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Got my Wife to Thank

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    Got my Wife to Thank

    I have my wonderful wife to thank for a lot of things, marrying me for one, and two wonderful children as reasons two and three.

    One other thing I have to thank her for, is discovering my stash of empty, 20ml, whisky bottles. It nearly ended 15 years of marriage, but it finally made me realise I had a serious problem.

    Let me put that another way, it made me realise that other people now knew I had a problem. I have known, for some years, that I am dependent on alcohol, it is not until someone close to you realises it, that you finally go for help.

    I have managed to disguise my dependence pretty well, sharing a bottle of wine in an evening, maybe with an additional 330ml bottle of beer on top. Two large glasses of wine a day with the occassional beer thrown in for good measure, nothing too excessive. However most nights I would also down a secret 20ml bottle of whisky.

    Not good.

    Anyway, I am on my second night of abstinance, and after some pretty weird dreams last night, and my brain feeling like mush today, I feel ok, without too many cravings.

    Off to bed now, with one final pang of guilt, hanging over me, my local off licence is probably going to go out of business. Shame he is a nice chap with a very nice family, if he needs to drown his sorrows, he will have plenty of bottles of 20ml Bells on the shelf.

    Got my Wife to Thank

    Jonboy, I was in a similar situation, and made the decision that I was through disappointing my family. Since the last episode of bottle-hiding, I've gone 18 days AF and am feeling great.

    This is a great place with great people who have been in the same situations and can offer valuable assistance. Congrats on the great start, and keep up the good work.

    Oh yeah, and welcome to MWO! :welcome:
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      Got my Wife to Thank

      Welcome jonboy-

      Oh the hiding of bottles...funny....after being AF 40+ days I went into the linen closet to get a spare blanket & as I pulled it out ~bang~ an empty wine jug goes rolling across the floor. Thank goodness hubby was helping the kids get ready for bed & didn't see it. I couldn't even tell you how/when I put it there . I thought the house was clean of empties.

      Those days are over & I can now work on my sobriety & regaining my family's trust again.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        Got my Wife to Thank

        Welcome jonboy. I have been AF for 36 days now and feeling pretty darn great! The weird dreams you are having are pretty normal through the withdrawal process. It is nice your wife is there for you! Again, welcome.

        SeaBreez - I too came across a couple of stashed empties behind my couch, when I went to vaccuum behind it! Good Lord! Who was I hiding them from anyway??? Myself??? Scary thought.

