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    Hi all

    So would love to hear your views...


    hello - i have seen councsellors but not specifically about drink - more about low self esteem/self image.
    I can't really advise as I'm in UK too but I knwo that brief therapy can be helpful (or motivational interviewing/solution focused counselling) and also cognitive behavioural therapy.
    good luck and hope this helps
    one day at a time




      yep, I think sometimes they're more bonkers than us...after getting me to draw a lovely map of my life and it's ups and downs, mine told me that when bad things happen I drink more...Rocket Science! :H
      Then her bosses (NHS of course) told her I wasn't an alcoholic and didn't need any more help, probably cos I'm not on a park bench with a bottle, which is their only vieiw of alcoholics. Sheer madness.

      Fortunately I found you guys instead :

      But, sorry, being in the UK, can't offer advice on getting one in Oz.




        Try looking for counselors that specialize in additive behavior
        Control the Mind



          I agree with Rocky. When I went to one she specialized in helping people with addictions, and even offered to approach it from a spiritual viewpoint if I wanted to.

          She never judged or made me feel uncomfortable (other than helping me see what I was truly doing to myself and those around me).
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."



            The tricky thing is that getting to the underlying emotional/psychological stuff that supports your drinking, especially early in sobriety, often makes you want to drink, which is not good in the early stages of sobriety. Common addictions treatment focuses on whatever it takes to help you stay sober initially. Later, when you are more comfortable with sobriety, it is a better time to look into underlying issues, like self-esteem, depression, childhood stuff, etc.

            Bear is right about some of the more short-term stuff helping specifically with addictions at the start.
            AF as of August 5th, 2012




              Before finding this site I went to an orgaisation called APAS in the UK, The first one I saw was lovely, very helpful and supportive, but after my initial appointment I was assigned a 'case worker' who was straight out of Uni, and had never had a drink problem. I personally find this site much more understanding as everyone here knows exactly how we feel, and although we are not trained counsellors we can really support each other with truer feelings.

              Hope that helps.

              Paula xx



                I have never been to a therapist for drinking. I'm to embarrassed to tell anyone but my Husband and you guys.I think my Mom suspects,but would never say anything. I live in a small town and how do I say this without sounding concited I do stand out in a crowd. I have explained when someone saw me coming out of the liqour store as "yes just needed this liquor for this a new recipe" But this isn't about me I do know that therapist are people, and people talk. I saw one years ago (for OCD) He mentioned me by name to another associate, that associate knew my boyfriend and spilled the beans about everything then proceeded to diagnose me (without ever meeting me) as hopeless destine to become a baglady in her opinion. No I am not a baglady. I have been a flight attendeant,interior designer, caterer and now event plannner and successfully married. (albeit the marriage thing did take me 3 times) I think therapy works for some. I just wouldn't do it again. This message board is wonderful and you never have to schedule an appointment and there is always something to make you think and know your not alone.
                We all care



                  Hi Blondie.....I think i sort of agree with Kathy, The only person that knows how to stop yourself actually drinking is you...therapists may come with all sorts of suggestions, but i honestly believe that they will be no more helpful than the advice you will find here (and a lot LESS helpful in some cases).
                  I think that the most important thing is to concentrate the energies on esteem issues, stress management, and relaxation, to ensure that the sobriety lasts,...if you feel low it is very hard to summon the strength to give this thing all the determination it needs, and you have most definitely had a very rough time lately my dear....perhaps look at personal issues first, and give the head some room to actually process your own ideas about the best ways for you to look at becoming AF...this will mean seeing a different type of counsellor, and may work out better in the long run, rather than getting a quick fix with no strategies in place to carry on with a healthy life.

                  Just a thought, as I wish that I had actually done it this way round...thing is, I didn't know how many personal issues I had before I stopped, they were all masked by the drinking. I am now going to hypnotherapy though to work through some of these.

                  The best counselor I ever had was Human Givens therapist...they use a mix of most of the major psychologically based theories to approach each person on every level.....and it seemed that there was less 'messing about' than with other types of therapy I have tried. Maybe I was just lucky with the actual man I had, but he would listen to what was bothering me, ask a few questions, and then's what i see, and then reel off a pracie of my probs, with his ideas about them ....he would then offer suggestions, as to practical things I could do, that would suit me, and the way I live, to address these...if I disagreed with any, he would tell me exactly why he had suggested these, but then we'd talk a bit more if I still wasn't comfortable.
                  I know a lot of counseling is about finding your own way, but i don't know what my way is??? I liked the way the HG went, as he offered ways for me to get myself in to a good place without weeks of dredging over past present and future...I have done this sooooo many times, and thinking about the past does not work for me...I am in the now, I just need to move forward from now, rehashing history does not erase any problems, just makes me think about them all over again......I know a few people in England that went to the same chap, my mum was one of them, and they all were really pleased and surprised that such a different and forthright approach should work so well and so quickly within their lives. Unfortunately, they do not have them here in NZ, or that would be my first port of call now. maybe in OZ though???

                  Hope you find what you need at the moment treasure, sorry, not much help....the thing is that this is all so individual, it's really tricky to recommend something to someone else....

                  Much love though Blondie, and hugs :hxxx

