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Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

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    Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

    could be either worms or coccidiosis happy - both common in chookies. obviously, first easy to treat, latter more difficult.
    Got any pentavite?
    give child's dose multivits - can't hurt. Oral fluids very important as is electroltyte replacement. Using powdered staminade a good idea - make up as per directions & give 5mls by beak every few hrs.
    Worth a shot anyways.


      Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

      Corri, love the convo, experience is the best teacher.

      Haps, going online and looking up symptoms leads to a truckload of worms. Hope you had a lovely quiet time.

      TF, I don't know Zep, but what an exciting thing/time.

      Just think, soon I will be typing at all kinds of crazy hours on here!
      I bought a mudcake because they were on sale and I am going on a diet after baby comes. Also bought a massive block of chocolate!

      Nicey, I like that, Favorite Honey.

      Tips, please send veggie Bilatong recipe. What shall I substitute for meat? Hehe.

      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


        Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

        Thanks corri :l....I did the worm treatment but its hard to know who drank what if anything...will rattle through the cupboards and see what I've got. I've been googling everything from yoghurt to pumpkin seeds and back and beyond...poor little buggar...


          Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

          If you can get hold of any ivermectin from a sheep farmer then a few drops of that onto skin behind neck also penetrates thru skin to combat worms. Dissolved dewormers in water are notorious for not being useful.
          Do the eletrolytes & multivits.
          I love chookies, can't stand seeing 'em sick.
          Good luck & get better Ginger!!!!


            Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

            Going to check with one of my girlfriends who has livestock so should be able to get my hands on some...geez googling coccidiosis didnt help my peace of mind much either - she is my fluffy chookie! Will get her better and thanks again!

            Now Sunny - have we started the betting pool yet on your due date? Boy or girl? Weight?


              Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

              Ha! Reg! No - I DID NOT EAT THE 1/4 thats missing....just the rest of it!!!


                Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                Consult fee = recipe for coffee cake with cinnamon please happy, it's a 7 day account....


                  Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                  coriander;1315043 wrote: Consult fee = recipe for coffee cake with cinnamon please happy, it's a 7 day account....
                  On its way lovely just have to do a bit of cut and paste...I still want to know how Tawny did the muffins...


                    Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                    Before I bet I'll need to see a profile pic Sunny to see if you've "dropped"......
                    ..well that we do with mares & bitches anyways...:H:H:H
                    Sorry sorry all in good fun I'll go June 16th, a girl.
                    And what's wrong with the names Madison & Sky?????


                      Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                      It all goes back to the Reg list of names NOT to name your baby...pretty sure at least one of mine was on it but it was a different weird spelling...


                        Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                        And I'm pegging the 19th May...she'll go early...and I am 50/50 on the sex...


                          Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.



                            Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                            June 1.

                            Tawny if girl
                            Frogg if boy


                              Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                              Undies I have been reduced to stalking a child at a BBQ with a laptop and procuring it under false pretences whilst providing the kid with a trans fat decoy.

                              Laptop is with a friend who is a Techie.
                              He is doing the job for nicks, so as much as I feel like giving him a nudge he is very busy and I doubt has even started my job!!!!!!

                              Will have to catch you all as and when.....

                              Hope this child's mother doesn't check his browsing history
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

