeline.

                    I think as well, that at one point, I looked at admitting my sobriety was admitting to a weakness; admitting to my alcohol abuse and weakness of dealing with it. Anyone who has given up alcohol can admit to how hard it is, and thus, in time, I now see it as a strength, that I have learned how to live sober (thanks in a great way to the amazing peopel here).

                    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                      Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?

                      I am not ashamed to tell anyone. But i usually dont go into how much i was drinking. Most people i tell don't understand why i quit drinking cause they never saw any real problem. Frankly I don't think anyone really cares if I drink or not so why go into all the gory details.

                      I am proud of what i have done whether anyone cares or not.
                      AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                      Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                        Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?

                        Ashamed? That I no longer make an ass of myself on a regular (aka daily) basis? NO! I am not ashamed to be living a life free of mind altering stuff.

                        How much I share about the "why" is situation dependent. Everyone doesn't need to know or care to know. Then again there are other situations where it is appropriate for me to share more. I go with the flow. I don't care who knows I don't drink, and I'm getting over caring if absolutely everyone knows why.

                        LOL - let's not even talk about the people who are relieved I don't drink any more! :H I'm married to one of them.

                        This will all get more comfortable and you will find your way. You are doing great! :l

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?

                          Here in Ireland the min you refuse a drink most people think you are either pregnant or have a drink problem so for the first month is i said i was doing it for religious reasons and then said i felt so good i decided to stay off, now i know most people didn't buy that story but it made me feel better.
                          It's sad that AL is the only drug we have to have a reason why we are not drinking it.
                          AF 5/jan/2011


                            Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?

                            When I am making one of my AF attempts - I tell people I am on a 30 day detox to flush all the bad stuff out of my system. And since I am carrying enough supplements to cause everyones eyes to pop - and my phone alarm goes off to tell me when to take what next - they don't question it.

                            The times I have made more than 30 - I just say I feel good enough now I want to keep going. My problem is the siren song of modding - hence the post asking long time Abbers to say how sobriety has changed their lived in the just starting out section - so newbies can have a vision of what we are trying to accomplish. Anyway - good morning all.
                            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                            AF - August 20, 2012


                              Are you ashamed to tell others that you've quit AL?

                              When i was 30days in I was ashamed to tell anyone, ashamed of me it took me a long time to get use to me not being ashame of me, once i was not ashamed of me and open up at my meetings and to say my name is Maria and am a alcoholic, took me a long to admit to say those words. I have learn that i dont need to tell ppl my business (or be a open book) or give them excuse/reason why am not drinking. Most ppl dont seem to care the only once that do are the once that seeem to have a problem with AL them self ! It takes time to be comfortable in yourself to be able to share to others or trusts others to say that i dont drink because am a alcoholic.....

                              Catch22. x
                              Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                              sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                              my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !

