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army 30/04/2012

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    army 30/04/2012

    Just got to nip up to friggintesco.

    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      army 30/04/2012

      I just got paid 30 quid for something I wasn't expecting to get paid for...


      I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

      They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


        army 30/04/2012

        mollyka;1307763 wrote: Jaysus - where's you off to now?? He would absolutely love it Oney - such a little boy (well any male under 70 I reckon) movie! Victor is decidedly happier looking - AND he's back to work tomorrow - so a bit of space will be good!!
        Evening Stirls and Reccie - d'yaknow Stirls I would never 'count' housework as exercise - a bit like window shopping --- if you do it energetically it's every bit as exercisy I reckonWell, it might not be exercise, but you do burn some calories.
        JackieClaire;1307755 wrote: Just got to nip up to friggintesco.

        Get yer arse back here soon. Have you gone for choccie by any chance??
        Recluse;1307753 wrote:

        Well done panno

        I think I spy the Mrs A effect at work in the barracks today...
        :wavin: Reccie. Sorry, I'm late in saying hello to you. I was off in PM world for a bit. And talking to Zenny-butt.

        And :hallo: Pingu!!
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          army 30/04/2012

          Hi stirly

          And everyone else.

          Why do Tiggers have to sit on top of you..... Then roll head first backwards off the sofa,.... When mum is trying to watch corrie in peace.......
          I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

          They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


            army 30/04/2012

            stirly-girly;1307770 wrote:
            Get yer arse back here soon. Have you gone for choccie by any chance??
            Well you know this bull that I was taking by the horns this morning well I've started.

            Went up to friggintesco where they have a separate wee salon doing sun beds and had me first 5mins.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              army 30/04/2012

              Mrs A back late. Got a call from the GP re my results. I am supposed to be at deaths door according to blood/poo work.
              Do you know what they said?? My poor recovery was due to running a marathon. It really makes me angry that doctors like to have a reason/excuse when they cannot solve the problem. They are very upset when i go along with a cough and say I do not smoke! it throws them completely. Rant over


                army 30/04/2012

                xpost Hi Pingu and JC Et al


                  army 30/04/2012

                  pingu1997;1307772 wrote: Hi stirly

                  And everyone else.

                  Why do Tiggers have to sit on top of you..... Then roll head first backwards off the sofa,.... When mum is trying to watch corrie in peace.......I have no idea. Actually when I read the first two parts, I thought it was another joke from Tigger's book. :H And I have no idea who Corrie is either. I assume it's a TV series that we don't get here in Greece. Is it Coronation Street? I've heard of it but never seen it.
                  JackieClaire;1307774 wrote:
                  Well you know this bull that I was taking by the horns this morning well I've started.

                  Went up to friggintesco where they have a separate wee salon doing sun beds and had me first 5mins.
                  Jaysus, JC, when you grab the bull, or rather the horns, you really grab them. Did that sound right? Good for you on getting started right away. So tell me, did the choccie in yer handbag melt in the sun bed?:H
                  For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                  AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                    army 30/04/2012

                    stirly-girly;1307778 wrote:
                    Jaysus, JC, when you grab the bull, or rather the horns, you really grab them. Did that sound right? Good for you on getting started right away. So tell me, did the choccie in yer handbag melt in the sun bed?:H
                    :H:H:H Cheeky bint. I'm on day 6 CF, I'll have you know and it's killing me.

                    I can't rant about my doctor's practice. They've always been marvellous. Been with them so long the doctor who delivered me was still there when I was pregnant with me daughter.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      army 30/04/2012

                      Coronation street
                      Or as some people all it..... Constipation street...
                      That's a joke btw x
                      I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                      They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                        army 30/04/2012

                        Haven't watched Coronation Street for years or any of the big soaps. Turned my TV addiction to CSIs
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          army 30/04/2012

                          Evening just going to watch the 2nd part of corrie. Went out for a 40 min walk bout 7 feeling tired now.


                            army 30/04/2012

                            Firefox;1307796 wrote: Evening just going to watch the 2nd part of corrie. Went out for a 40 min walk bout 7 feeling tired now.
                            Well done FF Where did you walk??


                              army 30/04/2012

                              Just locally tru a park an around a few housing estates.


                                army 30/04/2012

                                Recluse;1307753 wrote: Evening

                                Well done panno

                                I think I spy the Mrs A effect at work in the barracks today...
                                She's our coach.:l
                                Everyone sounds nice and busy today. I had a lovely lunch with a friend today.

                                The weather was actually nice enough that we could eat outside. But it's raining tonight.
                                But anyways, lots of fun window shopping in a very cool area of Paris and some good girly talk with a Canadian friend who lives here now.
                                So overall-a good day. And no work tomorrow!!!! Cuz it's the 1st of May.
                                See you all in the morning. xxx Attached files [img]/converted_files/1844040=6772-attachment.jpg[/img]

