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Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

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    Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

    Good morning troops, back to waking up early & going to work and kids to school....

    How many are still hungover from chocolate fever..?? had a sickly brigade yesterday..:H's out of the infermery, back to work and school for the kids..And with a smile on yer face..:H

    Happy sober Tuesday:l

    Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

    Hiya LadyJ - it's the middle of the afternoon down here -i'm not long home from the day's working effort. Nice to sit down and see the Army thread is up and running for Tuesday. yay! I used to start it a few years ago and I've only really been hanging around the fringes of late - apologies, just life getting in the way. I gotta remember, it was you guys who were here for me ALWAYS back then...and to see the Army still going so super and strong is totally beautiful.

    Starts, Oney, Limers, Cy, Gat - to name but a few of the trusty old soldiers a big HELLO and hello to all you guys who are today's soldiers...we are helping lots of people out there who haven't started posting yet to get the courage up - just by being here. SO I APOLOGISE for my inconsistency and hope I can start posting more regularly again, IT's down to ME of course, but life just gets in the way sometimes.

    I am nearly 15 months AF now - a true miracle.

    hi to all to come - looking forward to getting to know you x x x


      Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

      Hi Good morning Kapone,
      We did meet yesterday, but a welcome back, I undestand what you mean about life getting in the way espcially when sober!

      I went missing as my life was hectic..and stupidly & slowly fell off the wagon..MWO is a life line to hold on tight to, I'm back in the saddle and AF again... and back in trouble again with social services and my young son..SHIT...

      I felt soo good sober and dry it's another world, but I slowly slipped off even tho I wasn't ever drunk it still fogged my life.. so stupid to leave here and the support we can give others and at the same time, by our replies it helps to keep us sober, coz we remind us ourselves about the importance of sobriety.

      Well done on your AF tme, I've just gotta push ahead a clock up the days/weeks/months then YEARS yay :yay: :yay:

      Moderation does Not's a deception to back down the slope


        Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

        Amen to that re the mod, LJ - and taking a day at a time / staying in the day etc is a hard one sometimes too...I just try my hardest to keep it simple. Drama free and balancing that without becoming reclusive, exactly You are SOOOOO right about holding on to MWO - I'm going to make a conscious effort this time. ALL WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT WILL BE GRATEFULLY ADHERED TO just like I say - THANKS to all of you for still being here. Consistency in my life is getting stonger, but I'm a work in progress lol...Just about the time of day for dinner to start...

        Home made pizzas - total licence to create beaut food!


          Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

          Oooooh yeah homade pizza, and yep licence to put whatever topping you want with it, have you ever tried to use cheese in the's really yummy..

          Yep stay close, I know I'm going to, not gonna get complacent and think, that's it...!

          I haven't got the time as I'm so busy and am sober so can't be chatting everyday..
          Ho... fucking HO.... !!
          yes we do, thats why it's here for support, encouragment, be listened to, by people who TRULY understand this disease...nobody but a fellow alkie does understand it, warts an all!!
          Oh yes, being a recluse is a walk down a dangerous lonely path and leads so easily to drinking again...!
          and it's nice to have an early morning friend to chat to, mind you they should be getting up least tigger & pattie they are ahead in time to me and our Irish & UK friends..


            Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

            Good morning/Afternoon
            Some nice posts to wake up to!
            Early start today-and as Jan said-back to work and school. Kids are still sleeping so I have some time to have my coffee and shower in peace before the screeching starts.


              Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

              Good morning Pattie..

              Yep get your peace while you can, how the weather today in gay paris :l


                Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

                Good morning Jan, Kapone and Expattie

                Have just arrived at the office - it is still fecking dark out there :upset: The cubs are going to be tired today... neither of them could fall asleep easily last night.
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

                  Good morning tiggeroooooooonie...:l:l

                  are they back to school as well?
                  I think the Irish and UK have still got another week, ours went back yesterday

                  still pitch black outside as well, but not cold, terrace door is open, but it was cold yesterday evening and we have snow up on it when it's like that


                    Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

                    Morning Tips! Not looking forward to waking up my kids. We all had a bit of trouble falling asleep last night. At least it's a shortish week.
                    Rain for the next few days in Paris, so it's just as well we are back to school.
                    I'll try to pop in before leaving for work but if not
                    Hope you all have a lovely Tuesday!:l
                    And good luck at the dentist JC! x


                      Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

                      Ahoy there expat & tips - lovely to see you. LadyJ - the total key word you mentioned is complacency - I'm headed for a drink if I don't haul my arse out of that mode asap. Grateful alkie in recovery today am I ...cheesy pizza bases ...yum...I am cheating and have store bought bases - but the cheese and garlc base thing is done by many delivery pizza parlours and mmmmmmmmmmmm yeah, it is mighty good.
                      I've got a good combo going on at the mo, mainly salami ham red and green pepper and sauces...

                      ...while most of you will be at cornflakes o'clock,,,...and looking forward hopefully to another day of positive sober living ...


                        Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

                        Well stay close by, I'm normally around about this time as I can't get my sleep pattern into order..
                        In the afternoons I crash and burn till either 6 or 7pm then full steam till 1-2am wake at 3:30am, try and sleep a bit more maybe get half an hour, then it's wake up time..

                        The joys of being sober.....:H:H It's life giving a kick up the arse for being so stupid....when you think about it all the hard work we did to get sober and then.............whoosh it's gone and back to the start, and all the shit that goes with it...

                        Never mind onwards and upwards..


                          Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

                          Tiggs, howz your blocked nose now??are you all better now?


                            Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

                            Good morning! Ready for day 1 and some clear air.

                            :wings:Love, Peace, and Happiness!


                              Army Thread Tuesday 10th April 2012

                              :HIndeed! ...and thanks:thanks:

