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Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

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    Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

    Good mornring trooper doopers doos...

    get out yer lazy beds..
    it's monday morn an we got another 4 days to go before the nex break..
    doesn't seem so bad when you say it like that..

    Our whizzy, .Mrs A...what a champ..4.18.30 time for 24miles.& 12th in her group(please correct me if wrong!)
    what a feat..your a star..

    Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

    Ahoy there LadyJ!! Yay for Mrs A - she will be feeling pretty darn good about that! How are you LJ? This week in NZ (and Australia too I think) we have a day off on Wednesday for the Returned Service (ANZAC day or Poppy Day) so it'll be nice to have a split week!

    LJ, it is so nice to get home and log on and see your cheerful post - thanks!


      Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

      good morning KP, nice to see you this morn..or your evening..

      oooh a log fire I do miss them, thing is they would be used for plants if we had them here..:H:H

      up in the mountains and hillside yes very useful as it does get cold in winter, esp at the moment we are going thru a cold snap..
      very strange..
      must admit I plus put my gas fire on this morn.. but come 10am it's off and the sun's up to warm the day with min temps of 28-30? :beach: :H


        Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

        Sounds like a gorgeous climate, Lj - and mountains!!! Yes please! I used to live on the other side of the island so crossing the Southern Alps is a fairly regular event, visiting old friends etc. I always take the time to do a mountain walk when I make the coast to coast trip...serenity and gratitude are in abundance for me in the mountains and at the ocean....what time is it where you are?


          Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

          do they have procesion etc there for the poppy day same as UK ? which is in November first sunday of November each year


            Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

            It's 5:18am, been awake since 4:10am, been waking crazy times all thru the night thinking it was morning, but it was only 1:20 am.. and again at gave up at 4am and got up..:H


              Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

              Bloody hell!! Ah well, that's my gain to have you here :H:H

              We have a "Dawn Parade" where they have the trumpet thing and all the soldiers (those who are left, mind you) do the parade thing and the public joins in too. that's at 6am, and I've only ever been a handful of times in my life, as I'm not terribly patriotic and I'd far prefer a lie-in than a 5am start . Bad girl!! :H:H


                Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

                kapone;1302349 wrote: Bloody hell!! Ah well, that's my gain to have you here :H

                We have a "Dawn Parade" where they have the trumpet thing and all the soldiers (those who are left, mind you) do the parade thing and the public joins in too. that's at 6am, and I've only ever been a handful of times in my life, as I'm not terribly patriotic and I'd far prefer a lie-in than a 5am start . Bad girl!! :H

                I wish I could...have a lie in that is..some morn's recently I've had a nice return to sleep and gone into a deep sleep..
                But as shit luck would have it, I had to get up at 8am or my daughter calls a proper lay in is something I've yet to procure...:H

                Me also glad you're here at this time....


                  Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

                  Yes...a good way to get to know you . After the big earthquake last Feb my sleeping pattern stuffed right up and I didn't get a full night's sleep for over 6 months, it's really necessary for a healthy recovery... vital for me. How old is your daughter???


                    Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

                    Gonna put this out there I never had a reply before..!

                    so come on gang..

                    how do count AF time as you know the calendar month's length varies..

                    so do you count days-weeks-months..

                    for e.g. I'm back to 38 days................... or one month, one week one day?...........or 5 & 2/3rds weeks..wednesday being the 6th week

                    any thoughts would be welcome plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:l


                      Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

                      For me, LJ - I actually can't remember the date of my last drink. The earthquake was Fed 22, and I opened a bottle four days later and took a sip and then threw the rest out. It was only a sip and i didn't get drunk (Obviously!) but I take my sobriety date from Feb 26th 2011. I just count it month wise and that makes me 3 days away from 14 months...does that help?


                        Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

                        However, in saying that, I remember in the 1990s when i was doing a sober stint, I had 5 months or so up and fucked it up. I went to an AA meeting and admitted my 'slip' and a darling older member asked me what time I had got up that morning. I said "twenty to seven' and he replied "that makes you 20 minutes more sober than I am, as it is only about today". That really helped me a lot at that time when I was kicking myself for 'falling off' what we really have is "A DAILY REPRIEVE FROM A FATAL DISEASE, CONTINGENT ON MY SPIRITUAL PROGRAMME OF RECOVERY"...


                          Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

                          My girl is 21, just turned, I had hell thru her adolecence...girl from the exorcist..her head did a 360? spin and I didn't recognise my beautiful baby girl my Bonnie Boo, when she was born I held her in my arms and had her name, my stupid ex wanted to call her really daft names..
                          so as I held her I said she's such a bonnie baby so beautiful..aaah that's her name " Bonnie" here it also plays with the word "Bonita" beautiful, pretty Bonnie..

                          my Jamie is 23 and lives in Aberdeen, freezing his bollox off... am very proud of him he's grown into a fine young man, even tho he still not settled he has a job, pays his own way..except when I get a cry from the plzzzzzzzzzz I had my credit card cloned and they cleaned my account out, got nothing till I get paid end of the month and no food in the fridge....what can a mum do...western union office I go...!:H
                          just hope he returns here soon, I think he might..will be in three babes all back here together..:l


                            Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

                            kapone;1302356 wrote: However, in saying that, I remember in the 1990s when i was doing a sober stint, I had 5 months or so up and fucked it up. I went to an AA meeting and admitted my 'slip' and a darling older member asked me what time I had got up that morning. I said "twenty to seven' and he replied "that makes you 20 minutes more sober than I am, as it is only about today". That really helped me a lot at that time when I was kicking myself for 'falling off' what we really have is "A DAILY REPRIEVE FROM A FATAL DISEASE, CONTINGENT ON MY SPIRITUAL PROGRAMME OF RECOVERY"...
                            Yep I can relate to that..
                            it really is ODT one day at a time..I didn't count my days before I prefered to just say I don't drink thankyou, and to people that ask I will say a monthly count or weekly,

                            not sure I suppose it's as you clock up time you count differently.Hmmmm couldv'e answered my own question...:H:H


                              Army Thread Monday 23rd April (NOT the 24th)..!

                              Good morning Jan and Kapo. Two chatterboxes, you are

                              Mrs. A: I can only repeat what so many others have already said - you are an absolute inspiration. :goodjob::goodjob::goodjob:

                              I must say that it was MUCH easier to get up this morning, with the prospect of only three working days this week before a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong weekend - only going back to work next Wednesday. We're celebrating Freedom Day on Friday and I took a day's leave on Thursday, else I was going to forfeit it (SA labour legislation). Also took off next Monday because Worker's Day on Tuesday 1 May is a public holiday.
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009

