Peace in the house and cooking lunch for the kids.
Quick update before I read back....
Same fellow from a few weeks ago. Molly was right-he was just busy and didn't contact me for a few days-but I went into a depression thinking he didn't fancy me. :upset: So, I didn't post for a few days (here on MWO) and just worked my arse off and hated the world.
I actually envy all of you who are with the same partener and have made it work. It's quite difficult trying to start a new relationship after divorce (and kids involved). But he seems like a very good man and I am going to take things one day at a time. And he's cool that I don't drink! Actually, he is not shocked at all-so many French women at this time of year are dieting so they can get their skinny arses into their bikinis before the summer.:H
So...I will see what happens. But I think I really like him. Aughhh!!!!:H
Hope you are ok JC :h