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Any other languages present in our community?

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    Any other languages present in our community?

    Just out of interest, are there any other languages/nationals present in our community. Just purely to see how diverse we are. I'm from Europe with French/German/minority language as my mother languages. :welcome:
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

    Any other languages present in our community?


    I was born in the UK, but my parents came over here from India.

    I speak Punjabi as well as English.


      Any other languages present in our community?

      Paddy and Mandy, I wish I spoke another language. All I speak is English, and some pathetic high school French! I can count to ten in German and Spanish. Big whoop! LOL. Not very accomplished is your YAH....
      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Any other languages present in our community?

        Young at Heart

        I only learnt Punjabi as it was the language I spoke at home. It's never been any great use to me "outside".
        Unless interpreting for my gran counts!!!


          Any other languages present in our community?

          I'm afraid I only speak English..Like you Kathy, I can count to about 20 in German, oh, and I know how to order ein grosse bier, but won't be needing that anymore...My two favourite languages though are French and Italian, you could be telling someone they have dog poo on their shoe in either of those two languages and it would still sound romantic..
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            Any other languages present in our community?

            Hello all,
            I speak english and strine. Does that count as two languages?
            Irish, found the post, thanks. Do you take it off at night?



              Any other languages present in our community?

              Ah Rags, thats for me to know......
              A F F L..
              Alcohol Free For Life


                Any other languages present in our community?

                OK Multilingual coming through...

                Hi guys
                I speak, English (after a fashion!), bit of schoolish French, getting around Spanish, Indonesian, Greek, Korean and...
                but before you think what a w..ker I learn a few phrases and then - use 'em or lose em! Trying to complete my degree with Indonesian :-) Any help out there?!
                PS, Irish, I can also order drinks in most languages :-(


                  Any other languages present in our community?

                  Well - I can speak rubbish veeeeery well........

                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    Any other languages present in our community?

                    I'm from the Highlands of Scotland but don't speak very much Gealic - it was so uncool at school to do so but wish i did now that it is quite fashionable again.
                    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                      Any other languages present in our community?

                      Satori, I'm with you - I used to be able to speak a mean drunkenese. :toasted: :toasted: Crazy thing though, I think I am forgetting how to speak it now and I lay the blame squarely on my MWO friends.....
                      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                        Any other languages present in our community?

                        I am fluent in pig latin...
                        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                          Any other languages present in our community?

                          Tea and other Scots,
                          I encourage you to learn/speak the gaelic, otherwise it will die out. I wanted to learn it but there is no way I can do it from where I am. Bought a tape when I was in Scotland 10 yrs ago, but little help.
                          With migration changes here, the celtic element has just about died.....the New Years Highland gathering now attracts only a couple of hundred people, whereas 30 years ago, thousands would be there. Pipe bands are not as popular as they were, solo piping comps attract very few people, and you can just about count on your fingers the number of highland dancers. However, we do have 2 excellent fiddlers.........Bob McGuiness (who lives about 40 miles from me) and Chris Duncan... who I think toured Scotland last year.
                          Gosh, this ended up a bit of a rave, however if you hear of any correspondence courses where I could apply to learn gaelic, drop me a PM.


                            Any other languages present in our community?

                            Fun thread,
                            I speak French and Greek (I worked in West Africa and in Greece) I speak Spanish and am learning Italian just now. Thankfully it is quite similar to Spanish and French and uses the same alphabet.


                              Any other languages present in our community?

                              I think that's neat, so aside from being 'highly spirited' we also speak quite a few languages on this site, ha, ha. Ok, and AAthlete and Satori speak in tongues at times ...
                              Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

