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I'm so sorry.

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    I'm so sorry.

    Hi Folks,
    I made a major mistake yesterday and I offended some people that I have come to regard as friends.
    I took a joke too far. I feel terrible. I always mess up. Maybe that's why I don't have any friends.
    Anyway, I don't feel that I can participate here any more.
    The best of luck to you all.
    I'm so sorry.

    I'm so sorry.

    Aww come on Paul. I dont know what it was but I know people here dont want ya to leave. Please reconsider.
    Gabby :flower:


      I'm so sorry.

      no don't say that - we're all human and you have been a big support and inspiration to me and lots of other people.
      don't beat yourself up, everyone says things that upset people sometimes- the intent is the thing.
      apologise and try to learn but don't beat yourself up xx
      one day at a time


        I'm so sorry.

        Come on Pauly wauly, I don't know what it is but don't throw in the shovel, will ya? We all make mistakes. And frankly, I always thought you were the gentleman around here. :goodjob:
        Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


          I'm so sorry.

          yes, c'mon Paul, I don't know what happened and I don't want to. You, personally, have been a major inspiration to me, always there with a kind and wise word. Picked yourself up after a blip and carried on, please please reconsider. You're funny, considerate and caring and we all need people like you around.

          Please stay.


            I'm so sorry.

            PAul, you may have done what you have claimed, but please don't leave. WE need you here. Please.
            It always seems impossible until it's done....


              I'm so sorry.

              Hey Paul,

              People have screwed up on the boards before. People have gotten in arguments, had controversies, etc. Welcome to the real life side of MWO, where it's not always a magic bubble of support.

              I'm sorry that you offended someone. I hope things can be worked out.

              I think you are pretty fine, my friend, and I would hate to see you leave over something that just happens. So I'm asking you to please not go! Please? Let's just see how this all shakes out.

              Lots of love and respect,

              We all make mistakes!

              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                I'm so sorry.

                Please don't go! I'm just getting to know you.
                No idea what you did, but it is now over, in the past. You've too many people here who would miss you.
                As Kate says, it's a small slip on the journey. I'm sure it's happened to others before.
                No friends? Look at the posts. Please be kind to yourself,


                  I'm so sorry.

                  Hey Paul
                  It just would not be the same here without you.
                  I think we need you here as much as you need us,
                  Please don't go - what ever it was - it won't seem so bad after a day or so.

                  Best wishes


                    I'm so sorry.

                    Don't go, everybody makes mistakes, that's why they have erasers on pencils.Think about it for awhile. IAD
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      I'm so sorry.

                      Paul, Paul, Paul

                      I know you are much stronger then to walk away! (My Avatar excluded)
                      Life is, life... good, bad, mistakes, great performance, poor performance... we are all just like you.

                      If you stay, you will grow, laugh, cry, and we need your help to keep us all on track, just like you may feel you need us...

                      Stick to it buddy. Forgive and forget, move forward.

                      Best regards....
                      Control the Mind


                        I'm so sorry.

                        Paul, would you like to know how many times I screw up in just one day? With me it's open mouth insert foot. This board is support for you and you are support for us. I don't have any friends in my real life just here & I don't want loose any here. We are human therfore we make mistakes.
                        Stay strong


                          I'm so sorry.

                          C'mon Paul - what's past is past - we all just have to try to learn from it and move on.

                          We all make mistakes - That is what makes us human!

                          We need you here - in the short time I've been here, you have been an inspiration.

                          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                            I'm so sorry.

                            Paul, you are a wonderful person, and we would miss your presence here terribly. I have no idea as to what happened, but can only imagine it wasn't that big of a deal. Sometimes we think too much about something we may have said or posted.


                              I'm so sorry.

                              Are you readin all this Paul??????
                              Gabby :flower:

