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Love language

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    Love language

    In honor of the "love" month.
    :h Nancy

    by Kathy Whirity

    In honor of cupid's big day it's only fitting to direct our
    attention towards this hearts and flowers kind of holiday with
    renewed interest in fueling the flames of passion.
    I know what you're probably thinking -- romance is the last
    thing on your mind after a hectic day at the office, and an even more
    exhaustive evening of dealing with dinner, homework, bath and
    By the time your weary head hits the pillow the luxury of sleep
    is all that's on your mind.
    When it comes to brain power, muscle power, and how efficiently
    we use our time, the theory that, "If you don't use it, you'll lose
    it" often comes into play. The theory also applies to the power of
    love. Once Cupid's arrow has struck, it's not as difficult as you
    think to keep the desire for one another lively and amusing.
    Miscommunication is perhaps the biggest reason why women seem to
    suffer headaches on a regular basis. Taking steps to appreciate the
    big picture can help to keep the Tylenol in the medicine cabinet
    while restoring romance in the bedroom.
    It's all in the way we look at it which, at times, takes a lot
    of creative thinking, on our part, but well worth the effort.
    In marriage we vow to love and honor our husbands. After many
    years of marriage it is a wife, wealthy in wisdom, who values the
    unspoken vow of deciphering her husband's language of love, which is
    indeed spoken in a language all his own.
    How many times do we women feel insulted when our husbands lead
    us into Victoria's Secret as they browse through the lingerie showing
    us what they want for their birthday? I've had the temptation to
    strangle my Romeo, right there in the store, with the size 6 satin
    negligee he holds up to my now more endowed frame.
    But, in his language of love all he's saying is that he still
    sees his bride as svelte and sexy as the day he married her. I've
    learned to accept it as a compliment that my honey still sees me as
    Victoria's Secret material when I know I belong at Lane Bryant.
    While most wives see a candle lit dinner for two as invitingly
    romantic, her husband's own prelude to a romantic evening can be
    debatable. He'll point to the fact that, love is on his mind as he
    washes dishes, loads the washer and runs the vacuum across the
    carpet. It takes years of experience for a wife to appreciate that
    these chores, done as a token of his love and affection, are
    practical gestures that speak louder than words -- from his point of
    If you think about it, doesn't the sight of a clean kitchen and
    empty laundry hamper make for an evening of spontaneous romance?
    I know it works for me. The cleaner the house the more amorous I feel!
    Men and women -- we define romance in different ways. But if we
    ever expect to have and to hold, the whimsy of wedded bliss, we need
    to really listen to the language of our husband's love.
    It will serve us well all the days of our married lives.

    Roses are red, violets are blue,
    May the language of love be heard by you.
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10