Last year a dear friend who lives in the North of England told me that she had been to her doctor to say that she had a drink problem and was told that she needed to be referred to an addiction councellor. She waited for several months and didn't get an appointment, chased up her doctor and was told there is a big waiting list so she will just have to wait. It's now a year and she still hasn't got an appointment.
I thought that maybe she is just unlucky and after years of struggling with my own drink problem FINALLY plucked up the courage to go to my doctor to ask for help. I asked my husband to come with me for moral support as I was a bag of nerves at having to come clean about my problem - but was really looking forward to getting constructive help at last.
The first thing the doctor said to me was: 'I'm sorry, I can't help you - we only deal with primary care, but I can give you the number of an addiction clinic.' I asked her if she could prescribe me Antabuse, because I believed it would help me, but she said 'No' sorry I can't help you. I told her that I could buy Antabuse on the internet, but was scared to take it without medical supervision and she just said that she would strongly advise me not to take Antabuse on my own! Helloooo??!!!
I rang the addiction clinic as soon as I got home - broke down in tears and told them how desperate I was to get help. They took my details and said that someone would call me back to discuss making an appointment. That was a week ago!!:stomper:
So - here I am on my own (and with all of you lovely MWO folk - hopefully
I'm so angry - not just for myself, but all of the other people who have tried to get help and simply can't get heard! I'm not going to let the b***ards get me down though.
Today is Day 5 AF for me.
Thanks for listening!! :thanks:
Snap x