Warning - multi-post coming up....
Daughter arrived home from Dubai. Not going on to OZ as we had thought but commuting to Paris. Plane out Monday am and home Friday pm. Means there is an apartment in Paris free every weekendAh hah. A free apartment in Paris every weekend. Now I get it....
I was over at EasyPeasy-Jet looking up mid week flight to Paris.Sneaky bint. You wanted to get first dibs on that free apartment.
The desk top is playing silly beggars.
I'm about to have a little moan.......................my mouth hurts and my gum's swollen. :upset:
Mr :h did warn me but I just thought it would only be a little bit.Jackie, the freezing will do that. It creates a tender lump that takes a day or so to go away. So does that mean that your mouth looks something like Angela Jolie's.
Hope your mouth feels better soon JC.
Where's our Reccie bear?
Off to get more dinner-we're all starving tonight. It was a loooong day. xAw, thanks for the birthday wishes ExPatty. And yes he's a handsome bugger even if I do say so myself.:H
Hope you have a delicious meal and that you get some rest.
KTAB;1294768 wrote: Wrecked so I am, its been a looooong day too. Going to scoff some grub and fall asleep in front of the footy soon.
mario;1294770 wrote: Evening all and hiya katb :-)
KTAB;1294771 wrote: Hiya Mario, mr 17k
KTAB;1294772 wrote: and 1
mario;1294775 wrote: Wrecked here so i am :-)