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What was th turning point

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    What was th turning point


    What was th turning point

    How are you doing, SunF - I have had so many 'turning points' I would be on permanent spin if we were being literal! But seriously, after many times of getting sober 'for my kids', 'for my health - which was a euphemism for staying alive, 'for my partner/s' etc etc my (hopefully) last lightning strike came on Feb 22 last year when I was in the City and a massive earthquake struck and people died around me. I successfully helped rescue several people trapped in rubble etc and my lasting thought has been 'if I were drunk I would have not been able to help anyone, and perhaps someone I love was in trouble and I was passed out drunk etc'. It totally sorted me out, I tell ya.

    Soo basically for me it was a natural disaster or 'act of God' that has kept me sober and very very strongly sober for the last 14 months...thanks for starting the thread - interesting...and I really hope you are going well today


      What was th turning point

      Hey sunflower, I see you have deleted your post but I wanted to add my turning point.

      It was last March and after another drunken night and being riled up by who I thought was a friend, I turned into a horrible bitch and had a horrific arguement with my roommate who is also my lifelong closest friend. It was ridiculous and humiliating and would have never happened if I were sober. After that night and a extremely emotional and guilt ridden next day, I knew I had enough. I was a daily drinker (heavy liquor, at least a pint of 150 proof AL every night) I knew I had to taper to avoid wd's. I did that for a week and started Smart Recovery that same weekend. March 17th, 2011 was my first day sober in 10 years. I didnt know how I was going to do it, but I knew I was never going back. Fir the first couple of months I slept after work everyday then woke up and cooked for a couple of hours (yes alot of leftovers went to waste but it was better than drinking). It broke my routine. I had to no idea how I would make it to Easter and now here I am almost 13 months later loving my sober life. I can deal with the good, the bad and the ugly with little to no problems. I communicate with people so much better and I learned how to let a lot of things go. It's amazing what I thought were problems when I was drinking were in reality just fueled by my own alcohol consumption.

      I don't know where you are in your journey and I cant tell you how to quit if you are still drinking. For me, I believe in the saying NO DRINKING NO MATTER WHAT. I also make myself remember the reality of my horrible experiences while drinking if / when the thoughts of drinking pop into my head. I dont allow the AL thoughts to stay and try to trick me. I know what that crap did to me and how many years of my life it took from me.

      Sorry to be long winded. I hope something I said helps in someway.
      AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

      Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


        What was th turning point

        That's so cool, Red - good on you. We are all incredibly unique but our common thread bonds us completely as one. thank you Red / ...The Sunflower? Thanks for starting it, even though you've deleted yours, the experience, strength & hope that's possible when we share is totally spot-on


          What was th turning point

          You need to delete or edit that post.


            What was th turning point

            My turning point was 6/28/10. It was at my sons Little League All Star game after a 3 day bender. I was having withdrawals during the game and I truly thought I was going to have a stroke or a heart attack. I didn't care about dieing, but the thought of embarrassing my son during his big moment made something click.

            The following day I found a website and started researching my problem and made a commitment to stay sober after 27 years of binging and the final 5 years of daily drinking. I'm not exactly sure what made it click,because I had many points along the way that might be considered worse, and I did have a short relapse a couple of months later, but that was the moment that I finally got my arms around the idea of never drinking again. Once that idea took hold and I started making a true effort on a daily basis things got much better.


              What was th turning point

              good thread... mine was seeing an old friend (briefly was my dads second wife) nearly bleed to death following a knee replacement because she tried to hide her severe Al addiction from the anaesthesiologist, at the same time i was studying a disorder in livers of horses, then reading about what I was actually doing to myself....then quit finally after many years of quiet friend died a half a year later of cirrhosis. It was awful, she was only 13 years older than me. Watching someone die from drinking is really awful. It was 14 months yesterday for me. Never going back.

              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                What was th turning point

                Mine was

                After being on another drinking binge I physically abused my partner and friends at home, police were called (again),After waking up at my sisters house the next morning and then preceded to the pub again as if all was ok,I then went on another binge,Finally on the tuesday jan 13th 09 woke up and said to myself this is it, never again.

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  What was th turning point

                  That is great, Mario. I am inspired by you, thanks


                    What was th turning point

                    kapone;1297054 wrote: That is great, Mario. I am inspired by you, thanks
                    Kapone thanks, But in reality I would be very ashamed of my drunken behaviour,its even embarrassing writing it down again and I am just grateful that my loved ones are/were so understanding that I had a drink problem,as I didn't know I had Just glad to write this and look back still sober

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      What was th turning point

                      Hi Sunflower

                      Thank you for starting this thread. I think my turning point was yesterday. Have a thumping headache after consuming half a bottle of white wine, half a bottle of prosecco, one beer, another glass of white wine, 2 glasses of red wine and two double whiskys (spread over approximately half a day, but still...). It was a turning point as I've finally twigged that I don't have a "stop button" when drinking and that moderation does not work. I've finally accepted that alcohol is a powerful drug and that "just the one" = a drunk. :nutso: I've finally come to terms with the fact that if I carry on like this, I'll end up dead.

                      I've got a life to start living. I want to train to run a marathon. I want to finish my law course. I want to have money to spend on nice clothes and make-up. I want my self-confidence back (the confidence I feel when I drink is completely fake). I want to cleanse my body of the poison just in case I decide to have kids later on. I want to wake up every morning at 6am with a clear head and bags of energy. I want TO LIVE!!!

                      So.... back on day 1 (for probably the upteenth time) and feeling pretty positive that this is it. NO MORE BOOZE EVER.

                      Much love
                      Cellist x
                      "Lose your bottle and gain your courage" (Jason Vale, "Kick the Drink...Easily!")


                        What was th turning point

                        SUn- I have had so many turning points that thwy have just added up
                        three smashed cars
                        night in jail
                        the look and my kids and hubby's face
                        weight gain
                        horrible shame
                        lying...lots of it
                        hating myself
                        increased depression and anxiety
                        more lying
                        missing work
                        more lying
                        falling and being taken to ER and getting 75 stitches in my head
                        did I mention a night in jail
                        need I continue???
                        Please babe....I will pm you my number
                        IT'S NOT WORTH IT......
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          What was th turning point

                          kapone;1297015 wrote: That's so cool, Red - good on you. We are all incredibly unique but our common thread bonds us completely as one. thank you Red / ...The Sunflower? Thanks for starting it, even though you've deleted yours, the experience, strength & hope that's possible when we share is totally spot-on
                          You are an incredicle person! I read your story and I am very impressed and proud of you! What an amazing journey you have had. Thank you for being a part of MWO!
                          AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                          Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                            What was th turning point

                            yes Kapone.....that IS an amazing story!! You are a hero
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              What was th turning point

                              Hi Sunflower, how are you doing today? I have read back on your posts and you seem to delete some of your posts. No need to do that here. There is no need or reason to feel ashamed or embarrassed about what you post. We have all been there and we understand. I find it refreshing to be able to never be embarrassed about posting here. If anyone understands, we alkies do.

                              Hope you read the amazing posts from the people who have posted here and you are able to find something that may be helpful to you. If you need anything dont ever be ashamed to ask. Tons of support here for you:l
                              AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                              Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.

