Day 16 here and doing fine. As I said the Antabuse is good for me right now. I started telling myself I had noticeable side effects from it, and thinking about drinking after stopping it. BUT NO-the alcohol brain voice will not prevail.
I am going to take 1/2 my previous dose and continue it, as I know that that dose level will prevent drinking. Also it's expensive so my current batch can last longer.
Like a lot of us here I loike reading about other's struggles with addiction. The latest one I have is by Bill Clegg-The Addict as a Young Man. He was a crack addict, adn since I dabbled in crack a few years ago I found it interesting. He would also use alcohol to excess to take the edge off. He is a very good writer and I am inspired by him. I never did crack more than one day in a row but I can relate to his descriptions of being high and conjuring all sorts of perceived threats and paranoia.
I guess the crack thing never grabbed me like alcohol always did for various reasons. One being $$$$-it's an expensive addiction. But then again what addiction is not expensive?
Money being the least of the expense-the physical harm, family damage, work issues, DUIs and all the rest are a pretty high price to pay to self-medicate. SO NOT WORTH IT.
This place is my sanctuary. When I feel weird at all I just come here and read the good words of good people who are fighting this with me and WINNING. I think you start winning at the moment you admit it is what it is and TRY!
Have a wonderful day everyone
Peace and love