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I really just want to vent about dinner guests

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    I really just want to vent about dinner guests

    well i had some dinner guests, my husbands collegue and her husband, we have known them for many years .. they are european (not that its bad, just part of the story)

    My husband went out and of course bought beer and a bottle of wine ... not sure why i was not too impressed but thought well we should have something to offer them.. of course they show up with even more beer .. so now i have like 15 beer in the house AND a bottle of wine. ughhh... so the evening went fine . dinner was great. i did not drink, my guests only had 1 glass of wine and like 2 beer..

    so i packed up a few beer for them to bring home.. (they were the tall cans international beer) I told them we have plenty and i just didn't want the house full of beer. and frankly i do that all the time with friends ... if there is too much left over pack upsome and send it off... no problems

    OMG he was so insulted.. but i insisted, and his wife just said "its ok lets go". then he rudley says to me. "in my cutlure its rude to give back alcohol and just because YOU have a drinking problem doesn't mean you can't keep it" and off they went...
    I should also mention that they brought a nice gift of a cutting board and a tea towel very nicely wrapped. so the beer was jsut a side thing.

    Alcohol is such a nasty thing.. i learned taht i will enver bring
    i thought WOW, WHO is rude?......OMG i was so pissed off.. shitty end to a wonderful evening..
    AF since Sept 2013...

    I really just want to vent about dinner guests

    Caper, sorry that happened. Some Europeans offer alcohol as a gift and maybe they thought you were returning their gift.

    I'm from Ontario too!

    I'm glad you had a nice evening before the alcohol issue.
    Enlightened by MWO


      I really just want to vent about dinner guests

      Oh Caper - I'm so sorry.
      I have realized something in the past week. This is a big world and even though we all speak the same language, there are some things that are just a little bit different in the parts of the world. What you did would be perfectly acceptable in my area. But, words/gestures/traditions are just a little bit different and it can cause problems.
      I am sorry that your evening had to end that way.
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        I really just want to vent about dinner guests

        WOW Caper

        What a jack ass! How about "when in Rome...." What a rude and insensitive thing to say.
        How about " in MY culture we don't make light of other people's decisions and issues so shove this alcohol up your ***?" HAHAHA-just kidding, in a mood today but really!

        Good for you fro staying sober so long. Excellent. God people can be so stupid. Frankly I don't think I would entertain these two again.

        Keep on keeping on -you are one of my inspirations


          I really just want to vent about dinner guests

          mollyka;1306543 wrote: I agree to a certain extent Nora --- language even can be soooo different - even when it's the same language so to speak - I gather an expression used regularly here in Ireland as almost a term of endearment is worldwide an obscenity:H
          Still think that bloke was incredibly rude tho - even if he had been insulted (?) the gentlemanly thing would have been to say nothing rather than insult your hostess back.
          Molly - I agree completely! I don't think there was an excuse for his behavior.
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            I really just want to vent about dinner guests

            VERY VERY rude, I am European and it is very rude in my culture. Let it go and know that you were the bigger person, you were being honest and open about your drinking problem and he made light of that, I would have put the cans in a plastic bag and beat him with them.

            I have had guests who went to the fridge to see if any of their booze was left so they could bring it home lol.....

            Feck him and his lack of manners, you didn't drink and that is deadly!
            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

            AF 10th May 2010
            NF 12th May 2010


              I really just want to vent about dinner guests

              I don't care if he's an Eskimo or a bushman, it is NOT ON TO EVER give someone with a drinking problem alcohol as a gift to start off with and secondly to say such a rude thing at the end of a pleasant evening. His momma shouldve taught him better manners. :l


                I really just want to vent about dinner guests

                hahah... ok that was some funny comments...
                well you all have made me feel much better... i was thinking i WAS being rude and i second guessed myself for days... but your RIGHT.. you're all right... it was rude of him and he was so beligerant about it... made me feel really bad.. after i cleaned the house for hours and cooked a great dinner ... I was upset and felt like a loser... an alcoholic loser..

                and they may be european but they HAVE lived here for 20 years.. ok well i won't stress about it any longer... and I won't be inviting them to dinner again..


                P.S. i should have smacked him in the gob then put the cans in a bag and beaten him with it... lol
                AF since Sept 2013...


                  I really just want to vent about dinner guests

                  I need to throw an asshole flag on this guy!!!
                  and you ROCK for not drinking!!
                  be proud of yourself!!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    I really just want to vent about dinner guests

                    Thatta girl. Empty the tins into the sink (or my fave, the compost bin), tie them together with some string. If he ever visits again, tie it to his European car as a parting 'gift'.


                      I really just want to vent about dinner guests

                      I agree with everyone HE IS THE ARSEHOLE. And he has a personality problem and if I was his wife I would be mortified.


                        I really just want to vent about dinner guests

                        Ne/Neva Eva;1306765 wrote: you think maybe he's got a wee bit of a booze problem himself? 'cause lord knows, he's got a BIG problem with his arsehole.


                          I really just want to vent about dinner guests

                          wow. I think the only thing you could have said back to him was "well I'm not european"

                          so in "his culture" it's rude to offer alcohol back, but it's ok to be obnoxious and rude to your hostess? Yikes, what a plonker. I laughed at the suggestion to bag up the beer and hit him with it :H I definitely wouldn't be inviting them back for dinner again, life too short to spend time with an a@@hole like that. Rude, just rude.


                            I really just want to vent about dinner guests

                            You should have retorted, "In my culture, it's rude to offer ALCOHOL as a GIFT to people who have TOLD you they don't drink." Assuming they knew... If they did, what nerve!

                            "I like people too much or not at all."
                            Sylvia Plath


                              I really just want to vent about dinner guests

                              In Oz, we often give our guests some al to take home,its the norm. So sorry you were insulted and hurt, it is damn difficult enough being an alcoholic without some insensitive AH rubbing it in. In OZ we would call him a PRICK!!!! Try not to let you and hubby worry to much about it!

