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My only way out

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    My only way out

    from the drinking game seems to be exercise. I have lived my whole llife drinking and exercising to live. Over the past few years I have been unable to exercise b/c of a few surgeries. I initially gave up exercise as a lifestyle 5 or 6 years ago. Have always taken supplements and been able to "control" my drinking untill the last several years. I started an exercise program 2 weeks ago. Between being out of work and the stress that creates (got laid off early January) I developed shingles shortly after losing my job. I have tried everything and know that I have to change now or forget it. I am so unsure of myself. I can't beleive how my life has evolved. Drinking is my best friend and worst enemy. Don't know where any of this is taking me except to the gym for now. I truly appreciate having a forum to go to for inspiration and hope. Thanks to all for being here.


    My only way out

    Dear Headless 1 - sounds like you got your head firmly planted on your shoulders getting to the gym!! Good for you!! surgeries do make it more difficult to exercise as do injuries so I applaud your efforts, . .
    WELCOME!! Hugs, Mary


      My only way out

      Hi headless :welcome:

      I've never been one much for the gym. I used to run some but that was about it. But on 10/28/06 I decided to to go af and to also go to the gym. I got a trainer and - except for being sick last week, I have been averging about 3-4 days a week at the gym And guess what? Haven't had a drink since 10/27! Moved my body fat from 33.8 to 27.8....and now I don't want to ever give it up.
      It is easy to get derailed though so I sure sympathize with your injuries. But you are right on with the exercise!
      Glad you are here-


        My only way out

        Welcome Headless...
        I have no idea how old you are, but I know Shingles is typically associated with the elderly when their immune system is breaking down. However, I got it the summer after my sophmore year in high school (16) as the result of my Mom getting cancer and being given a 30% chance to live, and a major move across the country leaving behind everyone I had ever known. (My Mom is still alive by the way 22 years later, although she does have cancer again). Anyhow, developing Shingles at a young age is the result of extreme depression or stress to the point of breaking your immune system down to level of an elderly person in last stages of life. I know this because my doctor told me, as well as my brother who is an Internist.

        I only share this to say I can relate, and also to give you a glimpse of the state your body may be in right now. You need to take care of YOU right now and I hope with all my heart that you will find all the tools you need here on this website, but depending on the level of drinking that you are at (if you are physically dependent to the point of having shakes, physical withdrawal when you dont drink), then you may very well need some medical support in addition. For me personally, it is a mental addiction. "Gotta have it" my brain is wired to think. But physically i feel better when I dont drink.

        I wish you the best and encourage you to work the whole program and not skip certain things unless they are just financially or locationally unattainable.

        All the best to you!
        What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


          My only way out


          :welcome: I am sorry to hear the trouble that you have experienced. But you're here and you will get love and support.



            My only way out

            Thanks for the kind words

            and support. I know shingles happens more often to people over 50. So I fit the profile by 3 years, lol, hard to believe how time flies. Seriously though I did some research and found that b/c of vaccinating for chicken pox people who have previously had them are not exposed to the virus and when they were it was like a booster shot to your immune system. ---- My energy level is up and down whether I drink or not, pushed myself to the gym at 8 p.m. I know I am in for a fight and appreciate all the help that is allowed here. Hopefully I will be able to help others as I progress and if not then they may possibly learn from my mistakes. At the expense of dragging on I will post again. Cheers & best regards to all

            Old Tibetan Saying:

            THE MIND
            IS LIKE WATER
            IT BECOMES CLEAR

