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    New TV Show - The BIGGEST WINNER

    I was just reading AAthlete's post about exersice and how great it for us (ex) drinkers to beat depression and how wonderful it is to lose weight, improve health etc etc etc.. all stuff we already know. The REAL problem is - How do we get started, and how do we keep it up?

    Well, do I have a great idea! REALITY TV SHOW - The Biggest Winner!! :H

    Only drunks need apply and go on the show, the hostess shows us binge drinking and how pitiful we really are when we are drinking. We talk about how sad and depressed we are and how out of control our drinking has become. We get one last binge on our drink of choice - on TV for everyone to stare at. :upset:

    Then, we get a Personal shrink, a Doctor, a Personal Trainer and Nutritionist. Our Shrink sessions get taped in a small "diary room". At regular intavals we get tempted with grog but if we pass our 'challenge' we get extra treats.....We are forced to run, eat and live well. We get a new life!

    Every week we vote out who is doing better than us as they don't need the help as much or the person who is still craving a drink. The person left at the end is then the biggest winner and gets a couple of million dollars! :award:

    I reckon I'm on to something here!

    It always seems impossible until it's done....

    New TV Show - The BIGGEST WINNER

    We wish!

    It would rate through the roof! Great idea Flip, would be the ultimate in reality TV. I just wish the stigma wasn't as such as our problem is seen as shameful and everyone would be as supportive as they are here. Hope all is going well with your new friend, how about an update?

    Luv Jasmin xx
    :thanks: :h


      New TV Show - The BIGGEST WINNER

      I have to agree - it would be the greatest show EVER for ratings!!!!!!!!!


        New TV Show - The BIGGEST WINNER

        Did anyone ever see that ridiculous show they had about five years ago about people quitting smoking? They were locked in a house and could not smoke and it was hysterical. But maybe only funny to me since I have an addiction issue. Good idea for a show though.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          New TV Show - The BIGGEST WINNER

          OMG! I thought you were describing a REAL show... was scrolling down to the bottom of your post for the air time and network.... LOL!

          The only part you left out was the "ALL ONE" drink every morning and who can remember their supplements on time each day...

          You really should get this idea into tv land...:goodjob:
          What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


            New TV Show - The BIGGEST WINNER

            , it would rate through the roof! DAHey guysMN! Not neccariarly Classy -But - not trasy!
            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


              New TV Show - The BIGGEST WINNER


              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

