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Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

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    Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

    Is anyone a little blue over this Lady's passing? I was riveted by yesterday's news coverage. It just feels sad. I am worried about her baby. It just she seemed like someone you could be/know. It is a lesson to us all to live our lives as clean and sober as possible. Not a good weekend to be blue. The Husband left for Atlantic City this morning. Can't call him they don't allow cell phones in poker rooms. I guess I'll text him; (I am tough; I will get through)
    Everyone take care

    Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

    Hang in there, Simey - I know it's a little tough for you this weekend but just remember the goal that you're reaching for (and that your friends here at MWO are ready and willing to help).

    It's sad from the standpoint that it sounds like she just broke down from a combination of stress, weight-fluctuation, prescription drugs, & possibly booze and illegal drugs.

    Think about it for a minute. How many of us have thought after days/weeks of drinking and feeling out of control that this stuff could eventually kill us? How many other adverse life factors would it take (in combination with the booze) to really push us over the edge? She had lost a son, given birth, was a part of three lawsuits, had dropped 60 lbs, etc. - is it any surprise that this could happen?

    It's a sobering reminder that no matter what our position in life, no one is immune from the ravages of alcohol...
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

      Wow... reminds me of my post yesterday...

      Live...Love...Forgive...This could be any given persons last day on earth...
      Control the Mind


        Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

        Simey - I also feel a bit weirded out by her death. I was never a fan by any means. I don't know I think it was just a shock! Just like AA said, she has lived a life of complete turmoil. She also had gone through a lot over the years. She lost a son, had a daughter, court and paternity proceedings and dramatically lost all of that weight within a few months. With all that heavy stress/depression combined with the possible alcohol and drug use, it really is no wonder her body said 'enough already!'. Truly sad.

        I think for some of us we may be more suseptable emotionally to the news due to our own sensitivities.


          Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

          And Rocky - here! here! Live...Love...Forgive!


            Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

            Simey, I hope you have a nice weekend and do some really nice things for yourself. Enjoy the time alone if you can!!

            I, too, was not a fan of Anna Nicole's but am very bothered by her death. I think it is because we are almost the same age and she just seemed bigger than life. Very sad situation.

            Anyhow, hope you have a great weekend!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

              I was bothered by her death..........Can't explain why.......IAD.
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

                I was in complete shock when I heard about her death. Still am. I had been watching her interviews all week on ET about the paternity of her daughter. Im curous about the cause of death. I know drugs had to have a part in it but Im still curious.
                Smiley,try and have a great weekend,do some nice things for yourself.


                  Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

                  You know......I'm not really very is sad though.

                  I watched when her son died about five months ago and that was sad also.
                  I think one thing for me is this........My brothers first wife , who I was close to, died of a drug + alcohol overdose years ago. Accidental, but who knows. The insurance company said not.
                  She used to call me and many others when she was drinking and talk on and on. I have a cousin now that does that to me. It really upsets me still.
                  But.........since I've been dealing with this demon myself, I can certainly see how it could happen.
                  I've gotten off all kinds of drugs that could react that way. Ativan and ambien are two that come to mind. I took those for a while because of the stress of my son going to war.
                  Life IS stressful....I want to learn to deal with it and feel the good feelings AND the not so good ones. That is life....If I don't feel anything, then I might as well be dead. Im now working on the last thing and that is Zoloft. I have to come off that veryyyyyyyyyy slowly.
                  Oh and of course the wine abuse! Thanks to you guys and a Faithful God, that is heading into the history books!
                  just a thought ot two.
                  :h Nancy
                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10


                    Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

                    Having known a couple of close friends while in college, that died from alcohol and drug OD, it horribly seems familiar when I see these things.

                    I used to watch her show (a guilty pleasure), and I noted something quite often. She seemed to have that slurred consonant speech pattern, all too indicative of painkiller abuse. Even Elvis Presley had it.

                    She was quite an voluptuous and attractive lady, and it is indeed sad. My close friends, who were both ruled suicides by the way, always seemed to be in turmoil from an intense sense of isolation and aloneness in this world.

                    One thing is becoming more and more apparent as the years roll by. You can feel more alone in a crowd, than you could by yourself in the wilderness. While I don't post much about my spiritual beliefs, I believe that an individual must arrive at their own relationship to that which is creative force of the universe. There are many names for this force. It is personal, and no one else can decide it for you. I have found friends that became frustrated, and sank into despair when they relied on someone elses definitions to work for them. They sought approval from others, for their own sense of self-worth.

                    Standing in the northern Colorado Rocky Mountains a few years ago, maybe 10 miles from the nearest human, I was fly-fishing. A trout rose, and took my hook. Reeled him in, and let him go on his way. I looked up at the mountain, I was at the base of, and knew God was with me right there, right then. We have to remember those moments, when we get touched.

                    So long Anna Nicole. You were truly a babe.



                      Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

                      Smith death

                      Not to seem jaded but I really dont get surprised by celebrities deaths. What with all the press these people get, and many times all the exposure they want!! Face it, they choose to live in the spotlight, to have their lives shown to the whole world. And it seems like the ones who get the most attnetion are the ones who have some of the biggest problems. Robert Downy, the Olsen girls, Lohan, Ritchie, the list goes on and on. Take Matt Damon as an example of the flip side of that. He seems well grounded for a. in my opinion, big name actor, yet he stays out of the media spotlight personally. So while death can be a sad thing, some people open themselves up for scrutiny and with the Hollywood elite status come the pressures. Just my 2 cents...


                        Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

                        It is always sad when you see someone like her live a life of utter craziness.



                          Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

                          Anna was not on my radar . . . but from reading the posts, I do wonder if she had a bad combo of something . . .STILL am I the only person who wonders if there was any foul play involved with her death and her son's death? Wasn't there a bunch of money at stake?

                          do I just read way to many who dun its?


                            Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

                            I am wondering the same thing Mary......very coincidental.....
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                              Why is this Anna Nicole Smith death depresing me?

                              After watching the news today the authorities say no illeagal drugs were found. Just prescription 4 where mentioned of which 3 I curently have prescribed for me by my doctor. I have xanax( I neeed 1 mg a night to sleep) Vicodin (which I rarely take..Oddly enough this is the only pain killer that dosen't make me nauseous) prescriped for my broken hand. And Valium ..Which I only take before Botox injections because I hate needles. It kind of scares me because in the past I have taken all these in the course of a day plus plenty of wine!! I am forunate.

