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Army Thread Monday 11th April

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    Army Thread Monday 11th April

    Yes, wednesday is drawing to a close, a lovely time of day - work over, no tea to cook, cool outside, and warm inside...not a bad day at all.


      Army Thread Monday 11th April

      Morning Army!
      Running late this morning-running out of the door-child has a croissant in his hand to eat on the way.:H Aughhh!
      Happy Hump day! xxx


        Army Thread Monday 11th April

        expat3;1295057 wrote: Morning Army!
        Running late this morning-running out of the door-child has a croissant in his hand to eat on the way.:H Aughhh!
        Happy Hump day! xxx
        :H:H:H have a good day...I can just imagine wot's going on...had many mornings like that with Ollie..:H


          Army Thread Monday 11th April

          kapone;1295056 wrote: Yes, wednesday is drawing to a close, a lovely time of day - work over, no tea to cook, cool outside, and warm inside...not a bad day at all.
          Sounds a perfect day..

          What are they making for tea??


            Army Thread Monday 11th April

            Morning folks, Expat I hate rushing so I do. Beautiful morning, sun is shining and the birds are singing.
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              Army Thread Monday 11th April

              morning KT.. sounds lovely, I reckon we're gonna have a nice day as well, forecast is sunny and clear, and the sun is just starting to pop it's head up..
              love this time of day..


                Army Thread Monday 11th April

                Hiya kt - lj, I think it is spag bol or lasagne - the darlings! I'm just off to an AA meeting shortly - I don't go nearly as often as I could, but I'm taking along a newcomer tonight, always a good reason to get along myself. I know it's not everyone's cuppa tea, but I find the general philosophy of the 12 steps is a goodie. Haven't been to a meeting for a while so it'll be fun!


                  Army Thread Monday 11th April

                  Gotta run, gotta jump in the shower and get on the bus up to Santa Cruz, got court case this morn with a client..
                  see ya laters:l:l:l


                    Army Thread Monday 11th April

                    see ya later on lj - go well today one and all. I'm out for the next hour and a bit, see you all back here soon


                      Army Thread Monday 11th April

                      Used to hear my dad saying 'best time of the day' while I wanted to just get back under the bed covers and sleep as a teen. Jeeze just dawned on me that I have turned into him haha.
                      Kapone I never heard AA described as fun before, great that it works so well for you. Have to say I find the steps helpful introspectively too.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Army Thread Monday 11th April

                        See ya Jan, I would like to be in Santa Cruz this morning, but not in court :H

                        Edit: and goodbye Kap. Right I best away and face the day too.
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          Army Thread Monday 11th April

                          morning all. quiet day here after all yesterdays mayhem

                          the bin lorry came at 630am. how unreasonable is that??
                          I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                          They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                            Army Thread Monday 11th April

                            Good morning, Army

                            Woke up with one eye almost swollen shut (and no, Mrs. T did not assault me in my sleep). Off to the doctor a bit later to have it checked out, but will at least be working from home today.
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Army Thread Monday 11th April

                              Morning army. Lovely morning the sun is out but its gotten colder the last few days. That soundsa bit sore tipps hopefully nothing too serious. Have a good wednesday folks. Thinking of going to an AA meeting this evening also. I struggled a lot over the long weekend.


                                Army Thread Monday 11th April

                                Good morning Janners, my mate marioooooo. Expatty, KTabbers, Fireyfoxy, Pinguuuu, Tipperoo, Mollymoo and good evenink Kapo

                                Sounds awful, Tip. Would your swollen eye like to join my swollen gums on the settee for the day. I can bring my own painkillers.

                                Now the son and heir is in a better place (Gawd sounds like he's dead), I have to smile. He's most put out at being called untidy as he actually cleaned the bathroom and made sure it was super tidy so as not to bother the cleaner.

                                So sorry you struggled over the weekend,FF. Here's an invite for next Easter. Get them yo yos saved up and there's a bed here for the weekend for you. You'll have to bring your own Easter Eggs though.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

