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No, I do NOT need to have glass of champagne on my wedding day!

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    No, I do NOT need to have glass of champagne on my wedding day!

    We were out at a friend's place last night and the talk turned to my not drinking. This particular group of friends are fascinated, I think partly because they didn't realise the full extent of the problem I had, and partly because they themselves wouldn't think of quitting alcohol.

    I didn't tell them that my intention is never to drink again - I've noticed that a lot of people go a bit strange at that and just keep repeating, "What? Never? EVER?", which really isn't good for my inner demons to hear! - but I did say that it was for the foreseeable future, and that I had quit for a variety of reasons, the main one being (truthfully) that I want to reach my full potential in life and I don't see that happening if alcohol is also in my life.

    One of the women said, "But you're getting married in six months. You've GOT to have a glass of champagne on your wedding day!" And just for a split second, a part of my brain said, "Ohh... That's right... You're going to miss out."

    Then the rest of me remembered that:
    1) I don't drink anymore (duh!!),
    2) it's all just a myth that that fizzy drink is going to do anything magic for me,
    3) if I was to have even just a sip I'd be drinking several bottles and ending up dancing on the table (wouldn't that be nice in the photos), and
    4) It's my wedding day! It's the fact that I'm marrying the man I love, with all of my family and friends there, that will make me happy. Not what's in my glass!

    But it did make me think. For a moment there, I felt like I had to justify myself to her. I felt like she was implying that SHE would have less of a good time if I didn't have champagne in my glass! And it made me wonder - are my parents and friends going to feel the same way? Everyone is supportive at the moment. Will that change, I wonder? I'd better prepare.

    So, how about everyone else? Have you ever had an important occasion where a family member or friend implied that it would make the day less special if YOU didn't drink?

    Would love to hear your thoughts.

    Free since 26th February 2012

    No, I do NOT need to have glass of champagne on my wedding day!

    Oh Lord yes. And I'm expecting an event in the future to get heated about it. My father-in-law passed away a couple weeks ago and was cremated. We are planning a family memorial service for him. I can imagine my one brother-in-law acting like I'm disrespecting his father if I don't toast to him with alcohol. I'll happily toast the man, I loved him. But I'll be toasting with water.


      No, I do NOT need to have glass of champagne on my wedding day!

      Not everyone has a glass of champagne on their wedding day. Some people never drank. They wouldn't consider it. They would opt for a sparkling white grape juice. Had I to do it all over again, I would drink hemlock !
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        No, I do NOT need to have glass of champagne on my wedding day!

        techie;1292393 wrote: Not everyone has a glass of champagne on their wedding day. Some people never drank. They wouldn't consider it. They would opt for a sparkling white grape juice. Had I to do it all over again, I would drink hemlock !


          No, I do NOT need to have glass of champagne on my wedding day!

          techie;1292393 wrote: Not everyone has a glass of champagne on their wedding day. Some people never drank. They wouldn't consider it. They would opt for a sparkling white grape juice. Had I to do it all over again, I would drink hemlock !
          Now that was funny. However, we wouldn't have your wisdom and wit on the boards. :l
          Psalms 119:45

          ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

          St. Francis of Assisi

          I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



            No, I do NOT need to have glass of champagne on my wedding day!

            techie;1292393 wrote: Had I to do it all over again, I would drink hemlock !

            Seriously hidden-gem, I don't believe there is that much serious thought behind comments like that. Just hard for them to imagine doing without, which sort of speaks volumes.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              No, I do NOT need to have glass of champagne on my wedding day!

              Great post Gem!

              Congrats on your wedding...number one!

              Number 2, Congrats on sticking to your wonderful AF goals! To heck with what those other peeps say! This is YOUR life and you couldn't have hit the nail harder on the head when you said that your wedding will be happy no matter if there is bubbles in your glass containing evil, health threatening AL or if you are drinking plain old "healthy" sparkling water! I would choose the latter, you will be much better for it in the long run. AL has society as a whole fooled and we are the lucky ones who have escaped the trap of doom! Live in the light and happy wedding!

              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                No, I do NOT need to have glass of champagne on my wedding day!

                Hi Gem
                You certainly don't need to drink on your wedding day - there are a couple of threads / posts you should read.;

                Further down in general discussion there is a post called " why I relapsed after 6 years sober" read that! It has also been reposted in the Tool Box ( you'll find it close to the very end of the thread).

                There is another MWO member called Choice who recently has an AF wedding - she posted about it. Sorry don't know how to attach a link but she posts quite often in the Newbies Nest so find her and look amongst the threads she started up.

                I myself drank virtually nothing on my own wedding day 10 yrs ago - not intentionally , I did drink at the time, it was just that we were so busy talking, having photos taken etc etc, and a couple of times I had a drink in my hand and when I put it down briefly and came back, it had gone! It certainly didn't spoil my day, I didn't need any AL to feel happy- in fact drinking a lot would have ruined things.

                I started drinking again after 8 months sober after being persuaded to drink a champagne toast at an 18th birthday party, and it all went downhill from here for nearly 3 years!

                Have a wonderful AF day and congratulations on your forthcoming marriage.


                  No, I do NOT need to have glass of champagne on my wedding day!

                  I just watched an episode of Bridezilla (and yes, I get that they are trying to find the most nightmarish brides to film) but the bride got wasted before the ceremony. She was necking shots of vodka as she was being driven to the ceremony. She was rude and obnoxious to her groom, the pageboys and all the guests.

                  It was so cringeworthy I could hardly watch. Her husband looked mortified. I felt so sorry for him that she basically ruined their special day.

                  Don't even risk making a spectacle of yourself Gem. Make your wedding a day to remember for all the best reasons. Hope you have a wonderful day and wish you all the best in your married life!



                    No, I do NOT need to have glass of champagne on my wedding day!

                    I didn't drink on my wedding day and didn't miss it at all.. just had sparkling grape juice in a champaine glass. I was a little worried about people saying stuff... but no one did. The only tough part was being around my family drinking heavily for the days leading up... it just took a tole on me to be around binging, because I'm not around it anymore. But it also reinforced why I shouldn't drink.

                    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and I hope you have fun planning it all.. it's true what they say about the day going really fast so enjoy!


                      No, I do NOT need to have glass of champagne on my wedding day!

                      I have a friend whose father was an alcoholic, and they opted not to have AL at their wedding, but instead offered a variety of fresh fruit smoothies. It was a summer wedding, if I recall. A nice change of pace from just offering guests water or soda.


                        No, I do NOT need to have glass of champagne on my wedding day!

                        Gem, I was at my nephew's wedding last week. He and his partner are both fitness fanatics and neither had anything to drink before, during or after their ceremony. Following their lead, not many of the guests did either. The next day, the wedding organiser phoned to say that it had gone off much better than any other wedding that she had organised. I am so proud of them, and it was so much nicer than our other family gatherings where people made speeches that were memorable only because they were incoherent.

                        No, you do NOT need a glass of champagne on your wedding day!! Enjoy your special day - remember all of it, and know how proud you will feel looking back on the photos
                        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                        Harriet Beecher Stowe


                          No, I do NOT need to have glass of champagne on my wedding day!

                          No you don't need to have champagne for your wedding. Your right on the nose and those who are pressuring you have issues of their own. Hang in there. Don't drink just because of your wedding.

                          Congrats on your wedding! Its your wedding, you can have it AF if you want to. Let the others drink themselves stupid and wake up sick the next day. You don't want to ruin your special day and then ruin the next day with a hangover.
                          I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                          Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                          Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.

