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Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

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    Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

    So glad to see you, Sunny - I was hoping the crap post wouldn't detract from your first day back at home. Bet you're soooo looking for the parents to arrive to show off your beautiful, beautiful boy.


      Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

      I am SO EXCITED for my parents. Four people to change nappies instead of two sounds great. I won't even tell you how many I changed in 6 hours last night.

      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


        Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

        Is this their first grandie?


          Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

          Hi Bridge,

          Yes, yes, yes my beautiful pink bike has arrived! She is gorgeous indeed. I fell off into the shrubs leaving the driveway but since it's been steady as she goes. She has a wicker basket and my Dharmsie dog is still a bit flummoxed about the whole travel in the basket deal but is brave and tries not to shake too badly as it puts my steering off a little. I tried to upload a pic if me, Dharmsie, Marilyn (bike) and my grandson but I couldn't make it happen. I could send it to someone to upload for me if they were to volunteer their The basket has little handles so you can carry it with ease. Oh, my life is now complete.....once I get me my peasant dress of course!!!! What about hand made fresh flower hair do things as well???

          Rags, the chookie can cook off would be fun for the kiddies IMO.

          I just smile and smile every time I see the pic of our little Bump.

          It's a chilly afternoon at post code 2151....brrr..... I was all warm and sleepy at the command desk now feeling the evening chill.

          Must away and search for food.... I'm not really into food but seeing the fun you all have here with yumminess it's spiked my interest.....

          It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
          Mother Theresa


            Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

            nicelife;1321488 wrote:

            I just smile and smile every time I see the pic of our little Bump.
            Yup, Nicey, me too. He just doesn't look like a freshly-hatched baby. He looks like he knows stuff. I throb him.


              Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

              tawnyfrog;1321482 wrote: Is this their first grandie?
              Tecnically no, but experience wise yes.
              Mom gave up a son for adoption when she was young and reconnected with him 2 years ago. He has 3 kids and they are all in their teens. So really experience wise this is their first grand child.

              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                Oh yes - chookie can may be a bit dangerous for littlies. I wasn't that good at motherhood.....
                It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                Mother Theresa


                  Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                  He has an old soul I reckon. He is named after his great grandfather who is a beautiful man that passed away decades ago.

                  Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                    Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                    ... so if I ask old Mrs. Google about Great Grandfather Bump I will learn secrets?


                      Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                      sunshinetoday;1321481 wrote: I am SO EXCITED for my parents. Four people to change nappies instead of two sounds great. I won't even tell you how many I changed in 6 hours last night.
                      I know...You cant believe something that little can put out that much will be so lovely for you all. Forgot to ask how the MIL is taking in everything?

                      Nicey, do we get to see a photo of the bike? I can help you get it posted or Tawny or Raggsey, they're the real photographers. You could even change my mind about the evils of cycling, the mental image looks good...


                        Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                        byebyebridgetjones;1321464 wrote: How old are they again?

                        I think it's a bit dangerous for young kids when you think of the hot fat/balance thing.

                        OK. I just found an old 'Menu' that I asked the boys to out together ages ago.
                        Hot dogs
                        Baked beans/spaghetti on toast
                        Boiled egg****
                        Egg in the hole
                        Meat Pie home made
                        Toasted sandwiches
                        Pizza/Mini Pizza
                        Spag Bol.

                        ***Make sure they use those plastic holders that you hang on the side of the pot and then just lift out rather than draining boiling water.

                        More than anything I'd turn it into a kitchen safety and methodology lesson.

                        Raggs, what TF is going to happen to these kids when their mother goes??
                        Has it been discussed?? Does everyone know their roles and where to go to get help?
                        Bridge, it is just so distressing... I just don't know what is going to happen.
                        I'm going to see if I can have a good talk tomorrow if she's not too exhausted (physically and emotionally) from this palliative care session tomorrow.
                        I am at the stage where I feel even if I alienate myself from her (which I don't think will happen) or her dad (which very likely will happpen) I must talk to them and actually use the word death or dying..
                        The dad is on the big denial thing at the moment.
                        No, they don't know roles and where to get help. I've said start with hospital social worker but I think that has been ignored. Hate to say it but her dad isn't the brightest and he has always been a bit of a ditherer and procrastinator.
                        But what I have seen is a decline since I first caught up with her only 6 weeks ago. From what happened with my aunt, mum and husband, and what she's describing this will overtake her very soon. But I can't say that as I'm not a doctor. But they are certainly not prepared. I may ring that friend of hers a bit later this evening.

                        Not sure what she's told the kids. I don't think she's told them she's going to die. Just that she's going to be sick. I think she should tell them within the next couple of weeks She has told them she has liver cancer but they sort of treat it lightly. .

                        But hell, just how much do I butt in?

                        Kitchen: I'll be taking some of my own equipment as I don't know what they have. Kitchen is miniscule so I asked if they would use dining room for the meal . They usually all squeeze round the kitchen table which is a bit silly as it's awfully squishy.
                        Good point about handling hot dishes.
                        I'll also make it into a keep your workspace clean and clear, watch out for ringers, pot handles etc. Is that the sort of thing you mean?


                          Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                          nicelife;1321439 wrote:

                          Watch this space......

                          Now I'm cheered!!!!

                          I'm watching!


                            Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                            And Rags the Thai turkey meatballs are easy. Or any flavoured meatball. Just 500g mince, grated onion, beaten egg and a tablespoon of Thai curry paste or an Indian curry paste. Roll in a ball and you can bake them on a tray in the oven if you dont want the kids frying them. They can have em with pasta or on little bread rolls with cheese and salad, like a sub.


                              Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                              Sorry Bridge, the girls are 14 and 12 and theboy is 9


                                Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                                X-posted Raggsey :l

