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Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

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    Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

    Thank you Nicelife.
    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
    AF 11/12/11


      Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

      Nicey, thank you so much for taking time to share that post. I'm very sorry for what you have gone through!!! I am grateful you chose to use that bad experience to help others - and help remind me that those little "stinkin' thinkin'" thoughts lead to no good if I act on them.

      I am so glad you found someone here to follow (Nelz!!!!!!) back onto the wagon. Good luck to you.

      I'm grateful to be reminded.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

        My dear Nicey--of everything I have read--here or elsewhere--this has hit me the most!!! I can relate to so muche here, as I know we all can. Your honesty and strength will be my inspiration for a long to come. I am not yet 5 months AF, but am determined not to go back to that very dark place you describe so well!
        Thank you so much for taking the time to collect your thoughts and post them for us.
        "One day at a time."


          Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

          Hi Nicelife,
          Thank you for writing of your experience with relapse in such great detail. As one who is into my 5th year of sobriety, I have really absorbed and taken to heart, your experience. I feel certain that your words have hit home with many of us here.

          So often, people think that "long term sobriety" is "easy street". But, the fact is that we are still faced with challenges on a regular basis. I truly love my sober life. Like you, I go for weeks without even a passing thought of taking a drink. I try to stay ever aware that my biggest challenge remains to Never Take That First Drink! I also, like so many, have to stay clear that I can never assume that after a long period of abstinence, I can suddenly become a moderate drinker. Without the shadow of a doubt, I KNOW that for an alcoholic, moderation is Not about Self Control. Though self control has an enormous affect on not taking the first drink, after the first drink is taken, all bets are off! So, the only solution is to remain firm in never convincing myself that I can take, just one!

          Thank you so much for sharing. I wish you a sane and sober future!

          Best Wishes,
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

            all i can say is WOW! this was such a great post.
            I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
            sober since 2/4/12


              Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

              That was an amazing and powerful post. Thank you so much. Without a doubt you have touched many today. I'm glad you are here sober and happy.
              Enlightened by MWO


                Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

                Thank you for sharing Nicelife. What an amazing post!


                  Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

                  My greatest fear now is getting complacent in my sobriety. I've been thinking that if I can make a year I'll be on easy street. Your post shows me just how faulty my thinking is. Thank you for posting.


                    Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

                    That was an amazing post, thank you so much for sharing.

                    You definitely reminded me of where I never want to go again. I don't EVER want to start over. It's easier to stay sober than to GET sober. You really struck a chord with me...thank you!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

                      Powerful post. Thank you for sharing !
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

                        hi Nicelife,,, great post. i can see how after 6 years you could think "hey maybe i can" i truly beleive if i give in to tempatiaon next time will be devastating. I wish there was a place we could easily access life changing posts like yours so we can read them without having to remember where it is.

                        AF since Sept 2013...


                          Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

                          I'm so glad I read this, and that you took the time to write it. This is my biggest fear. We must always remain vigilant. Posts like this are invaluable....this could be any of us. Thank you, Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

                            Your post comes at a great time, today i am 43 days sober. As i stated, originally i was only giving up AL for lent and have played over many times if i will drink agian. i will be able to drink on easter, this sunday. i tell my self that i have learned my lesson, that i do not need AL, that i will moderate, that i will be able to control it. truth is, i do not know if i will be able to, i am guessing that i will not. like you, i hid how much i drank, sadly i thought about starting to drink in secret first when i start this weekend. everyone loves this new sober me, but honestly i still miss the drink. despite all the horrible things i did, i still miss it. i want to drink, i want to relapse. then the sober me tellls myself how good i am doing and i dont want to break my streak, i dont want to go back to a day one, i dont want to experiance withdrawl again. my mind set and motivation this past 43 days was being able to and looking forward on drinking on day 47, i need to find a new source of motivation. i need to get help and encourage from my family and set a new goal or i know i will fall back.


                              Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

                              It happens Nicelife....I fell after 5 years.......the thing is to get back on the wagon. Start anew.....We are in a war against may win battles, but the war is the goal ! You fall...get back up ! We are in a war and we need to fight it the rest of our lives ! Keep up the fight ! Good Luck......Tony
                              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                              Dr. Seuss


                                Why I Relapsed After 6 Years Sober

                                Nicelife - what a great post.

                                I have saved this one and will read it again if I ever think I want to "go there" again. That "social drinker" lure is so strong, and your post just nailed it for what it really is. :thanks:

