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My head is aching!!

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    My head is aching!!


    Unfortunately I gave in last night and had a bottle of wine. I managed 35 days AF, but as a religious bargaining (some of you may have read in my other posts), I wanted to do 6 weeks. Well, it will just mean I start again.

    I just had so much going on at home, and did not feel that I was getting the support I need. I just felt I'm wrong if I drink and I'm wrong if I don't.

    However, I feel so crap now. I literally had to drag myself out of bed and now I'm at work but can't get my brain in gear. So how to I get rid of this headache. I have eaten, taken paracetamol, but I felt like someone is trampling over my head. Why did I drink? The problems are still there!!!:upset:

    My head is aching!!


    Don't be too hard on yourself. You have still accomplished alot, congrats on the the 30 days of abs! I hope you feel better today.

    PS. At least you proved to yourself that you are strong enough to meet your goal of abs or mods.



      My head is aching!!

      Dont beat yourself up Mandy. U managed 35 days AF so u know u can do this. These things happen none of us are perfect.


        My head is aching!!


        35 days is huge!! What discipline!!! You should feel very good about that.

        I understand how home pressures can make one loose it. Spouses just know what buttons to push to send us over the ledge...

        Be kind to yourself...heal...and get back at it...

        Support and blessing!!!
        Control the Mind


          My head is aching!!


          I've went for a walk at lunchtime and feel better. Head is still sore, but not as bad as this morning.

          I feel guilty as I had only one more week till my goal of 6 weeks AF. (Loads of repenting and praying to God for forgiveness).

          Rocky, you are right about spouses. Can't live with them, can't live without!!


            My head is aching!!

            Ahhh.. Mandy. Don't beat yourself up too much. 35 days is an awesome start! So you caved in? Just write it off and carry on. It has to be so difficult when you don't have the support at home. Gosh, I know I would of caved if my ex were lingering around here out of sheer frustration and taunting. Sad, but true. Although I am at 40 days now, I still feel like I haven't really been in any situation that may give me my run for the money. I am safe here at home. Also, you shouldn't make promises to the higher power. This will just make you feel worse if you fail. God is very forgiving. The only promises you should make are to you.

            Hang in there. Just know now that you aren't missing out on anything. The hangover and disappointment you are feeling today is proof of that! Just hop back on. It is OK to test the waters you know. And from that you learn more about yourself.


              My head is aching!!

              Mandy, I blew it last nite to. Everyones posts here apply to me to today. I am gonna set a goal this time of being AF for a month. I have been doing good and drank because I was bored and got sucked in to it.



                My head is aching!!

                Thanks Accountable.

                You are right. It is so not worth feeling like this. 2 Hours of drinking, but 8+ hours of feeling s**t.

                But I feel better now with all your words of encouragement. I am back with a vengance!


                  My head is aching!!


                  I've told myself next time I feel that I want a drink, instead of walking to the off-license, I will be logging onto MWO. (And read my post of why I wanted to give up in the first place).

                  All the best.


                    My head is aching!!

                    Hi Mandy,

                    As everyone has said, please don't beat yourself up over one slip... Think positive, and say to yourself 35 days is fantastic...ok so now you know what CAN happen, next time you will be stronger and you will come out a winner...

                    Love, Louise..
                    A F F L..
                    Alcohol Free For Life


                      My head is aching!!

                      Mandy, I'm only on day 5 and struggling, congrats on ONLY DRINKING ONE BOTTLE - Respect to you on that and your 35 days. Agree with above not to make promises to HP, they are all forgiving and will help if asked (also know that we are all but human). our promises are to be to ourselves. Be good to yourself and don't beat yourself up, it happens and will happen again to each of us. Thanks for being on this site, I can't believe I have found it.
                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                        My head is aching!!

                        HI Mandy,
                        I just wanted to add my two cents here and tell you that did an amazing job with the 35 days and I know you will do it again! Paula W always has a great way to look at this stuff, she says things like "I have 17 AF days out of 20". Instead of focusing on that one off day, keep remembering the 35 great ones and continue from there

                        hugs to you,


                          My head is aching!!

                          Hi Mandy,

                          Congratulations on the 35 days - I can only dream of that!

                          One day out of 35 is NOT a major problem.
                          Just think how far you have come.

                          Go look in a mirror, give yourself a big smile and tell yourself you did great with only one slip in all that time.
                          Then - get back to work building that store of AF days.
                          They are like gold - they will make you richer than any currency!
                          So - you spent a couple of bars - look at what is left in the bank!!!!

                          Take care

                          Be proud


                          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                            My head is aching!!

                            Be proud Mandy. I recently had a slip after 18 days AF and my goal was like six months. I felt down at first, but I picked myself up and I'm back to Day 3 AF. I truly believe in trial and error; so I think things will work out for you. 35 days is super duper.


                              My head is aching!!

                              WOW ...

                              Roxy said it for me....

                              Focus on the good days and not on the bad DAY (just one).

                              I know how you feel, but you are winning this battle ...

                              How does it compare to last month ......

                              Big hugs to get you through this :l :l :l :l

