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army 30/04/2012
army 30/04/2012
mollyka;1307496 wrote: Mornin healthy MrsA:l Stirls Patty Pingu Jan, sore Oney (sounds like it might have been quite worth it achully--- just sayin!!) Jackie (hope you feel perkier today?) Pinky Kapo - hope I got everyone there?? Bit brighter here in Dublin - and in the Molly house as well - Mrmiseryguts is slightly less miserable - we are heading off to the new Marvel thingy movie in 3D -- looking forward to it - then a good long walk in Skerries on the beach - bit of shopping then home for Thai take-away ---- I am fed up to my back teeth of poverty - so the birthday money is being raided --- feck them:H
army 30/04/2012
Morning army well its grey cold and windy this end of Dublin but no rain. The massage sounded good oney i guess you will feel the benefit of it later. Glad you're feeling better mrs A oh you looked great in your marathon pics i just viewed yesterday thanks for pm. Thats sounds a lovely day Molly enjoy. Stirly you always post such lovely glitzy pics where do you get them they are so colourful and cheerful. Just got up at 9.30 and just having my first coffee:cupajoe:. Have to tidy my hot press today and the usual bit of houswork put washing etc. To everyone else have a good monday.
army 30/04/2012
Good Morning All! Hope everyone is well! Looks kind of quiet around here - only three pages of posts - usually I am down by 9 by the time I am on!What a wonderful weekend it was here. Lots of family time (and lots of errands). Busy week and on Friday it is my eldest's senior prom! Where does the time go? ANyway, have to run - sending hugs your way.
Love WaggyFebruary 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h
When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!
army 30/04/2012
Morning Army
Mrs A so glad your getting better :l and another :l for our JC
Wish I had the day off, bored.com in this place and its only 10.30 god help me, something tells me its going to be a very looooooooooong day :upset:Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
army 30/04/2012
Well I've just made me phone calls.
I'm going for an introductory riding lesson on 11th May. Haven't sat on a horse since I was about 10. Terrifying big brutes.................tick
Staring Pilates on Thursday morning.................tick
Going to have a few sun bed sessions ( I know very naughty) ................tickIt could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
army 30/04/2012
Morning Panno. Wow jc that a couple of nice things planned for yourself. Not sure about sunbed session tho quite bad for your skin i haven't done any in years and wudn't now. A good bottle is what iuse if i'm very pale in summer. I'm going to try and get out for a walk today i've been copoed up more or less all weekend i got cabin fever lol. Better make a start on the house work be back later.