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Army thread Wednesday April 4th

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    Army thread Wednesday April 4th

    Ok don't quit yer day jobs, I didnt win crap. Had a good time though. Then I was behind a little boy in the grocery store buying milk and juice and he didnt have enough money so i paid the balance. There's my good deed for the day

    Hope you all have a great day. I'm bout to hit the bed.
    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.

    Army thread Wednesday April 4th

    good morning or maybe better goodnight Red

    yes that was a very nice thing you did with the young boy..:goodjob:

    okies confesion time..
    After all the posts yesterday about count days etc and the various posts and opinions on it....I had a rethink on my outlook of my new journey...I should've been 6 and a half weeks clean with one small "hiccup" "slip" "glich"...whatever you want to call it..whatever way round's a "fuck up" and like snakes and ladders you slide back down the snake to day one again.......!

    So honesty now..I slide back to the day I went up to the fiscalia on my own at the start of all this which was the second week of march as I wanted to take the police denoucia off (complaint) as how can I do that to my 9yr old son...
    anyway I fucked up on the way home after the fiscalia said NO....

    SO being honest now since the 15th of march, which is 3 weeks tomorrow...but I'm not gonna keep posting my time AF as it's how I did it last time...just get it in my nut that I don't drink and that's it end of story.

    IF and that will be a big IF coz nobdy can rule it I do slide down that snake grumbling and arse kicking myself back to day one..........

    We each have our own way to do it, but on here and especially on here we MUST be honest but also when honesty is given forgivness should be as well...
    as long as the person is prepared to take the rotten eggs thrown if they don't take it for what it is...back to day one...

    Coz at the end of the day the only one we are truly kidding is ourselves.........

    and that's dumb......!!

    Sorry it's long for ealy morning read, but it's been nagging me all night


      Army thread Wednesday April 4th

      Hey Jan, no sleeping yet. That was a great post and good for you on your AL free days. Your life will be so much better the more AL free days you add up.

      Ok REALLY need to get some sleep now or I am going to be one cranky bitch tomorrow (and no one likes that)
      AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

      Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


        Army thread Wednesday April 4th

        Zenstyle;1291068 wrote: Or maybe not.

        Jan... you have taken up a LOT of my time. The least I would expect is honesty. I realized you were bullshitting me though... so no harm no foul.

        Still and all... if you're not honest with yourself then you may as well throw your hands in the air like you just don't care and say FUCK IT. Because when you loose honesty with yourself.... girlfriend... you are DONE.

        I'm not going to talk to you henceforth unless it is pure honesty on your part. Otherwise, save it for an idiot.
        Zennie that is excatly what I said in my post what the hell is wrong.. the last drink I had was when I went up to the fiscalia which was one and a bit week after Ollie was put into Bonnie's care..on the 1st of march....count...


          Army thread Wednesday April 4th

          Zenstyle;1291071 wrote: Jan. You have whitewashed me in the past... no two ways about it!!!!!!!

          Listen... I am all for moving forward... just be REAL with me...
          Zennie I've double checked on my calendar and it correct..
          I fucking give up...I was honest in my post and I don't know why the fuck you are giving me grief....
          I posted about detoxing about a week after I'd been up to the fiscalia, coz I felt like shit since that day, and it didn't settle till I went to see the doc and he put me on the pills etc, only now do I feel half human, although the tablets knock me silly...!


            Army thread Wednesday April 4th

            Morning, folks

            Still at home, feeling like shite. Going back to bed now.
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army thread Wednesday April 4th

              morning tiggeroonie..hope you feel better real soon..:l
              stay in & chillout..:l

              Zennie just checked again it will be 3 weeks tomorrow.
              The 13th was the day I went up to the fiscalia and bought the booze the 15th was when I started again day one...sorry I was a week it will be 3weeks tomorrow... and that is the truth..
              I thought it was the week before coz it was marked on the calendar from when I went to the S.S. first...


                Army thread Wednesday April 4th

                and if anybody is confused with whats going on,

                I've now edited my original post to correct my mistake....but all is now correct


                  Army thread Wednesday April 4th

                  ok I'm getting pissed off with you.....

                  I have not had a drink since the 15th of march...Bonnie comes every morning and I go to her house at night she gives me the drops (colme, google it!) which can be lethal if there is ethanol (alcohol, perfume, vinegar etc) in your system up to 3 days before......every single day, she can tell you on facebook if you want to ask her....I have NOT had a reaction....

                  Coz I am NOT fucking leave me alone coz that is the fucking truth...
                  or are you fucking cranky coz you've given up the fags...??????


                    Army thread Wednesday April 4th

                    Zenstyle;1291089 wrote: Yeah. I'm totally cranky cos I've given up the fags. Darn tootin'!

                    But... OK... I'm gonna stand down on this wee convo Jan... not because I'm cranky but I don't want to continue a conflict... I fight well, I prefer peace, it is good.

                    So you're not drinking. Can I ask how the pills are going? Hate me if you want. Like I said.... it takes one to know one.
                    only the pills from the doc at the booze clinic, even those I've asked him to drop down as they were knocking me sideways....
                    plus my baclofen and loads of vitamins...

                    right I agree, lets stop..
                    just get it in your tough scot nut..I am NOT drinking.......!
                    end of story...


                      Army thread Wednesday April 4th

                      yep funny you tubes..!

                      I think we've frightened all the army away...!

                      do you think they've started another thread?????

                      I haven't looked..


                        Army thread Wednesday April 4th

                        Zenstyle;1291102 wrote: I'll sneak up on them.... get the rear!
                        this is now the 27th record...for this time in the morn..:H:H

                        okies I'll watch yer arse...! :H


                          Army thread Wednesday April 4th

                          Zenny - that British Army video was hilarious!! Excellent (and thet guy leading was a bit of allright too!!)

                          Oh and I love Achmed!


                            Army thread Wednesday April 4th

                            I'm gonna make the coffee pot, need to wake up & have a shower, before I fall asleep...

                            see's ya in a bit :l


                              Army thread Wednesday April 4th

                              mollyka;1291113 wrote: Mornin Blondie and Tippers and Jan and Zenners ---- don't worry Zen, I'm WELL stayin out of your ding-dong with Jan --- youse seem well able for eachother - experienced campaigners:H My only tuppence worth there is that HONESTY is my new mantra --- I am fucking obsessive about it since the centre - that is it.
                              Tips hope you feel better soon:l:l:l and hey Blondie, good to see you over here!! Orf to see Achmed now - back in a bit
                              it's ok Molly there's peace in the camp now......:H

