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HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!

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    HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!

    Oooo, oooo, ooooh - I know ..... what about

    Kangaroo Feathers as a centrepiece?


      HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!

      Okay, okay, I think I've got everything.....

      It will have to be BYO Dryzabone.

      Oh, Oh and Tawny the centrepiece...


        HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!

        Wow, this is really an education. Excepting the food, it looks like there's a word for an Australian/Mexican party--Texas!


          HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!

          A wonderful Australian cafe just opened recently right down the road from us.... we eat there like mad people now! They serve baked beans with your eggs and shredded carrots on the burgers. Anyway... the owner is from Perth. She and her husband travelled all over the US and chose Jacksonville to settle. Her husband is American. Anway, I've gotten a huge education from her on Aussie food.... you can go read about it by going to "Google" although they do not have their own web page yet.

          Then put in quotes, "Walkabout Eatery and Cafe" then a comma, and "Jacksonville, Florida" (but dont put quotes around Jacksonville Florida. It will be the first link to come up... go read the write up and you will get great food ideas....
          What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


            HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!


            Top job on the graphics...
            Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


              HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!

              Last one... thanks Wattle!


                HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!

                and to top it up, here's the website

                Australia ? So Where The Bloody Hell Are You?
                Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                  HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!


                  You're a bleeding legend mate....
                  Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


                    HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!

                    So you're daughter is going to San Miguel? For food, I would not suggest anything Mexican. San Miguel has been taken-over by humvees and elderly Americans. Perhaps, strained peas would be appropriate. If I was you, or your daughter, I would run away, as fast as I could, from San Miguel, and land myself in Guanajuato. Or, Leon. But San Miguel? No. Never. And, certainly not for solid food, let alone Mexican food.

                    Buenos Suerte,
                    k. Sonora
                    Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.


                      HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!

                      To all of you-
                      Thank you so much for so many fun ideas for food and decorating! I showed the pics and shared the posts (anonymously, of course) with Callie, who's going to Sydney. She's gonna fit right in! I even bought big plastic flies to put on her food!!
                      We had a great family dinner, which the girls cooked and served. It sounds like a missed a blast of a BBQ...Did it end up at Flip's house? Or a revolving party? What the heck was Tawny trying to make with that little tower thingy?

                      Love and thanks to you all again :thanks:
                      Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


                        HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!

                        Buenos tardes! Now tell me how you really feel! :H Yes, I know San Miguel has been taken over by ex-pats...But, that's where she has chosen to live and do her internship and go to the Instituto de Allende for art. She's been travelling all over Central America for the last 3 months, so definitely got to see "real". She will be doing community/service work in the outer communities, and will take side trips to Guanajuato and other interesting places. She'll be working and living in a Bed & Breakfast/Restaurant, so I'm sure she'll be very exposed to the "artists" and all the fiestas and cocktail parties at "art openings". She's where she wants to be, but it will be interesting to see where she goes from here. Hopefully she'll be able to learn weaving/textile stuff from locals, not from Americans. She's just going to stay open to any possibilites.
                        Thanks for your advice. I've gone back and forth about the best place for her, but ultimately, it was her choice. Sounds like you've been there? Any other ideas or advice?
                        Well, my reply was so long I must now say Buenos Noches! Sorry I went on a bit, but I've been living this stuff, with both of them here, and a couple more stopped here for the night before I took them to the retreat center where they'll be for 3 weeks, then all of them will scatter to the ends of the earth, according to where they've chosen to do their internship. Can you tell I'm envious?
                        Take care-
                        Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


                          HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!

                          Tumadre, your daughter sounds like an amazing young lady. This will be an adventure of a life time!


                            HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!

                            Accountable for Me;94658 wrote: Tumadre, your daughter sounds like an amazing young lady. This will be an adventure of a life time!
                            Thank you for that, AFM! I have watched her make such a huge leap forward in integrity, maturity and responsibility through this college program. She certainly went into it knowing that she was going to be stretched to her utmost, and she has been (and it's not over yet). I am so proud of her...she definitely had some struggles before, as she has to go down the road herself to learn the lesson...and, I'm sure, there'll be more learning! Cause that's life
                            At the end of this 3 week retreat, the parents go to the center for a 2 day "Rite of Passage" into adulthood. Can we say waterproof mascara?!:egad: :upset:
                            I've begun sharing a lot more of my struggles as a person with her...she's starting to gain some insight into adulthood. She knows about my drinking, and that allowed her to listen to my concerns about her own partying-which is much more responsible now. She still is 19, though:banana:
                            Ah, there I go again. Just don't get me started on my daughters! They are both doing amazing things with their life!
                            Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


                              HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!

                              I think it is fabulous to read such a positive/exciting post! Write your heart out!

                              Waterproof mascara; is there any other kind?

                              Tumadra I honestly think our children do listen to us. I believe if we are honest with them about addictions, sex, life, our own personal experiences, etc, they will turn out just fine. Keeping the lines of communication open plays a huge part in it as well.

                              You sound like an awesome mom! I am so happy for you.

                              Thanks for sharing your story. I think it is such a wonderful one! Truly a ray of sushine. You will have to keep us posted!


                                HELP! Need Aussie/Mexican Theme Party Ideas!!

                                I'm know my daughters have listened to me, sometimes with their jaws agape.:wow3:..I try to hold onto those particular stories until I really need them for shock value. The sad thing is, I never have to make any of them up, AND they haven't heard everything.
                                I'm just like every other parent, wanting to spare them the pain of their mistakes, yet I know they do need to make them to learn.
                                But does it have to be so painful to watch? :hitme:uch: Actually, as you probably know, it's because we love them so much, that it hurts so much when they hurt.
                                Thank you for the support, though, I was needing it-:h
                                Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.

