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Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April

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    Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April

    Hello army!

    Having a quiet afternoon at home, sitting in front of my laptop with poppy and a mug of coffee. Went to the doc's for a fasting blood test (or, as I call it, a bloody fasting test) this morning and then went back to sleep for another couple of hours. Inchy was right, there were fewer sick people at the doctor's surgery than there are in the barracks. Anyway, I hope the army's unwell will soon be on the mend.

    That letter must have been so frustrating for you Jackie and the needless bureaucracy would annoy the hell out of me too!

    Well done on your essay limers.

    The weather has definitely turned here and it's a bit cool and breezy now. I don't really want to go out in it.


      Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April

      InChains;1290456 wrote: morning all, thanks for my balloon expat red is my favourite colour too.

      without giving up because I'm too drunk and everythign sounds sloppy, or actually reading before bed instead of forgetting to get itno my pjs and passing out. Think I could get used to this, when I hit a week I'm rewarding myself, thinking of buying one of Eddie Vedder's solo albums, gotta love that man xD

      anyway, happy tuesday to ya'll, hope everybody has nice days at work/at home/etc xD

      Well Done Inchydonney dude ! Have a great day :h All the musak stuff - over my head I'm afraid


        Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April

        Some one talk to me :upset: in work bored outta my tree !!

        Joke ............... why did the egg get himself int otrouble at work ????


          Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April

          satz123;1290530 wrote: Some one talk to me :upset: in work bored outta my tree !!

          Joke ............... why did the egg get himself int otrouble at work ????
          'Cos he ran around with his yoke hanging out:H:H:H


            Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April

            Ok so ...................... jabbering away to myself again. Orf I go and pay a few people !!!!! ( yes I work in Payroll / Benefits ) 3000 feckers to get paid each fortnight - and they are soooooooooooooo ungrateful:H
            questions , questions , questions ................... ye'd swaer I was putting it in my own pocket

            Maybe I won't bother eh ??

            Me & Inchydonney got aquainted last night - the posting kept me on the straight & narrow Inchdonney - thanks !!


              Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April

              mollyka;1290539 wrote: Afternoon peeps! Out de country :-( went an bought some clothes at lunchtime I can ill afford --- but day is lovely!
              Sounds good but not the ill afford bit.

              Sorry about that letter JC

              Feeling so much better here broken rib(s) defo healing.

              Very cold here I am lying on the couch in front of the fire very cosy.

              Enjoy the rest of Tuesday folks


                Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April

                Hi everyone, just read back and seen this should be the sick thread and not the Army thread, cold and wet here hence why i am on the laptop for a while.
                while we are on the sick thread theme i got a letter from the hospital today also, epidural in two weeks for my back , i have been told it wont work but they have to try it before they give me an op on it, still things could be worse.
                AF 5/jan/2011


                  Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April


                  Good to hear you're feeling better, Mr A

                  It's raining here. I shouldn't complain cos we needed it really. The hosepipe ban begins on Thursday.


                    Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April

                    Hi MM, good to see you. At least things are beginning to move forward for you, which is good to hear. Hope you get your op soon.


                      Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April

                      Thanks Recci , the health system moves so slowly here i wont get my hopes up too much , in one way my back doesn't seem to get worse no matter how much i do, for a long time i was doing nothing thinking i could make it worse but i have been told by my GP that it's as bad as it will get within reason. In saying that its a good excuse not to do any exercise, not that i needed much of an excuse before :H
                      AF 5/jan/2011


                        Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April

                        Evening all,

                        There's a blizzard going on in the Costa del Tyne.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April

                          Evening ladies!

                          It is chilly, isn't it?

                          How was work out in the country today, molly?


                            Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April

                            Do you know if I'm honest I'm feeling a bit weepy. Don't do poorly very well.

                            Mind you think I've just opened a bag of worms on another thread talking about counting days.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April

                              Yo Zenners,

                              Honestly you wouldn't believe the blizzard. Poor auld Mr JC has just taken Black Bess out in it.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread Tuesday 3rd April

                                Poor old Jackie, hope you're gonna be feeling better soon. :l:l:l

                                I don't think you said anything out of place on the other thread, it sounded perfectly reasonable to me. Sounds as though you're a bit like me and doing the worrying too much thing.

                                Edit: hello zenny!

