Mama Bear:l:h
Try and get some club soda and add a lemon or lime wedge to settle your stomach. I was reading in your previous posts that your husband drinks and likes to go out with his friends and drink. Would he quit with you....or at least not drink when the two of you are out with others? I cannot imagine trying to be AF and succeeding when I'm with a partner who drinks. I know you and your husband really love each other....and maybe he doesn't realize how hard it is for you to be AF and stay that way.
Like I've said before, AB makes drinking NOT an option, but it doesn't address the root cause of why you drink....and you've probably written down the reasons before (maybe anxiety.....empty nest syndrome....a lack of a new activity/hobby to replace time spent with AL).
I think we have a lot in common in that we are both sociable people with good senses of humor, and we like to laugh and have fun. I saw an AL therapist for a while back in 2009 and she told me, "it's not what's in the glass, it's the conversation and the people you enjoy being with." She was right. When I was out with people, I had absolutely NO problem at 1 or two glasses of wine (tops)...because I was too busy getting involved in the conversation with the people I was with at the time. They didn't care if I drank or not. My vulnerable time was when I was alone....mainly on the weekends, because I'm single, and I live by myself. So I drank to avoid thinking about the ever-looming stressful Monday ahead of me, and to try the numb the pain of disappointments and losses in my life. I had to work the hardest at changing my weekend routine....and to have every hour planned out with activity so I had NO time to drink. I so get the romanticizing the bottle. Yes, been there, done that. I'm here for you anytime. You know that.

I have a question about AB. If it makes you sleepy, why not take it before bed? Why does it have to be taken during the day? Just sayin....
Stay close to us. You're very dear to me.