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Taking AB and neally fell tonight

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    Taking AB and neally fell tonight

    I have been on AB now for 15 days and doing really well, apart from the first few days the cravings haven,t been to bad. Tonight though they were terrible, I almost took that drink knowing the consequences that it would have! Has anyone else experienced this? How long before the really strong cravings disappear? Thanks everyone. Just makes you realize how damn sneeky al can be and how it plays mind games!:thanks:

    Taking AB and neally fell tonight

    boozer;1294618 wrote: I have been on AB now for 15 days and doing really well, apart from the first few days the cravings haven,t been to bad. Tonight though they were terrible, I almost took that drink knowing the consequences that it would have! Has anyone else experienced this? How long before the really strong cravings disappear? Thanks everyone. Just makes you realize how damn sneeky al can be and how it plays mind games!:thanks:
    Hi Boozer. First, the cravings will get milder with time. How soon they taper off depends on the individual. I would suggest finding something to occupy your mind and your body when you get the cravings. Something to get you through the time it takes for the cravings to peak and then reside. Kind of like a wave. Some kind of sports activity, a good movie, mowing the lawn, walking your dog, whatever it takes to get you through them. Since you're taking Antabuse, I expect you've researched what can happen if you drink while on it. In case you haven't, here is a list of reactions your body could have if you drink AL while on Antabuse...

    What Are the Effects?
    The high concentration of acetaldehyde that occurs when someone drinks while taking antabuse can cause reactions that range widely from mild to severe, depending on how much antabuse and how much alcohol is consumed, none of which are pleasant.

    If you drink while taking antabuse, you can experience these symptoms:

    Copious Vomiting
    Throbbing in the Head and Neck
    Throbbing Headache
    Respiratory Difficulty
    Chest Pain
    Marked Uneasiness
    Blurred Vision

    Those are the "mild" symptoms. Severe reactions can include respiratory depression, cardiovascular collapse, myocardial infarction, acute congestive heart failure, unconsciousness, arrhythmias, convulsions, and death.

    It's not a drug to be experimenting with or taken for granted. People on antabuse have had reactions from the alcohol in their perfume or in eating food such as Christmas cake that may contain sherry or brandy. Opinions vary as to how long AL should be out of your system before you can safely take Antabuse - at least three days to detox - so I expect the same would apply to how long you should be off Antabuse before you can drink. Others say up to three weeks. Of course it varies from individual to individual, but I don't think it's worth taking a chance to see if you are one of the "lucky ones".

    Wishing you the best on your sober journey. It won't always be easy, but it will always be worth it. And just a second thought - while it is always easy to think of "a good excuse" to drink, it is just as easy to think of a better excuse not to. Again, best of luck!
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      Taking AB and neally fell tonight

      Hey, Boozer. Some of us who are taking Antabuse are also taking something for the cravings. I take baclofen (at a low dose). At 60 days, I don't notice cravings at all and I usually just take the baclofen at night now. I think someone used Campral in a similar way when first starting out on AB. Also supplements, like gabapentin and kudzu, can be helpful for people. Good luck. Just keep not drinking. It does get better!

      Stirly, the way I understand it, AB kicks in at the beginning stages of metabolizing AL, so you don't have to be AF for three days before taking it. I safely took it 12 hours after my last drink (and I'd had quite a lot to drink). Also, AB stays in your system. If a person had been taking a full dose, every day, for a while, three days off it would not be long enough to be safe taking a drink.

      You are here:


        Taking AB and neally fell tonight

        GingerDust;1294663 wrote:
        Stirly, the way I understand it, AB kicks in at the beginning stages of metabolizing AL, so you don't have to be AF for three days before taking it. I safely took it 12 hours after my last drink (and I'd had quite a lot to drink). Also, AB stays in your system. If a person had been taking a full dose, every day, for a while, three days off it would not be long enough to be safe taking a drink.
        That was basically my point, that you need to be off AB for some time before you take a drink, otherwise you could literally be risking your life.
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          Taking AB and neally fell tonight

          Hi Boozer,
          Please do not drink while taking AB, I have done it and believe me, it's HELL. I wanted to crawl out of my skin! I spent all night throwing up and I felt like my head was going to fall off. The throbbing at the back of my neck was excruciating too. Ok, so now you know the horrors of drinking on it...please don't do it! As far as cravings, it's different for everyone, but the longer you go without drinking, the less cravings you'll get. As Stirly suggested, try to occupy yourself with an activity, or even just go to bed! Each day will get easier. Hang in there, you're doing so well!

          p.s. All these side effects were after 5 days of being off AB...I can't even imagine what they would be the same day you took a pill!
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Taking AB and neally fell tonight

            Thanks everyone for your support, last night was the most severe cravings I think I have ever had. And yes, I will be occupying myself tonight around 4-pm if al comes knocking!! Will see my GP this week for some bac or campral to help with the cravings.There IS one thing I am sure of, without AB I would be drinking! No drug has kept me off the booze like AB. I therefore will probably be taking it for many months, but that decision is a long way off. ODAT for now. Thanks everyone again.


              Taking AB and neally fell tonight

              Hi Boozer!
              Glad you're doing well despite those pesky cravings...they WILL pass, as you know. I have found that as time goes on, I can easily kill much so that I wonder how it got so late and what did I actually accomplish? LOL
              Just stay busy, read a book! That's always my answer
              I plan to stay on AB for the entire year of 2012...and possibly beyond! As long as I need it, I will use it.
              Keep up the good work and keep us posted!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Taking AB and neally fell tonight

                what she said boozer!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  Taking AB and neally fell tonight

                  Boozer - try the L-Glut in micronized powder. Works best in a milk based drink but you can use in a fruit water or soda. I get wicked cravings, Kudzu has done next to nothing, L-Glut in capsules - meh - some, L-Glut in chewables - GREAT, L-Glut in powder? Has knocked cravings to next to nothing. I am profoundly hypoglycemic however so YMMV. And check both 7 weeks to sobriety and the weight lifter web sites - but you can take a LOT higher dose of L-Glut than you see on the MWO shopping cart safely.

                  Bonus? Besides the cravings? Since I am working out every day now - L-Glut helps prevent post-workout muscle soreness. First time I've worked out this hard and haven't hurt like a mofo the next day...
                  That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                  Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                  AF - August 20, 2012


                    Taking AB and neally fell tonight

                    I have drank 7 days after taking 1 - 250mg dose and still had a horrible throbbing headache. Don't drink on the stuff! Your body can't process it.
                    I do busy work when I have cravings. I try to be extra busy at the witching hour. I run or attend a meeting or something to keep my mind off it.
                    How much AB are you taking. My doctor has me on 2 x 250 mgs. On that I would not dare to drink so the argument and surprisingly the cravings are not there and only mild if any.
                    It is when I forget my dose for a day or two the arguments start to happen.
                    Take it daily if you can convince your AL brain to.
                    Good luck! The cravings will subside and almost become non existent. The time to watch out for surprise cravings are when you are in the midst of people drinking. That is when I get a bit wobbly until I get a nice virgin caesar in my hands.
                    Don't worry, be happy!

