Good morning Army!!
Sorry for buggering off last night but just as I was getting ready to write a multi-post, my sister called and by the time we got off the phone, there was barely time to walk the dog before going to bed.
Tipster, so sorry about your Dad's unexpected visit but good for you on putting him in his place and sending him packing.
Startypants, enjoy your weekend. Girly time sounds like lots of fun.
Mrs. A - hope you have an uneventful trip and best of luck for the marathon.
:wavin: to ExPatty, Kapone, Foxy and Satz.
Jan, you never did tell us what kind of help and support they have for Ollie. You mentioned once about him seeing a child psychologist, if I remember well, but you never said whether there was any follow up and if any help was available from the centre for abused women. Good that you've got your head straightened around and you are AF once more but that wasn't the only issue. I sincerely hope that they will provide him with the counseling he needs.