Latest from our programmer
Most of the bugs should be sorted out. If you've had trouble with DrinkTracker, please try the following:
* Go to
* If you're able to log in, select "View Archive" to see the alphabetic listing of, say January 07 stats. In the public view, member names are alphabetized and extra fields have been removed. "View Archive" will also take you to the current month, but we're working on that.
* If you continue to get an error message (now in red text) when attempting to log in please report it here.
We'd like to transfer the upgrade over to the live area tonight/tomorrow, which should take it offline (the application only, not the board) for about 20 minutes. We'll do this at approximately 9 p.m. Pacific; 1 a.m. Eastern; 6 a.m. London; 5 p.m. Sydney.