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Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?

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    Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?

    Like I've said I am a newbie; but there is something I cannot fiqure out. I always thought an alcoholic would drink anything for the sake of having a drink.But right now I have tequlia.rum, burbon and red wine in the house but have no desire to have them. I don't like taste of them. But if I have Vodka or chardonnny..katie bar the door! I won't stop until all is gone. I can't fiqure it out. does anyone else have an issue like this. I thought forever that I wasn't an alcohlic because of this reason. I know better now.

    Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?

    I only drink beer. Once in a while I would have a little wine but thats it. I have rum and stuff in the house but I would never drink it. I dont like hard alcohol. Beer is my poison .


      Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?

      I believe for alcoholics that are very advanced, meaning they drink first thing in the morning, and all day long, and all night....They would have to drink anything to have a drink of alcohol...rubbing alcohol in some cases....

      For functioning alcoholics... they have their preferences...I'm like you...I Do not care for beer, etc. but vodka.... batten down the hatches...
      Control the Mind


        Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?

        I LOVE alpine bitter and Fireball - they are both whiskey-type shots (but dont taste like whiskey - they have a nice minty ish taste but they taste warm on the way down and hit you right away) - then of course there is always the white wine...
        Over 4 months AF :h


          Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?

          And by the way, those two shots are both born of more recent years (in terms of my choice of drinks) and are responsible for much of the trouble i find myself in....
          Over 4 months AF :h


            Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?

            Jenneh - I too liked the fireball. Cinnamon! Haven't had that in a long time. For me, I don't drink just anything either. I have had some stuff in my house for months that I didn't touch. If it were wine or vodka, another story. My ex would drink anything. He is the super dragon of chasing the buzz so to speak. So, no, even though my drinking was excessive and out of control I wouldn't drink just anything.


              Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?


              My poison is cold beer (above 5% alcohol).

              I have a big cupboard full of various single malt whiskies in the house, and , although I do on occasion drink whisky, it is not my preferred drink.

              I just realised today that I have been craving beer big time lately - and there is alcohol in huge amount in the house already.
              I think the addiction for me is partly the sensations involved in drinking beer as well as the buzz

              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?

                Ooh Jen, my girlfriend has gotten herself in much trouble from the Fireball. Deadly stuff.

                I am a wine drinker, both red and white. I have a full liquor cabinet and a tub full of beer and will not drink it no matter who desperate I may be. It is very odd, and I used to think that I could not possibly have a problem with drinking either if I did not drink all types of liquor.
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?

                  Give me Gordon's Vodka and I am at the starting line for the Drunken 500....

                  Don't really care for other kinds of vodka, and I have beer in the fridge from the SB party and wine in the wine rack - but no desire to drink either one of those...
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                    Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?

                    Me, I'm a Marketing Dream...if it's summer, it's an icy gin and tonic, cold chardonnay, freezing beer, whatever they suggest. In winter they can warm me up with single malts, rich red wines, rums, brandies, you name it I can picture myself in the right surroundings drinking it....

                    reality is different...lots of cheap red wine drunk quickly and secretly. Not such a nice picture is it?


                      Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?

                      I certainly have my preferences. Red wine thank you ...or white wine. But if it's a Sunday (can't buy alcohol on sunday here ) and I have nothing but Jim Beam whiskey (ick) Guess what? I can drink Jim Beam.

                      No way I would pass on alcohol if it were in my house and if it were the only option. I would even drink Schnapps (double ick).

                      I didn't think I was that bad but I guess I was. I thought about cooking wine ( cause you can buy it on Sunday) and even eyed a pasta Vodka Sauce a time or two...just hoping maybe...
                      Boy - that is hard to write. True though.



                        Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?

                        Vodka with more vodka, ad infinitum


                          Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?

                          Until the lst year, just red wine or Whisky ...

                          But the last year got me bad .... Daughter scheduled for brain surgery, then cancelled at last minute, then rebooked, ..... I drank anything that I could get my hands on ..... although if I went for it myself it was still red wine ..... tricked myself into thinking that it was acceptable at 11am ........


                            Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?

                            Wow, I started drinking at 23yrs old on the hard stuff. My friend took me to the clubs and we did Tequila shots and vodka shots. Only top shelf tequila. I also learned to like Bacardi Gold and Jack Daniel's. Beer and Wine don't get me going. I can do without those. I can also sip those and make a drink last all nite. But the harder stuff. Lately Vodka is my drink of choice. Oh yeah and keep me away from the soda like malted beverages. But I won't get trashed on anything. I hate Gin and there's other stuff I've tried that turned my stomach. And nothing out of a carton or a plastic bottle, Yuck!.


                              Do you have liquors that intice you more than others?

                              Simey, you're talking about end-stage alcoholics--yes, they will drink just about anything. Most of us haven't gotten there--we still have our homes, our computers, etc.

                              I won't touch beer. I could have a case of it in the house and it would stay there untouched. Can't keep red wine around though, or vodka. Canadian whiskey and rum are okay, I'd probably drink it if I had the right thing to mix it with. Oh, and I have gotten totally and completely wasted in the past on that licorice liquor, what is it? I guess I'm getting better cause I can't remember the name. Yeah, I've thought about cooking wine too, Lisa, but it's got salt in it!! Yuck! (I tasted it so I know! LOL!)
                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

