Hey Mama...they are having a marathon of The Tudors on channel BBC America. I don't know what satelite company you have but on Dish it is channel 135....they are on episode 8. I have never watched it before but I see what you mean about drooling! Ha!
No announcement yet.
I need some encouragement
I need some encouragement
Hey Mama...they are having a marathon of The Tudors on channel BBC America. I don't know what satelite company you have but on Dish it is channel 135....they are on episode 8. I have never watched it before but I see what you mean about drooling! Ha!AB Club Member
AB Start Date - 7/25/12
10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:
:heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:
I need some encouragement
It is a fabulous show DES...I just watched it all on netflix....Henry Cavill plays Charles Brandon....
I am really down today....don;t know why...guess just feeling over loaded by life.....I will be fine in a bit
off to the grocery storeI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
I need some encouragement
I tried watching it but didn't really know what was going on...I am going to have to watch it from the beginning...it is totally my kind of show! I hope you get out of your funk...get something yummy to eat and then snugle in your bed with some popcorn and a movie. And if ya want a few laughs you can always think of me on the mechanical bull at the rodeo...if I get the nerve to do it! :muahaha:
I will be back on later.....keep smiling!!!!!!!:rays:AB Club Member
AB Start Date - 7/25/12
10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:
:heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:
I need some encouragement
Mama Bear,:h
How are you feeling? Are you any better? You really shook me up when you posted that you have gastritis and the beginning of an ulcer.:upset: It hit me hard because my mom's 3 sisters were alcoholics, and one of them died at 54 because of a bleeding ulcer caused by years of cigarettes and vodka. My mom (the only sister who wasn't an alcoholic) is still heartbroken that her sister's life, and the lives of her husband and four children, were destroyed by The Beast. I don't want anything to happen to you. You are too valued and loved here. Please be good to yourself.:l:h
I need some encouragement
Oh Rusty
You are the sweetest thing...
I feel so much better physically....I have been a bit blue, but that will pass.
The doctor did no scans or anything and Hubs doubts his prognosis, but I am watching the spicy foods,etc and I am not drinking and have NO desire to. I am thankful for that, but I am being vigilant.
How are you?/I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
I need some encouragement
Hi Mama Bear:l
I am so proud of you that you are AF!:goodjob: I am fine....AF, although I have put back on 8 pounds of the 30 lbs. I lost! ARRGGGHHH!!! But back on the sugar free wagon, again! GEEEZZZZ, I was thin for years. AL destroyed all that, and even being AF, it's hell to take it off. Other than that, life is pretty good. I still chuckle at the comment your husband made about your cleavage "44 longs.":H and you saying, "Bastard!" Yeah, like this male friend of mine likes to say to me (insert large hards coming towards my chest)..."Are these cotton....then these must be felt!" A VERY OLD JOKE! The depression....I think that comes with being AF in early days, according to my sober-for-a-decade friend. She said when you give up AL, it's like losing your best friend. Hey, I just read that you used to ride English and compete. Me, too. In dressage.
BTW....I saw that YouTube video of Savannah Oaks (sounds like the name of a burlesque dancer:H) Where is the pic of you? Please provide the right link, you Florida beauty. Love ya, honey....please please please take care of yourself.
I need some encouragement
go to You Tube and type in Savannah oaks We Love You
I manage an apartment community and my boss wanted all her managers to do a team building thingy..so we made this silly video
I think my mood has been brought on by really bad tinnitus....ringing of the ears...can hear pulse swooshing....and some dizziness...but since doing some research and understanding it better, I feel better
it's a pain in the ass but I can manage
so,,,is this male friend a possible sweetheart??I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
I need some encouragement
MB I had to laugh at 44longs! :H I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better and don't want to drink. I wish that your doctor had run some tests to confirm his suspicions. Depending on your insurance you might want to try to see a gastroenterologist.
Hi Rusty!
I need some encouragement
Hi doo doo
How are you sweetheart?
Heading to our lake house for the day, but keeping an eye on the bad storm heading this way
will check in tonight or tomorrowI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
I need some encouragement
Good morning Mama! Have fun at the lake house! That is most likely just what the Dr ordered to make you feel better both physically and mentally! Congrats on another AF day...I am on day 6...Yippee!AB Club Member
AB Start Date - 7/25/12
10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:
:heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:
I need some encouragement
Hi Mamabear,
I was really thinking of you .Now happy to know that you are doing well again.As you are senior to me ,you know more than me but want to say keep the burning desire standstillso that AL cant alive with you and burn to ash.
Nice to know of your 6 days !
DixA learned habit surely be unlearned !!
2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.
Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.
2013 : So many ups and down !!
2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.