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Night sweats ?

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    Night sweats ?

    This is a bit embarrassing...

    when I don't drink, I have cold night sweats! Does anyone else have these? Anyone know the medical reason for them and a possible cure?


    Night sweats ?

    Hi Pebbles,

    Sweating and clammyness are one of the withdrawal symptoms from alcohol. You might experience them for a week or so as your body detoxes. Just hang in there. If you go to the top of the page, there is a link to the withdrawal effects based on the amount you are drinking.

    Hope this helps!


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Night sweats ?

      Hi Pebbles,

      Yes night sweats are a normal process of detox. However I still get them once in a while After 39 days!

      Just know when our body is expelling all of the YUCK out, it does it through our skin. How lovely eh? Thank God for baths and showers!!!


        Night sweats ?

        Night Sweats

        Yes I get 'the drenches', am quite bad just now as only on day 5 AF but the inside shaking and quivering has stopped and I look quite 'normal'!! Luckily my sweats are only at night now, I used to get them during the day too which can be quite hard to explain at work (apart from saying - oh it mus tbe my age) and I could always smell alcohol on myself too after the sweat (although I might have imagined that bit). Hoping they will stop soon and proper sleep will start as others have said on this site has happened to them.
        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


          Night sweats ?

          I get them sometimes as well but I also feel less wobbly and more alert now than I have for a while.
          Unfortunately my eyes are starting to fail quite rapidly. I have always been keen on wildlife and birds so I have noticed not noticing so many.Does that make sense.
          I am a bit of a tight-wad when it comes to spending money on myself, so I begrudge paying the ?120 or so that they tell me a pair of glasses costs. I have a pair that I got for ?1. They OK for reading but useless outside. I'm going to wait until I really need them, which won't be too long now.
          Sorry. I seem to have wandered off the topic.....


            Night sweats ?

            Yes I too got sweats for my first few AF days, but then I had REALLY abused alcohol in the months up to it, and also when I was drinking heavily I would get them in the morning as well.

            Popeye, you need to eat some carrots with your spinach to help your eyesight :H

            Love & Hugs


              Night sweats ?

              :H :H


                Night sweats ?

                Thanks guys, so now I know sweaty sheets and soggy pjs are in fact a good thing !! I shall look forward to more of them in the knowledge that more toxins are flowing into the bed...yuk!


                  Night sweats ?

                  Young, I could not find the link for recovery reactions. Could you please post the link? Thankyou,
                  Sorry to be dense.


                    Night sweats ?

                    Good luck with the night sweats, they will pass. Also you will sweat less without booze.
                    Some medications can also cause increased sweating.
                    Personally I find few things as uncomfortable as waking up drenched.
                    Best of luck,
                    "faith can move mountains, but bring a shovel" - Unknown


                      Night sweats ?

                      It's right at the top of the page when you're reading under Home, My Story, Our Community, etc. There is a paragraph. The link is in there.
                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        Night sweats ?

                        The Dreaded Sweats!

                        Ah Pebbles i'm right there with you with the sweats.On my af nights which are about 2 a week(good for me---gradually trying to cut down to weekend only drinking)i absolutely dread bedtime.I normally just lie awake,with goosebumps,freezing inside,(every so often getting this awful sensation going through my entire body) and my pjs sticking to me with sweat.Man i hate it! I be soooo glad to hear my alarm go off!!!!!

                        annie x


                          Night sweats ?

                          Night sweats...YUCK! I hate them but I certainly get them often enough. Just one more reason to get myself to stop drinking...I seem to have a lot of those.

                          Hang in there!
                          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                            Night sweats ?

                            Hormone cycles are very complex, however the following article is useful in helping to understand some possible links to hormone levels, abstinence and night sweats.


