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Army Thread 29th April

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    Army Thread 29th April

    kapone12;1307002 wrote: Hi again - I'm not sure what's going on with my computer but it keeps logging me out when I try to post :H - if I get through THIS time yay! I'll have to log out and start again with the whole system tonight. So wishing you all a great Sunday - starts, all best with your family lunch in-laws thing, and Oney, I laugh at your complete list of want family members, i quite like some of mine, but I know what ya mean!!

    Wish me luck with the bloody technical shite of life!!

    See yas
    Chuck it out the window Kapo :H
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Army Thread 29th April

      satz123;1307004 wrote: Jazus yiz are all a right barrel of laughs this morning.:H

      Pingu good luck with AA - sure give one more shot?
      Shut yer face you, you just pain some decrepit aul lad 35 quid for rubbing GOD KNOWS WHAT into yer feet and a sit on his sun lounger....the fecker probably has not had a thril like that since 1977.:H:H:H
      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

      AF 10th May 2010
      NF 12th May 2010


        Army Thread 29th April

        one2many;1306998 wrote: I hate socialising with family, in laws, out laws, aunties, cousins, grannys, brothers, nieces, nephews, uncles,grandads, fathers,mothers, sister in laws and great aunts.

        Pure wank.
        With you on that one. Wank times a billion.....
        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


          Army Thread 29th April

          one2many;1307007 wrote: Shut yer face you, you just pain some decrepit aul lad 35 quid for rubbing GOD KNOWS WHAT into yer feet and a sit on his sun lounger....the fecker probably has not had a thril like that since 1977.:H:H:H


            Army Thread 29th April

            Ahhh Satz, I cracked up when I read yer post, you are a funny fecker x
            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

            AF 10th May 2010
            NF 12th May 2010


              Army Thread 29th April

              satz123;1307000 wrote: Hi Pingupoo. Sorry ... You cranky this morn?:l
              Joke for you and Tigger ....... In a food race. What did the chip say to the tomato sauce??? Go ahead and I'll ketchup......:H:H
              No, not cranky at all. Enjoying this miracle called peace....and wondering when I should get her up......
              Thx for the joke
              I was just saying hiiii satz I'm here

              Aa hmmmmm not sure, trying to b open minded but.......

              Morning everyone else
              I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

              They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                Army Thread 29th April

                Oh forgot. Says legs are extension of feet (who'd have guessed) and may need massage for the drainage of lymph glands.
                Told my sister THEY go all way up to the groin:nutso::yeahright:


                  Army Thread 29th April

                  satz123;1307012 wrote: Oh forgot. Says legs are extension of feet (who'd have guessed) and may need massage for the drainage of lymph glands.
                  Told my sister THEY go all way up to the groin:nutso::yeahright:
                  Was he on a horn when he said this?
                  "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                  AF 10th May 2010
                  NF 12th May 2010


                    Army Thread 29th April

                    one2many;1307013 wrote: Was he on a horn when he said this?
                    STOP. :H:H I'm sure the Buddha was a creepy ol fecker in his day too. He turned out ok:H


                      Army Thread 29th April

                      satz123;1307016 wrote: STOP. :H:H I'm sure the Buddha was a creepy ol fecker in his day too. He turned out ok:H
                      A fat fecker too. What's he got to be laughing about?


                        Army Thread 29th April


                        Do you feel any better??
                        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                        AF 10th May 2010
                        NF 12th May 2010


                          Army Thread 29th April

                          kapone12;1306976 wrote: Hi guys - Kapone here - I just got home to find all my stuff on laptop up the shitter. I couldn't log in, it wouldn't recognise me and I couldn't contact administrator even so I had to re-register. A total mystery. I have no idea what happened....I have only been out, well just under two hours....weird.

                          Anyhoo, I'll be back in a bit, just letting you know this is what I'm looking like at the mo, no doubt my cat avatar will be gone! Hope all well this sunday morn....back soooooon
                          Hiya kp :l
                          I know this my sound silly, but I couldn't get in, and it was because I had used the wrong password that I use for something else, finally got in when tigeroooonie did it for for me..:H

                          Gawd I do feel strange....hands & fingers are jerking involuntary...and hips and legs ar doing the same, have fallen over so much, head doen't seem too bad except short term memory is crap, keep forgetting what I doing and start something else and typing is crap...!! have to correct a million times..

                          I think it's my own stupid fault, I took two of the tabs the doc gave me when I first stopped again..! it's a muscle relax axant also for epilepsia's totally knocked me I took I'm doubly dizzy..!


                            Army Thread 29th April

                            one2many;1307020 wrote: LMAO!!

                            Do you feel any better??
                            Lovely post over on the shout out thread Oney. Made me weepy.

                            (Maybe it is working)


                              Army Thread 29th April

                              satz123;1307022 wrote: Nope.
                              Lovely post over on the shout out thread Oney. Made me weepy.

                              (Maybe it is working)

                              Maybe it is and you are clearing out negative stuff hon, sometimes can take a while for it to shift x
                              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                              AF 10th May 2010
                              NF 12th May 2010


                                Army Thread 29th April

                                ladyjan;1307021 wrote: Hiya kp :l
                                I know this my sound silly, but I couldn't get in, and it was because I had used the wrong password that I use for something else, finally got in when tigeroooonie did it for for me..:H

                                Gawd I do feel strange....hands & fingers are jerking involuntary...and hips and legs ar doing the same, have fallen over so much, head doen't seem too bad except short term memory is crap, keep forgetting what I doing and start something else and typing is crap...!! have to correct a million times..

                                I think it's my own stupid fault, I took two of the tabs the doc gave me when I first stopped again..! it's a muscle relax axant also for epilepsia's totally knocked me I took I'm doubly dizzy..!
                                Jesus Jan - take care :l

