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A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

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    A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

    So, I'm back after several months away and reading my old posts here and my old journals from over the last almost a year of off-on drinking - more ON than OFF to be honest, with only a couple of serious and relatively short-lived (and in hindsight half-arsed) attempts to quit.

    And, while I stuck my head in the sand the last few months after the last failed attempt and just drank like 'normal' - that is to say, alcoholically but still 'functionally' - obviously the fact I'm back means I still know I need to kick this.

    BUT I just can't seem to wrap my head around quitting for good. I can focus on going the month of April but... My current exit strategy thinking is that I am going to Thailand for a month, where I will be visiting some dear old friends, married, who are both heavy drinkers (she, a very long-term friend, is clearly, to me, a high functioning alcoholic; she even refers to herself jokingly repeatedly as an alcoholic but also got very defensive when another friend worryingly suggested she had a drinking problem) ... I'll also be going for a resort weekend with people I don't know well where clearly drinking will feature heavily. There will be so many situations that will be tempting I just can't imagine I won't drink but is that just my addicted brain playing tricks on me and giving me an out before I've even begun??

    (And yes, this plan was made before I decided - again - I needed to quit.)

    I was hoping someone else could give me a lightbulb moment about all this but even typing it out is helping me think anew about it. I am coming up to a year since my last cigarette (whoo HOO) - a HUGE deal for me as an ex 20+ years heavy smoker. I likewise spent almost a year 'trying' to quit and during that year there were always many good 'reasons' to put off quitting... that party, that holiday, that weekend away, that stressful patch... I still can't say what finally snapped in me that I knew I just had to Not. Smoke. Again. Ever. But something finally did. I just got soooo tired of it finally. And here I am a year later SO happy I don't smoke and SO not tempted to, yet still so aware I must never take one again least I go right back to a pack a day. It hasn't occurred to me that being in Thailand will make me want to smoke - one of my friends there also smokes - and I'm 100% sure it won't no matter who the hell is smoking all around me.

    How can I help push myself to this point with drinking? I don't believe in waiting for a 'rock bottom'. Can I? Or do I just need to reach my own breaking point?

    Any advice anyone?

    And thanks for listening if you've read this far.


    A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

    Hi LillyE,
    I think you're an Aussie girl? Seen you post on the Undies thread? I used to be beagle, changed my username.
    I'd like to say hi, extend my hand of friendship, & offer any words of support that may be of use.
    I'm sure that some very wise & experienced people will come on here soon to give you some great advice.
    I really hope things work out ok in thailand, which , might i add, is an amazing place!!!!
    Good on you for giving up smoking too - FANTASTIC in that alone.


      A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

      Hi Coriander/Beagle,

      THANKS for the welcome (back). Yep, fellow Aussie indeed and, yep, I have posted on the Underoos thread in the past. To be honest I got a bit lost there before as it seemed everyone knew each other so well already I didn't get half the references... but perhaps I should jump in again...

      Any and all advice and support most welcome. I hope you're going well too.

      Cheers & happy long weekend!



        A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

        Lilly, it's hard to address your question and "save" you because we're all so individual. How do we make someone want to be sober? You really have to be ready. For me, I was determined and so I started doing things I thought I would never do, like going to AA. I'm not religious, so it was a big stretch for me. But, it's helping....I take what I need and leave the rest, as they tell you to do.

        I was just so tired of the misery, I wanted a different way of life. And, I'm getting it. I would not go back to drinking for love or money........But to get to this frame of mind I had to stop drinking. It wasn't until probably 90 days of sobriety that I really embraced what I was doing and started to be grateful that alcohol was out of my life. So, time was a big factor for me.

        Anyway, wishing you luck..........lots of tools are out there if you want, AA, meds, tons of literature, reading and posting on this site.........exercise, nutrition. You just have to WANT it!

        Best to you........:lilheart: I hope you'll choose sobriety, because alcohol makes life a living hell.


          A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

          Molly, that's funny. I always like your posts and feel a kindred spirit there! How 'bout we just live together without the babies?:H


            A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

            Lilly...I totally understand where you are coming from
            I am going to a Van Halen concert next week and am wondering how I will do it with no AL...esp since hubs will drink.
            But what everyone said here is true.....
            good luck and can I go to Thailand with you??
            and I think I am going to AA for additianl support too
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

              Hi Lilly,

              First, congratulations on quitting smoking, I am still working on that. I haven't been able to figure out how so many people gave up cigarettes before alcohol....I could never drink without smoking, but I can smoke without drinking....go figure. Second, I agree with the others, you have to WANT to be sober more than anything. Not everyone hits a bottom, some of us just get fed up with what alcohol is doing to us mentally and physically. I got to the point where I just couldn't take it anymore, the blackouts, the passing out, the stupid behavior and embarrassment. Alcohol made me an ugly person. I think you will know when you're ready, it sounds like you're at that point already. Let us know how you are doing, and enjoy your trip to Thailand!


              p.s. Molly and UW make such a cute couple. LOL
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

                Hey, I'd like to 3rd the boils down to this: I want to be sober MORE than I want to drink. How simplistic...but people will do what they WANT to do..and whichever is the stronger wins. How do you wrap your head around quitting for good? You must approach this thing just as you would approach eating an bite at a time....Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

                  getting back on track

                  Quitting smoking is easier in some ways because all of society wants you to quit. Drinking is the opposite, at least at the moment. I think you are setting yourself up for a huge temptation if you go on that trip. Do you have to go? Is it all booked? Being around heavy drinking friends could be very hard initially, not impossible, but hard.


                    A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

                    Hi Lilly
                    Well I'm no sage, but I'll have a crack.
                    Good to see you back, although not under these circumstances (as we aaaaaaaall know.)
                    Hope you will jump back into the Undies.
                    As for the drinking........all I can say is keep cracking away at it. Don't use a relapse as an excuse to go hard again. I am not trying to trivialise the process or encourage excuse making. The commitment to sobriety should be firm and genuine, but I've noticed that absolutism doesn't work either, because then a relapse is absolute as well, and folk give up.
                    Eventually we can put together enough experience of a healthy, wholesome, sober life that the comparison makes drinking just seem stupid really......
                    Another thing I've noticed, with myself at least, is that success varies directly with how effectively I set up a nice new life with as few alcohol associations as possible. Just a lovely wholesome new life dedicated to making yourself and the people around you happy, content and healthy......who could object to that?
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

                      lovely post Bridge...
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

                        Hi LillE

                        Are you on AB? You KNOW that no matter what you CANNOT drink on that stuff. Maybe that might be the crutch that you need to get you over this holiday. I have been to Thailand and to the resorts etc also with my boozy friends, really it is almost mandatory to drink isnt it -especially being an Aussie!

                        Is it ppossible that you can fill your days with sight seeing, go see some elephants, cultural stuff, artistic venues, day tours, keep busy, busy, busy. Maybe even some time alone to meditate, and walk along a lovely beach? You may even have to "bight the bullet" and say to your friends that you have been very worried for some time now about your over drinking and that your doctor has trongly advised you to cut down for your health's sake. This is important to you, and i know that they will say "oh come on,one wont hurt you", but you must say "yes, yes it will and please dont ask me again, I mean it". And then focus on having fun. Relax, enjoy the sun, scenery, people, food and above all, keep this thought in mind. Imagine yourself on the flight home feeling ecstatic and so very proud of yourself that you didnt give in. No hang overs, or guilt or shame, just a really lovely holiday to remember fondly and forever.

                        All the best my friend. I wish you all the luck in the world. I dont know if you can do it, but I know that you have to try.

                        If at first you dont succeed......


                          A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

                          I am in your exact position, LillyK. "On and off, mostly ON" indeed. I hope we both figure this out!
                          Jane Jane


                            A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

                            Unwasted, MollyKa, Mama Bear, ByeByeBJ, Over It and everyone else... thank you so much for the great words. I'm embarrassed it's taken me so long to reply because I did read them all and they did really help me think.

                            A special thanks to you Unwasted - your words have helped me both now and when I was here before. You're very wise and I love the way you put things. Your posts always make me think.

                            Unfortunately, the reason it took so long is that I predictably I justified a 'drink or two' with a friend last Saturday, which predictably turned into a massive night, which predictably led to more drinking, me feeling avoidant, not coming here, and also being super depressed.

                            The predictably is because not drinking is - at least for now - still really hard for me - so when I'm in a waffly head space - as evidenced by this post - then it's almost guaranteed I'll cave in. As it is the longest I've managed to go was not quite a month (a couple of times) when I was feeling really determined.

                            ByeByeBJ - I know what you mean about not trivalising or encouraging excuse making and I don't want to do that, but I also can see something in that idea of "putting together enough sober time to make the comparison seem stupid". I do think each time I manage to go even a short spell it does strengthen at least my knowledge, if not my will enough yet, that not drinking is really better for me in every way. That's the frustrating thing - I guess like any addiction - that you can know that and yet the pull can still be so strong.

                            I keep thinking about the smoking analogy. Next week will be my one year quit anniversary. Weirdly just lately I've had more - I don't quite want to say cravings but thoughts - of smoking. Even today when having coffee with a friend who was chain smoking. BUT the difference now is that no matter what cravings I have I KNOW I am not going to smoke. Because I KNOW that "one cigarette" would lead to 100+ and I'd be soooo miserable to be smoking again that it would weigh outweigh any fleeting pleasure.

                            I can see getting to that point with drinking. But I guess the thing is that it would take a good long spell sober to get there, like you said Unwasted. At some point I really just have to dive in and commit fully.

                            But anyway, for now, thank you all for your input and support.


                              A feeling of deja vu - can anyone help me crack this cycle?

                              Oh and Jane Jane, me too. Me TOO!

                              PM me anytime and also have you been over in April Restarts? Or are you hanging in the newbie nest?

